I want to touch base with the saints as we are moving forward with our national event in July. Our desire is to lay a strong foundation of intercession as we seek the Lord to bless Kentucky by becoming the first abortion free state in America.
God has blessed us with connecting with the local prayer movement in Kentucky with the OSA vision and mission. One intercessor group (There are other intercessor groups on board as well) has a director of prayer and team in every district in Kentucky. They will be helping to lead the charge through prayer as we prepare boots on the ground. Intercession combined with godly action are a dynamic duo that will produce good Kingdom fruit in our pursuit to abolish abortion now in Kentucky.
Currently, OSA has scheduled times of corporate prayer three times a week. I’m hoping that those who can will make these times of corporate prayer a righteous priority. The following information will connect those interested with these prayer opportunities. Feel free to join in anytime you would like to pray with the OSA intercessors.
Operation Rescue National/Operation Save America
Corporate prayer call:
Sunday 7 PM- 8 PM (Central)
Tuesday 11 AM- 12 PM
Thursday 7 PM- 8 PM
Calls are hosted by rescuers, Gary Jelich, Bruce Stuckey, and Eva Edl. If you can’t call, pray from where you are.
(641)715-3200 Access code 1055110#
Also, here are two documents that lay out the prayer strategy as we move forward. Feel free to use them as the Lord leads as well.
The Four-fold Prayer Strategy
1) We are beginning now to mobilize intercessors to make our national event a major prayer target. Contact churches, friends, family, and fellow believers and call them to cry out to God for Kentucky’s deliverance from blood guilt.
2) We are calling the church to fast and pray using the book of Psalms for three days to prepare the way of the Lord “For Such a Time as This!” The dates for the fast and prayer are July 17-19, 2017. Spread the word and get others to commit to this much needed Kingdom focus. Jesus reminds us there are certain evils and demonic strongholds that can only be broken by prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21).
3) We will set up a prayer tent somewhere strategically in the city for our 24 hour prayer watch. It will begin Saturday morning, July 22nd at 8 AM and it will end Sunday morning, July 23rd at 8 AM. We will need to staff this tent with intercessors who will commit to a 2 hour period of time during the 24 hours. We will need 12 teams to make sure the 24 hours are covered. The local intercessor groups are working to staff this tent of meeting. If those from OSA would like to participate, please let me know at your earliest convenience and we will you sign you up for some of the slots. We are planning on having bibles, tracts, prayers, praise, and worship all 24 hours.
4) This is not set in stone, but if there is a willingness and we have the intercessors committed, we plan on moving the Tent of Meeting to the abortion mill. Thus, we can have 24/7 intercession for the entire week. Please let me know if that is something that you might be interested in as fulfilling part of the prayer vision for Kentucky.
We have about a month and a half before the national event begins. Much labor, time, and resources have already been invested. Let’s now set our face like flint, our prayers towards heaven, and our feet towards the gates of hell, knowing the promise of God that they will not prevail against the church of the living God. Please pass on this prayer vision to those in your sphere of influence. Thanks and keep pressing on to the high call and prize.