Calling all prayer warriors and intercessors. We need you to sign up to pray at our “24 Hour Prayer Watch” in Louisville, KY. July 22-23 (8 AM-8 AM) The location is TBA. The following is the link to sign up for a two hour slot. Please pass this opportunity on to others as well.
Come join local Christians and Operation Rescue National/Operation Save America as we pray for the immediate end of abortion, Gov. Matt Bevin, and for the state of Kentucky to become the first abortion free state in America.
There will be two hour shifts. We need a minimum of two people per shift. All ages welcomed. Worshippers are wanted. **Men needed for the evening shifts**
For 24 hours we will be waging war in the heavens that we might see God’s victory on earth. God willing and with enough intercessors participating, we plan on moving the Tent of Meeting to the last remaining death camp. We would love to see 24/7 intercession besieging that last remaining death camp. If you would like to be a part of that aspect of vital ministry contact my wife, Kendra Thomas, at kendramarian@yahoo.com or you can reach her by Facebook.
God’s word promises, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds” (2 Cor 10:5). The gates of hell will not prevail against the Church (Matt. 16:18). Let’s put on our armor, unsheathe the Sword of the Spirit, and cry out to God to cleanse Kentucky from blood guiltiness in Jesus’ mighty name!
Rescue Interview
Rescue Interview Part 1