And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.” (Matthew 28:18-20).
Serving in the ministry of Operation Rescue/Operation Save America for close to 3 decades has produced several great challenges, along with many wonderful blessings. One of the main honors is to fellowship and serve the Lord in the battle with high caliber, committed brothers and sisters in the Lord. These are Christians who carry in their bodies the scars of the Lord. They pour out their lives to spend and be spent for the cause of Christ.
One of those special people is Miss Pat McEwen. She has been after me for years to accompany her on one her many foreign mission trips. She has well represented the Lord and our ministry abroad. My heart, however, has always been for the plight of our beleaguered nation. Lately, she has struggled with cancer and just went through the hurricane Irma in Florida. This one determined Irish woman would not relent.
So, reluctantly, I went to South Africa with this incredible lady.
This unexpected mission trip is one that I will treasure for the rest of my days. Let me explain. Miss Pat tells me that she shared the vision and mission for our going to South Africa, but due to other pressing matters something was lost in translation. We were two days in South Africa before I realized what Miss Pat had arranged.
She had scheduled me as a main speaker at a “Pro-life” forum and a main speaker spot at the Durban March for Life. Here is a portion of the video taken at the March from a cell phone,
In God’s good providence another unexpected door opened up that will be explained later. When it finally dawned on me of what was expected, the full weight of responsibility fell. I had not prepared anything beforehand. There was no vision, message, or no notes to draw upon.
Obviously, my first reaction was to get on my knees and pray. I sensed the Lord cautioning me to take my hands off of this opportunity and just trust Him. God had this covered. God’s Word states, “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt; Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it” (Psalms 81:10). God’s Word went forth.
To my shock and surprise, the South Africans received the challenging messages with gladness of heart and actually hungered for more. In America, our vision, mission, and message, for the most part, has been rejected by the American church. We have been vanquished from most of the pulpits of America. It seems most do not want to be confused by the truth. This was not the response in South Africa. Frankly, it was weird, but deeply appreciated.
At the forum, I had the honor to minister alongside a precious post-abortive sister, who gave her powerful testimony. Her name is Melissa Hertz. She did not dance around the issue or feign excuses to make herself look like a victim. She told the horrible truth about what she had done and why she did it. Here are two videos that reveal her powerful testimony.
She plans on coming to America with her family to serve with OSA at the appointed time.
Another special brother who spoke was Pastor Xolani Ncuthu Klaas. He was conceived in rape. Powerful earthly and dark spiritual forces conspired to murder him in his mother’s womb. He had one advocate, however, a godly grandmother. She stood in the gap and convinced her daughter not to commit evil to make up for the evil that was done to her. She said, “You could end up destroying our family’s Moses.”
His mother hearkened and spared his life. His name reveals his heritage. Xolani means Be at peace and Forgiven. Ncuthu means Remember. His very life has become the message to South Africa. I encouraged him to “Shout it from the roof tops.”
The unexpected door that opened was phenomenal. At the mission, Kwasizabantu, which means, “A place for people to find help” the door opened to speak at their nightly service. This place was birthed in a heaven sent revival. To learn more of its extraordinary beginnings and the blessed Kingdom fruit it has produced, check out this brief video. It is called “When God Came Down.” I promise it will bless you beyond measure,
When walking to the pulpit in this spectacular architectural marvel of a church building that seats 8000 people, I felt the tangible presence of God. The the Kabod of God, the weight of His glory was clearly present. Those who know me know that I’m not shy or fearful to preach God’s Word. In this case, however, with no notes or preconceived message, my body trembled and I had to control my emotions. My instinct was to just weep. I literally felt the heritage and history of this movement of God. Slowly, I opened my mouth and once again, God filled it.
There were missionaries from other nations. Hundreds of people filled the seats. Again, this happens every night for God knows how long. They worshipped God in several different languages and though I did not understand the words, the universal language of the Holy Spirit was present. There was black and white from every kindred, tribe and tongue. It was such a powerful representation of the Kingdom of God in one place.
After ministering God’s Word from my heart, one missionary invited me to speak in Holland and another missionary said the message was so convicting that he may have to return to his country to fight against the evils savaging his nation.
One of the missionaries, Clive Nass, who serves with Doctors for Life summed up some of the reaction to this mission trip.
I did not have the luxury nor the privilege to be present when you and Prof. Pat left the mission to say good bye and to really impress upon you my most sincere appreciation and gratitude for not only coming to South Africa, but for the gargantuan blessing that you both brought with you (I’m not sure who was more blessed us or them)!
I cannot begin to verbally express sufficiently the depth to which you touched my life personally and many, many others around me in your services and preaching! I thank you and I most especially thank our Father for allowing you to cross my path in so much as showing me that where in the past I may have seen flat pages in a book, that you have clearly shown me the beauty of the richly woven tapestry that is God’s word, the Bible. The very passion with which you serve the Lord is indeed something I hope to attain one day.
Brethren, I’ve come back from South Africa deeply moved and stirred. What we saw and heard has left a lasting impression upon my soul. God blessed Miss Pat and I to be at a place where one of the most powerful revivals to ever visit the earth transpired. The impact is still going forth from this place several decades later that is touching the nations of the earth.
I’m trying to absorb it and discern the Lord’s will through it all.
When I returned, I wrote this message on Facebook. It sums up my desire to pursue what happened in South Africa and seek God to see it duplicated in our bloody, perverted nation:
How many of you desire to see people transformed (deathscorts, abortionists, sodomites, and those lost to false religions) sick bodies healed, and souls delivered from demonic strongholds? In other words, do you long to see signs of God’s Kingdom that is not just in word only, but in power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost (1 Corinthians 4:20)?
How many desire for God to open the heavens and rain down His Spirit in a true heaven-sent revival? May I suggest this will never happen by keeping the status quo in our religious and spiritual lives. It takes a sacred frustration, a holy dissatisfaction, and an agonizing, desperate seeking of God. It requires a deeper consecration.
Are you willing to count the cost and pay the price? Get your eyes off of men, their intellects, and their agendas. God’s Word declares, “Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:12, 13).
If we want God to show up and show off, we must seek Him with all our hearts. May we not delay in giving this to our God, on the behalf of our bloody, demonized, and immoral nation.
Something of a mini revival started in Louisville. It grew in South Africa and may God be pleased to fan the flame as we move forward to Indianapolis and beyond.
Hope to see you in Indianapolis for “Leaders a Time Like This Demands” in Jesus’ name!”
Operation Save America
We unashamedly take up the cause of preborn children in the name of Jesus Christ; and we employ only biblical principles.
To contact us or donate by check:
Operation Save America
P.O. Box 120262
Melbourne, FL 32912
Phone: (414) 395-1142
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