The pursuit of liberating America from blood guiltiness one state at a time marches on. Thanks to all who came to sow the vision and mission in Indiana for our regional event, “Leaders A time Like This Demands!” Good Kingdom fruit has been produced.
Two of the local pastors that hosted us called me to let me know the outcome of our labors. They held a meeting in their church after we left and the church voted unanimously to take on and fulfill a three fold mission. They have committed to prophetic ministries with the short term strategy of storming the gates of hell at their local death camp in Indianapolis. They will also work to rally other pastors and churches in their area to do the same.
They have committed to mercy ministries. They will use their church resources to help any woman who changes her mind to save the life of her child. Lastly, they are fully committed to the long term goal of fulfilling the mission to the magistrates in their state. They will work to raise up godly lobbyists to instruct civil magistrates on their duty to ignore Roe, establish justice, and abolish all abortion in the Hoosier state.
Hoosiers for Life have submitted another bill called Protection at Conception Act that will be introduced next session. Aletheia Church, our host church, will work to raise up the support this bill needs to help make Indiana completely abortion free. Obviously, this is a huge burden to carry and OSA is committed to help support this great work. We will follow up with whatever materials, resources, and man power necessary to help the locals in Indiana be delivered from this evil.
Pastor Derin Stidd, who wants to partner with OSA in the future, stated:
When Rusty Thomas and OSA came to Indiana this last week I honestly did not know what to expect from the people they were bringing. Can I just say, I was blown away? Many of these people have been in this battle longer than I have been alive. They were battle hardened brothers and sisters. But they were also some of the most grace filled, humble, and compassionate people I have ever met. They demonstrated to me repeatedly that you don’t have to choose between being prophetic and being humble.
And another thing stuck out to me. In the midst of all that is happening Rusty did not say one single unkind thing about any other person or organization. Opportunity to do so was abundant, and it did not happen. They came, worked hard at what they are good at, they blessed us tremendously, and they taught us so much!
In another post, he stated:
I want to take a minute to say THANK YOU! To Rusty Thomas, Kendra Thomas, Chet Gallagher, Matt Trewhella, and so many other amazing people from Operation Rescue/Operation Save America who came to Indiana to partner along side us in the battle to protect pre born babies.
You guys sowed so much into us. Thank you for the out pouring of love, and service that you brought to Indiana with you!
Pastor Rusty I want to especially thank you for pouring so much into me. Not just in the area of abolition, but as Christian, as a father, and as a pastor. Spending a weekend with you was like getting a seminary degree in all of the things that they can’t teach you in seminary. I love you brother, as well as your family and your ministry!
Thank you all so much!!
One other major blessing that came out of our regional event was captured on this video. What started as a hostile encounter ended with the salvation of a precious soul haunted by the guilt of abortion. Enjoy!
Thanks saints for all your love, prayers, and support as by God’s grace we continue to sow the vision and mission of the doctrine of the lesser magistrate, the doctrine of interposition that leads to the abolition of abortion one state at a time. Keep pressing on saints to the high call and prize in Jesus’ name!
Operation Save America
We unashamedly take up the cause of preborn children in the name of Jesus Christ; and we employ only biblical principles.
To contact us or donate by check:
Operation Save America
P.O. Box 120262
Melbourne, FL 32912
Phone: (414) 395-1142
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