A Time of Thanksgiving & Street Ministry, November 9-11!
Schedule: Friday evening, November 9th
Rally Place: Victorious Living Fellowship, 240 Ivey Lane, Orlando
Time: 6:30pm
Saturday morning, November 10th
A Time of Thanksgiving Service!
Time: 9:00am
Place: The former PP 726 S. Tampa Avenue, Orlando Street Ministry following service (Locations to be announced)
Lunch at 1:00pm
Place: Victorious Living Fellowship
Sunday morning, November 11th Pastor Rusty Thomas will be speaking at Victorious Living Fellowship
(Street Ministry)
At the final day of our OSA Regional Event in 2015, we finished with the Word in Warfare campaign. It was located at the now closed Planned Parenthood in Orlando. It was a powerful morning. The saints read and finished the word of God, the book of Revelation. We closed with prayer. At that point, Pastor Rusty Thomas felt compelled to walk to the front door and pray that that place of death would be shut down, and that no more blood would be shed on that plot of ground!
The Lord moved in a powerful way. We knew the strongholds were broken that day! Three years later, almost exactly, the doors shut to that killing center. NO more little baby boys and girls have been slain there since, and we thank God Almighty! The building is to be bulldozed down to the ground!!!!
*****Please make sure to join us this November 9-11, 2018 to thank the Lord God Almighty for answering our prayers. He closed that abortuary down (along with the closure of the EPOC abortuary this year as well)! Pastor Rusty Thomas will once again be coming down to lead us this weekend of thanksgiving. He will be joined with the saints and local pastors. There will be street ministry as well. The event will begin with a rally Friday evening! Make sure to mark your calendars!!!! -Michele Herzog