Just sent this message to the Oklahoma legislators to do their duty and pass SB13, which would liberate Oklahoma from blood guiltiness, establish justice, and abolish abortion in their state.
Dear Honorable Legislators,
The Lord richly bless you! This note is a reminder that you are not to carry the sword of justice in vain. Our nation violated the right to liberty that led to a civil war and we still suffer to this day for our national sin that brought national calamity. We have for the last 46 years violated the right to life, without which, no other right can be passed to our posterity.
Roe vs. Wade revoked our national covenant of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness granted by our Creator and replaced it with a covenant of death. This has produced a culture of death savaging our nation while we stagger under the weight of blood guiltiness. To avert the just judgment of God upon this nation, we must repent as a people.
The Federal government violated their sacred trust, which is to use their lawful authority to protect life and stop the shedding of innocent blood. Our nation has been defending the indefensible ever since. The State of Oklahoma has a chance to right the wrong, end the injustice, and return to the lawful jurisdiction of a just government, which according to Thomas Jefferson is as follows, “The care of human life and not its destruction is the one and only object of good government.”
During this American holocaust, there has not be one state, civil magistrate, or government official that has done their duty to rein in the insanity, lawlessness and perverted iniquitous decrees of our Supreme Court. I say this to our collective shame and national disgrace. America did not exchange a monarchy for an oligarchy, who rule as a law unto themselves with no accountability or checks and balances.
The Supreme Court has produced evil social transformation without any representation and each state has bowed and kissed their tyrannical ring. We all sing the same worn out tired song, “The Supreme Court has ruled and all we can do is obey.” This is a lie! It flies in the face of the Bible, history, and our Founding Documents. No where in the Constitution do we give an oath to make a suicide pact with the Supreme Court.
At our founding, our Founding Fathers gave us a Representative Republic based upon Federalism. It was the states that created the federal government with enumerated and limited powers and not the federal government that establish the states. The hierarchy of authority was We the People, the States, and last of all, the Federal Government. Rulers governed by the consent of the governed. This was a novel idea in world history. Since the Civil War and Reconstructionism, however, our government structure has been turned upside down. Today, the hierarchy of authority is the Federal Government, the States, which have become mere provinces of Washington DC, and lastly, We the People.
Due to the Supreme Court writing powers unto themselves forbidden by the Constitution and exploiting the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution, our nation has arrived at this pathetic state. This leads to the importance of state’s rights and the doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate.
Its understanding and implementation has vital importance to secure a future and a hope for our people. The Lesser Magistrate Doctrine teaches that when the superior or higher-ranking civil authority (Federal Government, specifically, the Supreme Court) makes immoral, unjust, and unconstitutional laws or policies, the lower or lesser ranking civil authority (Governors, State Legislators, Sheriffs, Chief of police, etc.) have both a right and duty to refuse obedience to that superior authority. If necessary, the lesser authorities may even actively resist the higher authority.
This doctrine is not new. It was even upheld by pagans in antiquity. “Use this sword against my enemies, if I give righteous commands; but if I give unrighteous commands, use it against me” (Roman Emperor Trajan). It was formalized as a Christian doctrine by the pastors in Magdeburg Germany on April 13th, 1550 AD. It is called “The Magdeburg Confession.” This doctrine influenced other Reformers like John Knox from Scotland. He wrote a treatise to the Scottish Nobles to resist the tyranny of the King of England. It is called the “Appellation to the Nobility and Estates of Scotland.” In this important historical work, Knox cited over 70 passages of Holy Scripture to prove the doctrine to be sound in Holy Writ.
Closer to home, I had the honor to serve our country with the 101st Airborne Division from 1974-1975. We were drilled to obey all lawful orders, even to the point of death, if need be. Conversely, we were also drilled that we were not to obey unlawful orders that could lead to war related atrocities. This is a part of our American DNA. Without this understanding of the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate there is no America and we are a rogue nation that is in rebellion against England to this day.
I call upon the legislators of Oklahoma to be strong and of a good courage. You have a bill SB13 that passes Biblical muster, historical muster, and Constitutional muster. It is time to obey God rather than man. You can either continue to appease evil or you can establish justice. Just know, you will stand before God on that great day to give an account for the discharge of your duty. I beg you by all that you hold sacred to lead Oklahoma to break this covenant with death, establish justice, and end the suffering and injustice committed against preborn children who are made in the image of God in the state of Oklahoma.
Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas
National Director, Operation Save America
If you care to send your own message, email the representatives here:

Subject line: “Do your job! Stop delaying abolition. Support SB13!”


kim.david@oksenate.gov, stephanie.bice@oksenate.gov, frank.simpson@oksenate.gov, rob.standridge@oksenate.gov, julie.daniels@oksenate.gov, casey.murdock@oksenate.gov, marty.quinn@oksenate.gov, jason.smalley@oksenate.gov, dave.rader@oksenate.gov, darcy.jech@oksenate.gov, kay.floyd@oksenate.gov, mark.allen@oksenate.gov, micheal.bergstrom@oksenate.gov, larry.boggs@oksenate.gov, mary.boren@oksenate.gov, michael.brooks@oksenate.gov, david.bullard@oksenate.gov, bill.coleman@oksenate.gov, nathan.dahm@oksenate.gov, jj.dossett@oksenate.gov, tom.dugger@oksenate.gov, chuck.hall@oksenate.gov, john.haste@oksenate.gov, carri.hicks@oksenate.gov, brent.howard@oksenate.gov, allison.ikley-freeman@oksenate.gov, chris.kidd@oksenate.gov, julia.kirt@oksenate.gov, james.leewright@oksenate.gov, kevin.matthews@oksenate.gov, greg.mccortney@oksenate.gov, john.montgomery@oksenate.gov, joe.newhouse@oksenate.gov, lonnie.paxton@oksenate.gov, roland.pederson@oksenate.gov, dewayne.pemberton@oksenate.gov, adam.pugh@oksenate.gov, paul.scott@oksenate.gov, ron.sharp@oksenate.gov, wayne.shaw@oksenate.gov, joseph.silk@oksenate.gov, gary.stanislawski@oksenate.gov, brenda.stanley@oksenate.gov, roger.thompson@oksenate.gov, darrell.weaver@oksenate.gov, george.young@oksenate.gov,
charles.mccall@okhouse.gov, harold.wright@okhouse.gov, jon.echols@okhouse.gov, john.pfeiffer@okhouse.gov, dustin.roberts@okhouse.gov, terry.odonnell@okhouse.gov, mike.sanders@okhouse.gov, josh.west@okhouse.gov, tammy.west@okhouse.gov, emily.virgin@okhouse.gov, david.perryman@okhouse.gov, cyndi.munson@okhouse.gov, kelly.albright@okhouse.gov, rhonda.baker@okhouse.gov, merleyn.bell@okhouse.gov, forrest.bennett@okhouse.gov, meloyde.blancett@okhouse.gov, jeff.boatman@okhouse.gov, brad.boles@okhouse.gov, chelsey.branham@okhouse.gov, denise.brewer@okhouse.gov, ty.burns@okhouse.gov, carol.bush@okhouse.gov, chad.caldwell@okhouse.gov, trey.caldwell@okhouse.gov, sherrie.conley@okhouse.gov, rusty.cornwell@okhouse.gov, denise.crosswhitehader@okhouse.gov, dean.davis@okhouse.gov, sheila.dills@okhouse.gov, mickey.dollens@okhouse.gov, jason.dunnington@okhouse.gov, scott.fetgatter@okhouse.gov, derrel.fincher@okhouse.gov, ross.ford@okhouse.gov, avery.frix@okhouse.gov, andy.fugate@okhouse.gov, tom.gann@okhouse.gov, regina.goodwin@okhouse.gov, jim.grego@okhouse.gov, david.hardin@okhouse.gov, tommy.hardin@okhouse.gov, toni.hasenbeck@okhouse.gov, kyle.hilbert@okhouse.gov, brian.hill@okhouse.gov, justin.humphrey@okhouse.gov, ronny.johns@okhouse.gov, chris.kannady@okhouse.gov, dell.kerbs@okhouse.gov, lundy.kiger@okhouse.gov, mark.lawson@okhouse.gov, mark.lepak@okhouse.gov, ben.loring@okhouse.gov, jason.lowe@okhouse.gov, ken.luttrell@okhouse.gov, robert.manger@okhouse.gov, tj.marti@okhouse.gov, ryan.martinez@okhouse.gov, stan.may@okhouse.gov, mark.mcbride@okhouse.gov, kevin.mcdugle@okhouse.gov, marcus.mcentire@okhouse.gov, matt.meredith@okhouse.gov, nicole.miller@okhouse.gov, garry.mize@okhouse.gov, lewis.moore@okhouse.gov, carl.newton@okhouse.gov, monroe.nichols@okhouse.gov, jadine.nollan@okhouse.gov, jim.olsen@okhouse.gov, charles.ortega@okhouse.gov, mike.osburn@okhouse.gov, daniel.pae@okhouse.gov, kenton.patzkowsky@okhouse.gov, logan.phillips@okhouse.gov, ajay.pittman@okhouse.gov, melissa.provenzano@okhouse.gov, randy.randleman@okhouse.gov, trish.ranson@okhouse.gov, sean.roberts@okhouse.gov, cynthia.roe@okhouse.gov, jacob.rosecrants@okhouse.gov, todd.russ@okhouse.gov, lonnie.sims@okhouse.gov, david.smith@okhouse.gov, chris.sneed@okhouse.gov, marilyn.stark@okhouse.gov, jay.steagall@okhouse.gov, danny.sterling@okhouse.gov, shane.stone@okhouse.gov, judd.strom@okhouse.gov, johnny.tadlock@okhouse.gov, john.talley@okhouse.gov, zack.taylor@okhouse.gov, tammy.townley@okhouse.gov, mark.vancuren@okhouse.gov, john.waldron@okhouse.gov, collin.walke@okhouse.gov, kevin.wallace@okhouse.gov, kevin.west@okhouse.gov, rande.worthen@okhouse.gov,