Thank you for your prayers. Operation Save America’s national ministry event, “Complete the Work,” was blessed by the Lord on many levels.
The Holy Spirit equipped the saints for the work of ministry, touched lives, saved souls, and spared baby’s lives in Wisconsin. There were ten confirmed baby saves at the Affiliated death camp. A few more were reported at the local Planned Parenthood child sacrifice center.
Thousands of pieces of Gospel, abolition literature was disseminated throughout Milwaukee. Tens of thousands of cars saw Christian abolition posters on several overpasses. Our message, vision, and mission went forth on TV, radio, and printed media. Over 500 Christians throughout America joined the locals to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, abolish abortion, and offer love, hope, and aid to abortion minded women throughout Milwaukee and Madison, WI.
Saturday, July 13th began with a blessing (Matthew 5:10-12). As Christian families from around the nation piled out of vans, quieted their kids, shouted out greetings, and lugged their suitcases into hotels, ready to share the love and truth of Christ and abolish abortion, “social justice warriors” arrived to “welcome” them to Milwaukee.
Drag Queen Story Hour, feminist Burlesque dancers (strippers), ‘The Daily Show’ co-creator Lizz Winstead, stand-up comedian and “The Young Turks” regular Aida Rodriguez, Al Jazeera Media correspondent Francesca Fiorentini, transgender comedian Jaye McBride, the National Organization for Women, Madison Abortion Defense, Democrat Socialists for America, Indivisible Madison, Showing Up For Racial Justice Milwaukee, One Wisconsin Now, Abortion Access Front, Women’s Medical Fund, Planned Parenthood, witches, feminists, immigration activists, and homosexual activists all converged on Milwaukee to put “out the anti-abortion, racist, homophobic [OSA] #garbagefyre.”
 Billboard From Hades 
Abortion Access Front held a traveling shock fest, Garbage Fyre Festival, designed to disrupt OSA’s weeklong ministry outreach. Wherever Christian families showed up to minister, feminists in bright colored vagina costumes handed out abortifacient pills from black cauldrons, cast spells and blew incense into the face of our children. They wrote out spells in black on the sidewalk were we worshipped; and carried a large white cross dressed as a female “Christ.”
AAF spent tens of thousands of dollars on Google ads, Milwaukee billboards, and giant orange inflatables that looked like garbage pails. They even slandered Christian ministers Pastor Matt Trewhella, Rev. Flip Benham, and Rev. Rusty Thomas as “America’s top influencers in misogyny, homophobia, and anti-choice extremism” because they preach from the Bible.
Pro-aborts Promoting our Message at State Capital in Madison WI. Truth is hate to those who hate the truth!
The “intersectional” progressives saw no irony in their targeted abuse of Christians. The posted a meme of a Christian cross and anti-abortion signs BURNING, an effigy of OSA Christians.
Undeterred, Christians blessed those who reviled them and focused on the ministry needs of the cities. The opening session at Zoofari Conference Center in Milwaukee, began with an evening rally and an address from Oklahoma State Senator, Joseph Silk.
Senator Joseph Silk from Oklahoma Addressing our National Event. We met with 3 local legislators in Wisconsin to discuss a bill of abolition right before this rally. Pray!
Senator Silk was the first government official in the history of the United States to introduce a bill of total abolition. We were honored to learn from him and are excited to apply his political wisdom. Operation Save America, National Director, Rev. Rusty Thomas, then set the theme of the week, “Complete the Work.” He gave a powerful sermon from the story of Nehemiah. He admonished the audience to rebuild our broken moral walls and repair the spiritual burned gates of our nation.
Sunday, July 14th, was a special day of corporate worship and national repentance. In the morning, OSA families attended over twenty local churches. They worshiped, fellowshipped with brothers and sisters, spoke with pastors, and handed them a packet of vital resources. The church packet gave a “Macedonian Call” to repent with us and join the movement to abolish abortion in their city and state.
That evening OSA hosted its annual “Solemn Assembly,” a time of self-examination and corporate repentance. Pastor Ante Pavkovic led the service. Pastor Ante, OSA West Coast regional leader, David Graves, and evangelist and OSA Florida leader, Frank Campana spoke on personal, church, and national sins.
Tears and confessions filled the packed-out conference center. God convicted us, pruned us, and sanctified us to minister as faithful ambassadors of Christ. Before we remove the speck from other people’s eyes, it was critical to first remove the plank from our own.
Display Team Setting Up to Minister in Downtown Milwaukee
Monday, July 15th began early. The downtown ministry teams arrived to engage the culture with the hope of Christ. Pastor Dale Sochia set up a powerful display that relates historical atrocities to the abortion holocaust of our day. Christians handed out Gospel tracts, street preached on a sound system, and had many engaging dialogues as people passed by.
Frank Campana and Pastor Ante led ministry outreaches at Planned Parenthood and Affiliated Medical Services abortion mills. OSA Administrative Director and police liaison, Chet Gallagher, and his team set up a prayer tent outside of Affiliated. They spent hours repenting for the sin of abortion, praying for the lost, and our beleaguered nation. They undergirded all our activities with powerful intercession. Reformers and revivalists of old used this prayer model to prepare the way of the Lord to touch and change cities in times past. God knows we desperately need it today.
Cal Zastrow’s “Revival, Mission, and Holiness Team” traveling team ministered in Chicago, headed up the overpass teams, and visited key locations throughout Wisconsin to challenge not only the culture of death, but the political machines that enable the holocaust.
True to our stated vision to invest in the next generation, 125 students took part in the Monday’s opening training session. The class was interactive and humorous. Students acted out pro and con arguments, learned apologetics, a Biblical worldview and practiced effective evangelism.
OSA Assistant Director and evangelist Jason Storms challenged the youth to actively pursue righteousness. Jason gave the example of famous athletes. He reminded the youth to pursue Jesus and to lay aside foolish pursuits. “What you pursue matters…are you willing to take on the yoke of discipleship Jesus offers?” Then he gave the example of famous athletes. An athlete spends thousands of hours studying film, training, adhering to a strict dietary regiment. They apply what they have learned to become the best. He roused the students to study, train, and practice Christ’s teachings and apply Christ’s instructions to become the best Christian they can be for God’s glory.
Following Jason’s presentation, John Michener with Oklahomans United for Life taught apologetics. Michener quoted Colossians 4:5-6, “Walk in wisdom toward outsiders making the best use of time. Let your speech alway be seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to know how you ought to answer each man.”
Students received a workbook and watched a video on reasonable faith. At its conclusion, Michener had everyone stand up, close their eyes, and use a finger to point to true north. When the students opened their eyes, fingers pointed in every direction. Michener pulled out a compass. Without God’s absolute truth, without a moral compass, it is impossible to know “true north.”
Then John taught the “Trot out the Toddler.” This technique exposed pro-abortion inconsistencies when they seek to debate abortion. 1. First Agree. Try to find common ground to begin debate. 2. Apply the person’s argument to a two-year-old. 3. Ask why. “Why can’t she kill a two-year-old? 4. Aha moment. The issue isn’t [fill in the blank] but whether we can kill innocent human beings. If the preborn are human beings, then shouldn’t we protect them just like we protect two-year-olds?
Following lunch at Grace Community Church, OSA ministry teams headed to Cathedral Square Park for the first leg of the afternoon historical tours. At the historic Cathedral Square Park, Pastor Matt Trewhella taught about the Fugitive Slave Act and how Wisconsin defied the federal government to defend the rights of Joshua Glover, a runaway slave.
The news media showed up to watch us give a concise delivery of the message of abolition and interposition. Afterwards, OSA marched throughout the city and proclaimed the gospel to countless passerby’s and drivers. We ended the history tour with bold prayer and worship.
That evening the OSA youth worship band ushered us into the presence of the Lord. Levi and David Sochia performed the offertory song. Afterwards, John Michener addressed the large gathering. Bo Hornick, Valiant Thomas, Josiah Thomas with OSA’s youth outreach, shared the “Answer the Call” mission. They finished out the rally with a passionate invitation to those under twenty-four to “answer the call” and rise up abolish abortion in their lifetime.
During the testimonies that evening, Anne Franczek said that when she arrived at Planned Parenthood at 12:00 PM a couple came out. They told her they were keeping their baby! She said there was also another save earlier in the morning. In addition, Frank Campana spoke to a woman. Anne prayed for the woman and gave the woman her phone number for support. The woman said she would call.
John Michener Training the Youth to Complete the Work
Tuesday July 16th brought more of the same. The youth loved the 9:00-12 PM youth training session with brother John Michener. Students discussed the hard topics- ectopic pregnancies, the case of rape, and life of the mother scenarios. John explained how to answer “bodily rights” or “My Body My Choice” abortion arguments. He reminded the students not to be sidetracked by “straw man” arguments. Instead, argue from the actual position.
In the case of bodily rights arguments, abortion supporters argue from a “sovereign zone” or “right to refuse.” Responding to a Sovereign Zone Argument means ask a clarifying question (Do you mean the preborn are literally part of the woman’s body?). Then ask a question to challenge the sovereign zone (If you believe pregnant woman has a right to do anything with her body, do you think it should be legal to for her to use hard drugs that will cause birth defects?”)
During ministry times that day on the streets, OSA worship band member Anna said, “A young lady, Megan, 6 months pregnant, took some literature.” Terry and his wife, Rory, prayed as Anna “spoke to the lady.” Anna asked the young lady, if she was a Christian and she said she was non-practicing Catholic. According to Anna, “I shared some contradictions with Catholicism according to the Scriptures.”
She asked me what she needed to do to be saved. I asked her if she wanted to put her faith and trust in Jesus. She said she did and asked me to help her. So, I did. I then guided her to the Holy Bible. She said she is going to get a Bible this afternoon and she is going to download the Bible app as well. Praise God! Our presence outside mills and in the streets DOES make a difference!”
This ministry is not just about saving lives, but souls. There is nothing more wonderful than when we see souls transformed and brought into the kingdom of God!
Downtown at the giant Abortion Holocaust display, abortion supporters with the Garbage Fyre Festival tried to disrupt the team’s evangelism. Pastor Joseph Spurgeon read from Proverbs 31 to the die hard feminists until the group disbanded. God’s Word is sharper than a two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12).
After lunch, OSA showed a video on the history of the Rescue movement in Milwaukee. It was a part of the nationwide movement to rescue preborn babies through peaceful sit-ins outside of abortion mills. 80,000 Christians with OSA (formerly known as Operation Rescue National) were arrested during the Rescue movement.
This made saving preborn babies the largest non-violent civil-disobedience (really, biblical obedience) movement in American history. By way of comparison, 15,000 people were arrested during the Civil Rights Movement. Following the documentary, rescuers from late 1980’s shared testimonies and humorous anecdotes. The young people were captivated by their incredible stories.
Following the history lesson, OSA sent out fourteen teams to the busiest overpasses in the city. Thousands of cars passed beneath large signs and banners proclaiming the humanity of the preborn and the call to ignore Roe vs. Wade, establish justice, and abolish all abortion now. Courts cannot make law!
Tuesday night’s rally session was replaced with a time of food and fellowship at a local park. Five hundred Christians from across the nation shared picnic benches and munched on watermelon, chips, and hearty submarine sandwiches bought by a generous church benefactor.
Wednesday morning brought more ministry throughout Milwaukee. At the prayer tent set up near Affiliated, Charity ministered to a homeless man. The man understood the Gospel but was broken in his spirit. The Lord prompted Charity to ask about his three brothers. He answered that he had three brothers but that one died from an overdose. He felt responsible for his death. The Lord also showed Charity to ask the man about his dog. He broke down and said he no longer had his dog because he was homeless. After sharing his sorrows and being broken before the Lord, he was able to receive ministry.
At Planned Parenthood, one of our ladies, Barbara, had an opportunity to speak to a woman five months pregnant. A car stopped in the driveway to take the literature Barbara offered. The woman eventually left the mill and stopped in the driveway again. The police allowed the car to remain in the driveway for 20 minutes as Barbara applied the evangelism techniques taught by a John Michener. The woman revealed that she is 5 months pregnant. When the two finished speaking, Barbara shared her contact information for follow up help.
Part three of the youth training was entitled Time for Justice. John Michener showed a PowerPoint outlining the differences between “Legal Lies” and “Legal Truth.” In way of example, legal lies include the beliefs that “abortion is constitutional” and that “court opinion determines what is lawful.” In reality, “abortion is unconstitutional” and the Constitution determines what is lawful.” John also shared a PowerPoint on “Strategic Lies” and “Strategic Truth.” Some of these lies include, “we must elect a pro-life president” and “pro-life judges will overturn Roe vs. Wade.” The truth is “abortion has continued under every president and pro-life judges have maintained the status quo.”
After a lunch of Milwaukee brats and sauerkraut, people gathered in the auditorium to hear Rev. Rusty Thomas explain the biblical basis for Rescue and the supernatural miracles that took place as God’s people crossed the line of obedience. Concentration camp survivor and Rescuer, Eva Edl, shared her testimony of survival. She explained it was her suffering and faith in Christ that compelled her to rescue. She had wanted Christians to rescue her when she was a child. Rescue meant she could do for others what she had wished others had done for her in her time of suffering (Matthew 7:12).
After lunch, an OSA “literature drop” team visited the voting district of Wisconsin Speaker of the House Robin Vos. His constituents learned that, despite his campaign promises, the Speaker was undermining every attempt to abolish abortion in Wisconsin.
Washington State Representative Matt Shea spoke during the Wednesday evening rally. He encouraged Christians not to give up on the work of abolition but to stay on the spiritual and political offense. He encouraged the youth to rise up, take on the responsibility of the ministry, and refuse to cower in the face of pressure and discouragement.
Later that night, a young lady named Mariah ministered outside a strip club with other seasoned OSA saints. This was Mariah’s first time ministering with OSA. It changed her life. She met another evangelist talking to a woman who supported abortion. Mariah joined the conversation and shared her own abortion experience. She ministered to the woman from the Word and presented the Gospel of the Kingdom. The woman was touched and wanted a Bible.
Thursday morning brought more ministry outside Planned Parenthood and Affiliated. The youth had a powerful time of prayer and worship outside the front door of Affiliated. The presence of children of all ages, praying and praising, shared OSA’s message better than any sign.
Thursday afternoon, teams converged at the State Capitol in Madison for a time of worship, street ministry, and lobbying. As our worship service was held outside, others entered the Capitol building and lobbied senators and representatives to abolish abortion in Wisconsin. They heard the cry for justice. We pray that they respond with justice and #CompleteTheWork.
Outside the Capitol, people held signs at intersections and offered tracts to folks passing by. At the East entrance, a sound system, worship band, and patch of sidewalk created a venue for our outdoor worship service. Pastor Ante led people in a time of repentance, intercession for Milwaukee, and for our broken, wounded nation. Families knelt in prayer on the sidewalk and on the grassy knoll.
Sadly, people with the Garbage Fyre Festival interrupted OSA’s outdoor worship service by placing their costumed bodies in a “human wall,” blocking families from the pastors and worship band leading the service. Others shouted and chanted to prohibit the practice of our faith. Still others surrounded families who knelt on the grass and mocked CHILDREN as they prayed.
Others twerked in the faces of those worshiping God. A feminist, dressed as a crucified “Christ” with ovaries, dragged a large wooden cross to where Christians knelt in prayer. Written on the cross were the words, “Save Abortion.” The feminist placed the cross above the bowed heads of the Christians as though they were praying to “abortion.” Other feminists joined the religious bigotry by kneeling at the fake cross and mocking the Christians as they prayed to Jesus.
Jesus shined through the darkness. The enemies of God came out to mock God and oppose life. Christian families didn’t cower or back down, but proclaimed the Lordship of Christ and prayed for the lost souls to be reconciled to God.
Thursday night, Chet Gallagher and Cal Zastrow spoke on the doctrines of Interposition and the Lesser Magistrate. Chet shared his incredible testimony of being the first police officer to Rescue, while Cal delivered a passionate plea to pick up our cross, deny ourselves, and follow hard after Jesus.
Friday morning clinic and downtown teams set up. Before lunch, the final youth session concluded with a powerful teaching by a political expert. His tremendous political insights in “How to Win Political Fights” inspired the youth to engage on the political level.
Following lunch, OSA learned Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers declared a state of emergency for the city of Madison. An accidental explosion that a witness called a “minor apocalypse” happened a ½ mile from the Capitol, followed by another at a substation. The Madison Gas and Electric fire, according to eyewitnesses and news reports, caused a “giant, humongous ball of orange” with flames that shot 150 feet in the air, sent large black clouds of smoke into the sky over downtown Madison. 11,600 homes were left without power. No AC, no internet, no refrigeration. Police shut down roads in a two-block radius around both explosions. The Wisconsin National Guard was activated. The state Capitol, the Courthouse, and state agencies were shut down. American Transmission Company, the owner of the electric equipment that exploded, had identified a problem with a component of its equipment a week before the explosion.
Fire Near Capital
This fire happened the day after OSA had a Mount Carmel experience with the false prophets of Baal and Moloch at the State Capital. We did not think it was a coincidence, so we sent out a press release called, “We Serve a God who Answers by Fire!”
OSA’s last evening rally at the Zoofari Conference Center concluded with Assistant Director of OSA, Jason Storms giving the preliminary speech and David presenting the main topic on humility. The ministry event began with a time of repentance (Solemn Assembly) and ended with a sermon on humility. Sandwiched between the two much godly action took place that was blessed by the Lord.
David reminded the audience, “True humility is unconscious of itself. Both pride and humility do not want to be seen, but for different reasons. Humility is a proper estimation of who you are in regard to who God is and what He has done. We are not valuable. We are valued. Humility is the revealed heart of God in Christ Jesus. Humility is winning the battle in ourselves, so we can win the battle outside ourselves, so we can lead others into the battle.”
OSA’s 2019 National Event, “Complete the Work,” ended strong Saturday. Christians gathered outside of Affiliated death camp in Milwaukee for “Word in Warfare.” It was an anointed time of proclaiming the Word of God from the book of Psalms. God’s people stood shoulder to shoulder as they prayed for God to close the mill, abolish abortion and Complete the Work in Jesus’ name!
Next stop:
Thank you for your love, prayers, and support as we press on to advance God’s Kingdom, abolish abortion, and end the American holocaust.