Faith and Freedom Conference
God willing, today, I’ll be heading back home to my family after serving in Boise, Idaho. Special thanks to DonShellie Martin, Scott Herndon, fellow abolitionists, and the local pastors for their sacrificial love, hard work, hospitality, and generosity to sponsor this event.
We pray the seeds of abolition that were planted will be watered by the Holy Spirit and produce a harvest in Idaho to set this state free from blood guiltiness as justice is established for the preborn and abortion criminalized.
I’m looking forward to coming home to embrace my wife and children. Next week, however, it is off to another Kingdom venture. To those in the Pennsylvania area, it would be good to see you participate in this gathering.
Samuel Adams once stated that through the Sons of Liberty that they were creating brush fires in the minds of men longing to be free. Fires of repentance, revival, and reformation are needed and necessary, if we are to secure a future and a hope for our children and grandchildren.
Hope to see you there!
Here are the Details:
We believe that this conference will be unlike any other of our time because it intentionally utilizes biblical unity to create both an anointing (Psalms 133) and synergy among God’s people.
This conference is a purposely scripted and coordinated event utilizing individuals who love America and have been prophetically called by our LORD to see to its restoration.
Even the Order of Speakers is greatly choreographed. All the speakers have been selected because of their prophetic insight, familiarity with a particular subject or have a thorough understanding of the principles of Americanism. Even the order in which the speakers will be slated is intended to build throughout the conference and then end in a powerful crescendo. [See Is 28:9-10].
The event will end in a commissioning service in which God’s children are prepared and equipped to go into the world with the courage, power, and authority to drive out the darkness in our land.
1. The first set of speakers will be Educational in nature. (What America’s underlying problem?)
2. The second set of speakers will be Inspirational in nature. (What is the Biblical solution?)
3. The third set of speakers will be Motivational in nature. (Go Therefore into all the World.)
Time: 9AM-4PM
Order of Speakers:
Dr. Mike Spaulding – Moderator (Website)
Dran Reese – Speaking on The Importance of Biblical Citizenship. Title: “You are the Salt and the Light.”  (Website(Video)
William Federer – Speaking on history of the Appeal to Heaven Flag and the Historical events leading to it creation. (Website(Article)    Title: “The Declaration of Independence: An American Statement of Faith!”
Matt Trewhella – Speaking on Interposition and the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate from a Revolutionary War Perspective. (Website(Video)  Title: “The Interposition of the Founding Fathers.”
John Diamond – Speaking on the Protection of Religious Liberty. Title: “We are Appealing to Heaven.” (Website #1#2#3(Video)
Dan Fisher – Former Republican member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives – Speaking on the Black Robed Regiment. (Website) (Video #1) (Video#2)     Title: “Bringing back the Black Robed Regiment.”
Rusty Thomas – Speaking on the Religious, Social, Moral and Political Duty of the Church. (Website) (Video)    Title: “We are Christ’s Ekklesia.” (Matt 5:13, Matt 16:18-19).
Bradlee Dean – Speaking on Secular Humanism in the Public Schools. (Website) (Video)    “The Heathen are Stealing our Children” (Gen 14:8-16, 1 Sam 30:1-3)
Coach Dave Daubenmire – Equipping the saints to go into the world with the power and authority. (Website) (Video)    Titled “Overcoming Fear.” (Romans 12:1, Rev 21:8)
Date: September 28
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Venue Location
Edinboro, PA, 12940 Fry Rd,