Sunday Evening Opening Rally, 7-9 pm: Solemn Assembly introduced by Rusty Thomas and conducted by the local Oklahoma Pastors led by Pastor Bill Aschol.
Monday Afternoon Seminar: John Michener training the youth. If you know of any youth that would benefit from this training on Monday, Thursday and Friday afternoon, please sign them up.
Monday Evening Rally Speakers, 7-9 pm: Jason Storms and Rusty Thomas
Tuesday Afternoon Seminar, 2-3:30 pm: Senator Joseph Silk training magistrates in the just cause of abolition. If you know of any magistrates that might be interested, please sign them up to receive this important training.
Tuesday Evening Rally, 7-9 pm: Local Oklahoma Pastors led by Pastor Bill Aschol.
Wednesday Afternoon Seminar, 2-3:30 pm: Oklahoma Pastors led by Pastor Bill Aschol will conduct this seminar for pastors. They will be using the official church resolution to challenge pastor/elders to adopt abolition as the only consistent Biblical response to the American holocaust. If you know of any pastors that might be interested, please sign them up to receive this important challenge.
Wednesday Evening Rally, 7-9 pm: Pastor Matt Trewhella and Senator Joseph Silk
Thursday Afternoon Seminar, 2-3:30 pm: Jason Storms training youth
Thursday Evening Rally, 7-9 pm: Apologia Pastors, Jeff DurbinLuke Pierson, and Zack Morgan.
Friday Afternoon Seminar, 2-3:30 pm: Rusty Thomas training the youth.
Friday Evening Rally, 7-9 pm: David Graves and Pastor Derin A Stidd
Here is the link to sign up to access the preaching, teaching, and training that will be presented at the OSA National Event this year from July 19-25th, 2020. Rally the youth, pastors, magistrates, family, friends, and churches to participate in Jesus’ mighty name! Thanks!