Thank God not everyone in our government has been duped by the Covid 19 “PLANDEMIC.”
Attorney General William Barr said Wednesday evening “other than slavery, which was a different kind of restraint,” coronavirus lockdowns were the “greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history.”
Based upon this truth, OSA is heading to South Dakota, October 21st-24th. We need some good soldiers of Jesus Christ to come and help spread the Gospel of the Kingdom to abolish abortion in South Dakota.
One of the main reasons why we chose South Dakota for our Fall regional event is this state more than others exercised the doctrines of the lesser magistrate and interposition to protect the freedoms of its citizens. Governor Kristi Noem strengthened by the commitments of lesser magistrates in SD took a stand to say no to the Feds when it came to their overreach concerning the Covid 19 pandemic hoax.
She upheld the Constitutional rights of her citizens. No lockdowns and mandatory mask mandates as she challenged her constituents to be smart and accept personal responsibility. This hearkens back to one of the chief cornerstones of our nation, “Self-government is the key to liberty.”
Clearly, Gov. Noem adheres to the 10th Amendment, nullification, the doctrine of the lesser magistrate, and the doctrine of interposition in her heroic stance against federal tyranny. She did this to uphold her oath of office to safeguard the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of the citizens of South Dakota. She is to be highly commended for her principled stand.
We are going to appeal to her, the church, and the magistrates of South Dakota to take the next important step in the application of these precious doctrines this state has stood upon to check tyranny and preserve freedom.
We will beseech this state to take the next critical step, cross the line of obedience to God, and make redemptive history in our nation. The same doctrines this state just exercised needs to be implemented when it comes to the two most important issues for our national survival, the defense of the preborn and preserving their right to life, liberty, and property and preserving the God ordained institution of marriage and family.
As I write, emails to all the churches and magistrates are being gathered to send out church and magistrate packets throughout South Dakota to help prepare the way of the Lord.
Mark your calendars, and plan on joining us as we seek to liberate America from blood-guiltiness one state at a time. Hope to see you there in Jesus’ name!