This post is sent to give you an idea of the condition of the church and state. The state is doubling down on tyranny, while the church continues to slumber. We just returned from New Orleans to stand in support of Pastor Tony Spell. This dear brother has stood by his Biblical convictions that the state should not run the church. Rather, it is mandated to protect his first amendment right to practice his faith.
He is now facing up to 18 years in prison. What is his crime? He refused to obey an unlawful order by the tyrannical governor of LA, John Bel Edwards. Tragically, most of the churches stood with his oppressors, instead of following his brave example.
I sent out a press release to all Christian media outlets to cover this travesty of justice and what was the response? CRICKETS!!! Shame on them and the church! What ever is coming down upon us, we so richly deserve. Our cowardice, silence, and treachery will be rightly rewarded by the judgment of God.
Here is the following message delivered at Lafayette Park in New Orleans yesterday. I would also encourage you to watch the video to hear Pastor Matt Trewhella‘s scathing rebuke to the tyrants and churchmen in America.
I’d like to welcome everyone to our Strike a Blow for Freedom Rally in the mighty name of Jesus. His name is above every name and at his name every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that He is Lord to the glory of the Father. This includes all those involved in this historic case and every judge sitting on the bench.
First, let us make it abundantly clear that we are not hard-hearted people. We are a Christian people. That means we have compassion for the sick and the dying. We understand the Covid 19 threatened some people’s health and some perished by it. Our hearts and prayers are with those who suffered loss.
This, in and of itself, however, does not grant the government the authority to quarantine the healthy, shut down our livelihoods, confine us in our homes, close our churches, ruin our economy, restrict human contact, especially, when loved ones are sick and dying, and run roughshod over our freedoms.
Our government has no Biblical nor Constitutional authority to determine who or what is essential or non-essential. It does not get to exercise raw power to determine the winners and losers in a pandemic, a pandemic planned, accidental, or otherwise.
America has endured many trials, hardships, and tribulations in our history. Deadly flues, plagues, and the AIDS epidemic, just to name a few. During those dangerous, trying times, our government never dared to infringe upon our liberties as we have witnessed in these dark times.
This current cabal told us for years that they would not waste a crisis, especially, if it furthered their state totalitarian goals at the expense of our liberties.
So, our message is clear here today, “Civil Government, you are not our god, our nanny, our healthcare provider, nor our master. You are drunk with power and forgotten that you are to be a servant of the people. Get out our homes, get out of our churches, get out of our businesses, and get back in your Constitutional lane. Your duty is to protect our God-given rights, not destroy them.”
We also have a message to the churches today. Some of the churches in LA threw pastor Tony Spell under the bus. They stood with his oppressors, instead of following his brave example in the Lord. Shame on them. They should know better. Is this the time to cower in fear, or be strong in the Lord and the power of His might?
Pastor Tony, at great personal risk, is leading the way out of this dark, tyranny and those who name the name of Christ should support him. His righteous and just stand is not just for the honor and glory of God, it is a defense of God’s church and a defense to protect the freedoms of all Americans.
God’s word commands in the book of Hebrews, “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”
We must keep in mind the context of this command from the Lord. The early church was experiencing intense religious and civil persecution. Some could not buy or sell, some faced imprisonment and others martyrdom. Did not the Lord know or understand His people’s plight? Of course, He did and still demanded they meet together.
Brothers and sisters, Pastor Tony Spell has done what is needed and necessary in these tumultuous days. He has upheld what has laid the foundation for Western civilization and specifically for what birthed our nation. The standard that Christian men have followed down through the ages is: When the State commands us to do what God forbids or forbids us to do what God commands – we are to obey God rather than man.
May our Lord vindicate his servant, reprove the tyrants in our government, and preserve the liberty that better men than these despots died to secure for our posterity in Jesus’ name!
Operation Save America
We unashamedly take up the cause of preborn children in the name of Jesus Christ; and we employ only biblical principles.
To contact us or donate by check:
Operation Save America
P.O. Box 120262
Melbourne, FL 32912
Phone: (414) 395-1142
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