Sorry about the livestream quality concerning last night’s opening rally at our OSA national event. We had a few kinks to work out as usual. Prayerfully, it will improve as we move along.
We have two teams storming the gates this morning. Please pray that our Lord will plunder the powers of darkness and set the captives free.
The afternoon session will feature the Apologia pastors, Luke Pierson and Zack Morgan. They will be reaching out to pastors to encourage them to join the fray to abolish abortion in the state of AZ. The livestream will start at 2:30 pm Mountain time on our Operation Rescue/Operation Save America Facebook page. Invite others to participate online if you would care to help spread the vision, mission, and message.
This evening’s rally will begin at 6:30 pm Mountain Time. It will feature Dennis Sarfate from Apologia’s political arm Action For Life. God willing, I’ll be the second speaker. It is a landmark in my life. This will be my last official message preached as the national director of OSA. Hope you will join in this evening as well.
Here is the link to join us today: