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Salisbury Pride Denies Church a Booth at Pride Celebration

President Barack Obama is celebrating the month of June as National “Pride Month.”  He has issued this joyous proclamation inviting all of those enslaved in homosexual bondage or other sexually deviant behaviors to  come out of the closet…

More News Coverage on Hope House

Here is more on the happenings in Waco, Texas.  ~ Flip Dear Champion of the Lord and the Preborn, The following links lead to the TV coverage of our press conference yesterday. Notice the great discrepancy between Planned Parenthood's response…

God Is Going Back to School - Bridgeport, Connecticut

The saints in Connecticut were “given em heaven” at the great gates of hell at Bassick High School this past Friday, June 3, 2011.  The opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the public sidewalks in front of local high schools…

Tyranny Against Pro-lifers

We knew it was coming with the onset of the Obama administration.  Now we know it is here.  Jo Scott was just hammered by our federal government yesterday with a bogus and utterly absurd violation of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances…

News Coverage of Hope House in Waco, TX

Rusty Thomas and the saints in Waco, Texas, are allowing the theology of the Church house to become biography in the streets, and all of Waco is taking notice.  “We will no longer sit idly by while little children are sentenced to die.” …

OSA Connecticut-May

OPERATION SAVE AMERICA - CONNECTICUT  May 2011 STATS- Bridgeport: 98 abortions, 4 babies saved New Haven: 59 abortions (Saturdays) 5 babies saved (These stats are from the days we are there and the numbers we know about.) Summit, 3787…