MARCH 2004 STATS 102 Babies Were Killed. THE STREETS, BRIDGEPORT, CT – TUESDAY MARCH 30, 2004 At least 22 saints came out to the streets today. The police, 5 deathscorts and the lot attendant were there. We were blessed to have John Reyes with us from OSA-Dallas with his courting partner Kim, from Bradenton, Florida. John will be ordained in May at his church in Dallas by his pastor and Keith Tucci. We wish him all of God’s best. We are so proud of John, he was once one of us. He has moved up and gone a long way for the Lord. Below John is leading prayer. From what we know today: We were glad to have Fr. Smith on the scene to represent the local clergy. Prayer warriors and sign holders lined the sidewalk. It did not seem like spring with the freezing temperature and snow flurries. But we weren’t as cold as those little babies being pulled out of their nice warm Mommies wombs with cold, painful instruments! I was really touched today by a testimony of one of our prayer warriors. I am sure she will not mind me telling her dream, but she could probably tell it better. She dreamt she was at an elaborately ornate university with her husband and her 3-year old son. For some reason they were separated after they had entered a building. After much searching for them and she opened a locker type door and found her husband’s body in it. She knew he was dead and his spirit was no longer there. His body was mutilated terribly. A fright came over her thinking where her little son might be. She went frantically looking in other doors searching for the small boy. She found a body of her husband again – this time more mutilated than before. His head was off. It was very upsetting. She prayed to God in her dream, where is my son? What did they do to him? God told her that He could not show her the son because it would upset her too much. She woke up and told her husband about the vision and then got up out of bed to pray. God revealed to her that He was showing her something. Every time a baby is aborted, one of his unique creations, He feels the worse pain ever. There is nothing that hurts Him more than this. He also impressed in her spirit to not give up and to have great faith. He is the God of break through. Persevere and your Lord will do mighty things. God says in Jeremiah to stop the murdering, stop exploiting orphans, My people come to church and say "we are saved" and then they do such evil things. (Many people going in these mills claim to be "Christians".) God told Jeremiah not to pray for or cry about these people anymore, for God will not listen. God said they are doing whatever they want, following their own evil thoughts; hard, stubborn and rebellious. A nation that refuses to obey God, refuses to be taught, and lives a lie. (Sounds like US). Three times in Jeremiah the Lord says how much He abhors child sacrifice: Please come out to the streets Saturday and Tuesday mornings, 7am and on, as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. Child killing will end in our community when the Church of Jesus Christ decides it wants it to end … not one second sooner. We are the only entity with the power of God to come against the very gates of Hell. For the Least of These, Forty-five saints came out to pray and stand for their defenseless little brothers and sisters in the womb that were sentenced to die. The police, five "deathscorts" and the Summit parking lot attendant were on duty. Pastor Ron was there to represent the clergy in CT and led us in prayer. Calvary youth were there. From what we saw: We hope to see you all tomorrow, as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. We pray and try to convince moms not to kill their children. We offer them other alternatives. We give them resource information for help available and a video to take home and watch. "Purify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do great wonders among you." Joshua 3:5 Just show up and God will do the rest! For the Least of These, THE STREETS, BRIDGEPORT, CT – CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL 3/24/04 The God is Going Back to School campaign continued today in Bridgeport Ct. Sixteen Christians came out to the streets to witness truth and life to the younger generation. Pastor Miller and Pastor Pedro were there to represent the local clergy. One Pastor stopped and talked to Pastor Miller and wants to get more involved out on the streets. Pastor Miller invited him to the abortion mill. I hope he comes!The students were very receptive. We were able to give out Bibles and hundreds, maybe thousands of tracts and pieces of literature on abortion, abstinence, STD’s, the stages of baby development, crisis pregnancy, Christianity, The Passion of the Christ, etc. Many parents stopped to get literature after dropping off their kids. One dad stopped and said he did not want his 14-year old daughter seeing the signs. Teachers and parents on the most part gave us the thumbs up. One lady gave us the middle finger. A mom stopped and talked to Carmen because her 16-year old daughter had just had an abortion in the past year. She said the pictures were bringing back bad memories. Carmen told them they need to repent and that God can use them to witness to others about the horror of abortion. Carmen prayed with this mom. About five police cars (including Sgt. Pierce) came speeding down the street into the school lot. I thought there was a fight or something. But Vinny told me later that the woman in the corner house had called the police. I hope all those cars didn’t come for us? The lady complained the pictures would upset her eight kids. We think she was more upset than the kids were. The police never said a word to us. They already knew we would be there. Carmen talked to her and said that our kids have seen these pictures since they were young. Carmen showed her two-year old Daniel who was there with Nancy. He sees the signs, and he will grow up knowing what abortion is. Our kids need to know the truth about abortion and how precious life is. This lady went back to Vinny and apologized. She asked him how often we come to the school. He told her each school, once a year. She said "I think we can handle that." The above picture is Carol witnessing to some students. Please continue to believe God with us that the literature will make a difference in the lives of those who received it. Some were even invited to come to Pastor Miller’s bible study. The harvest is plentiful but again the laborers so few. Pray the Lord of the Harvest will send more laborers to the lost and needy in our community. We know what the topics in school will be today. See you Saturday at the local death camp as we try to persuade moms not to kill their babies. We reach out with the gospel of Christ to those who find themselves where they should not be. We will be there …till the killing stops. For the Least of These, Twenty-prolifers came out to pray today for their tiny neighbors sentenced to die. Pastor Miller was there to represent the local clergy. He led us in prayers for the lost and the unborn. The Wesleyan student escorts were there in rare form. The police had to speak to them about getting too pushy with one of the sidewalk counselors. From what we saw today. TWENTY TWO CAME AT KILLING TIME. Carmen and I went to visit Ebony today. She had her baby last Tuesday, March 16. He weighed in at 7 pounds, 15 ounces, 20 inches long. His name is Deron Daviyon. What a little cutie he is. His Grandpa loves him so, he already bought him a fishing rod! Another baby was born this week to Liz and Rusty Thomas. They had their 10th child on Sunday March 21. Her name is Torah Grace and she weighed in at 8 pounds, 15 ounces, 21 inches long. Their first four children were girls. Their next five were boys. Now Torah Grace evens it out at five boys and five girls. What a quiver!! We plan to do ham baskets and candy baskets for the needy families this Easter. LOV Church is helping us out with supplies. If you have any empty baskets you don’t need please give them to us. Also, we need people to deliver the ham and candy baskets to the families who are mostly in Bridgeport. If you can help – we really appreciate it. It’s nice to tell these moms we will help them, but we must follow through with our actions. We cannot do this alone. We need your help. Hope to see you each Tuesday and Saturday morning as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be! We are there 7:15 am and on, and we will be there … until the killing stops. For the Least of These, God is Going Back to School – Wed. March 24, Central High, Lincoln & Taft, Bpt. 7am We make the OSA National Event our family’s mission trip every year. There is no better investment for the Kingdom of God then saving people physically and spiritually from death. I hope you will join us with many others from across the nation as we advance the cause of Christ. About 28 prolifers came during the course of the morning. We had prayer warriors, sidewalk counselors, sign holders and scripture readers – all for the glory of God! The police, the lot attendant Walter and the male "deathscort" Chris were there. We tried our best to persuade moms not to kill their children. From what we saw: Somehow I never can get used to this. It just gets more and more depressing to see our world slipping deeper and deeper into the miry pit. Fifteen dead babies, in one hour’s time, its just heart wrenching to imagine this is constantly going on. Our only hope is Jesus. I thank God for His word and His promises. David Wilkerson’s March newsletter was right on to what we see. The moral foundation of our nation is rapidly collapsing and Christian families are under attack. Satan knows his days are short. Meditate on Psalm 37 for encouragement. Psalm 37 tells us to trust in the Lord and wait patiently for Him to act. God is telling us not to worry about the wicked but to trust Him and do good. If we take delight in Him He will give us the desires of our heart. Commit everything to the Lord, Trust Him and He will help you. Be still and patiently wait for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people and their schemes; in a while the wicked will disappear. The wicked plot against the godly, but the Lord laughs as He sees judgment day coming. The wicked kill the poor, slaughter those who do right, but the Lord takes care of the godly. The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord, He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will not fall, for the Lord holds their hand. The Lord loves justice and will never abandon the godly. He will keep them safe forever. The godly offers good counsel; they know right from wrong. So don’t be impatient for the Lord to act, keep steady on His path. For the Least of These, "Obey My laws so you may live, so you may enter and occupy the land ... do not add or subtract from these commands ... teach your children to fear Me as long as they live, and they will be able to teach My laws to their children." Deuteronomy 4:1,2,10 We are in the middle of another snow storm so we will postpone the "God is Going Back to School" Campaign scheduled for tomorrow until next Wed. March 24th, 7am sharp -- 7:45am. Hopefully this will give everyone more time to invite more people so we can minister to more students. This is a very effective outreach ministry. We usually get to give out hundreds to thousands of pieces of gospel and prolife literature, including abstinence. Come and hold a sign or pass out phamplets. Mark your calendar. "If we sin diliberately after receiving knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for our sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgement." Hebrews 10:26-27 About 20 prolifers came out during the course of the morning. They came to rescue their little neighbors from death on this cold wintry day. They thought more of others than themselves. It was worth it, lives were saved. Pastor Miller was here and led us in prayer. We thank God for all of you. Each person that comes is important to this ministry. Those that hold signs and pray have a vital impact on clients and passersby. Many moms tell us they changed their minds because of the photos of the early development pictures of babies and the pictures of aborted babies. The police and lot attendant were present today. Please pray for Walter who claims to be a Christian but does not care about the babies being killed there. He thinks its OK to get "blood money." A shredding truck came and took out what looked like lots of cardboard boxes filled with papers. The truck said "Shred it so you won't regret it." From what I saw: We were able to pray with this great grandma who brought her grandson's girlfriend to have an abortion. The girl said she would commit suicide if she did not have an abortion. We were also able to counsel very young ladies going in and coming out. We give out lots of literature, videos, booties, etc. Carmen was able to reach some Hispanic women by speaking their native language. "You must love the Lord your God with ALL your heart, and ALL your soul, and ALL your strength. And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are away on a journey, when you are lying down and when you are getting up again." Deuteronomy 7:4-7 Charles Finney said, For the Least of These, Over 30 prolifers came out during 7am - 9:30am in the freezing cold to try to rescue the innocent from slaughter (Proverbs 24:10-12). The police, Chris the "deathscort" and Walter the lot attendant were on the scene. It seems like the girls going in for abortions are getting younger and younger. From what we saw today: THIRTEEN CAME AT KILLING TIME. From the abortion providers: "Sometimes when the physician reaches into the uterine cavity to dismember the fetus and remove a part, the entire fetus, still intact, may pass through ... up to the head ... It is not always possible to remove [the head] without crushing the skull ... or by puncturing the skull and suctioning out its contents, thereby killing the fetus ..." (Michigan: Evans v. Kelly, 977 F. Supp. 1283) Testimony of Dr. M.E. "If I get a leg, part of that leg will protrude into the vaginal cavity, then [I will disarticulate it] and the hemorrhaging then causes the death of the fetus" (Ibid.) Does anybody care? Carmen showed a new sidewalk counselor a picture of an aborted baby and a letter from its mom. Her reaction was, "Even beyond the act of a mother doing this to her child, the worse part is that the Church stands idly by and is not here to stop it ." Yes, that is right. If the true Church of Jesus Christ came out to all the killing centers in their communities, these death camps would all close down. The gates of hell cannot prevail against the Church. But too sad and too true, the American Church continues in her apathy and comfort zone. The American Church hides in the walls of her building. American Christians do not want to be "stretched". They don't mind serving the Lord, as long as it fits into their schedule. The true Biblical Church is a "church without walls" that evangelizes and stands uncomfortably against evil on the streets of its community, it's nation and it's world. Look at the apostle Paul - the perils and persecutions he endured, to do the Lord's work. I thank God for the few of you that are willing to give up your Saturday mornings to lay down your lives so others may live. Great is your reward. Jesus "stretches" us when He asks us to do the uncomfortable. That is the reason why He sent us the Holy Spirit to be our "comforter". Don't you think Isaiah was "stretched" when God asked him to walk around Israel naked for three years? How about Ezekiel? Wasn't he "stretched" when God asked him to lay outdoors on his side beside a model of Jerusalem for 390 days? And what about Flip and Rusty? Are they "stretched" right now as they walk cross America with a donkey, a white horse, a coffin and the Ten Commandments? Rusty himself told me that he has never been so unprepared and dependant on the Lord to perform this living parable. They've been before many judges in many courtrooms, they've been in many jails and prisons, but this is an endeavor beyond their comprehension. Please pray for Flip and Rusty, and their families, as they are obedient to what the Lord has called them to do. I wonder why God picked them to do this? Is it because His eyes searched to and fro looking for someone that would obey? … in spite of what others may say. (To find out more go to www.operationsaveamerica.org and follow the Walk Across America, also see Street Reports.) This is Carmen with one of the young moms that changed her mind. She needs a home to stay in, either a small apartment or an in-law suite that some family may have in their home that is not in use. If you know of anything available, please let us know, so we can help the needy, the widow, and the fatherless. "We thank God for the mercy ministries. We thank God for Christians who pick up the pieces of broken lambs and put them back together again. We thank God for CPC's, the educational endeavors, the legislative and the sincere motivation to bring abortion to an end. Yet, the Church of Jesus Christ is also called to stop the wolves from devouring the lambs in the first place. It is the prophetic office, the "father spirit" that needs to rise up in men of God to stop the shedding of innocent blood." Flip Benham Please join us this week in our missionary endeavors, right here in the city of Bridgeport. You don't have to go across salt water to be a missionary. There is a mission field right here in your own backyard. We will reach out to the lost and needy with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Remember, the early bird gets the worm.) Tuesday and Saturday, 7am-and on throughout the morning at 3787 Main Street Bridgeport. Save babies and souls for the glory of God. Come pray and hold a sign. Wednesday, Central High School, 7am-7:45 am, at Lincoln Blvd. and Madison Ave. We would like to cover both entrances. All you have to do is pray, pass out literature or hold a sign. We get to reach hundreds, even thousands, in a short time span. This is a legal activity. "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." 2 Cori. 4:6 For the Least of These, Twenty saints came out to pray during the course of this snow flurry morning. The police and the doorman were at the scene. Pastor Miller was a great sight to see today. He is such an encouragement to us. Fr. Smith usually comes every Tuesday but was probably away today because of the weather. We missed him. From what we saw: One of the turn-aways was probably a save but we did not get to confirm it. It was a young man and a young lady that Carmen and Pastor Miller got to speak to for quite a while. They left in a taxi right from the death camp door, so we did not talk to them on their departure. "As for the violence, it is amazing to hear those who think it's okay for a teenager to submit her unborn child to lethal violence—without parental consent—now worry whether she is able to endure a movie about the death of Jesus." (William Donohue) It's a pretty darned good summation of the hypocrisy which is rampant among those who are criticizing Mel Gibson's movie, The Passion of The Christ. I want to encourage all the local people to come out with us as "God is Going Back to School" on Wed. March 17, 2004, 7am. We will be on the public sidewalk near the high school passing out gospel literature. Some believe this is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT ACTIVITY IN THE ENTIRE PRO-LIFE MOVEMENT - LIVES ARE SAVED BY IT ON A GRAND SCALE! It is preventing abortions at its very source. Hundreds and sometimes thousands of students are reached in a half hour time span. These students will never forget the colored photos of aborted babies. People are more impressed by what they see than by what they hear. A picture is worth a thousand words. We reach more kids on the sidewalk than you can reach in the classroom. Please let us know if you can hold a sign or distribute tracts. "And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruits of righteousness, which come through Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God." Philippians 1:9-11 We will be at the local child killing center this Saturday and Tuesday, 7:15 am and on. We still need people for post abortion literature distribution after 10:00 am. Please consider doing this vital ministry. The harvest is plenty, but laborers are so few. For the Least of These, Twenty-five came out to intercede for their little neighbors that were sentenced to die on this rainy morning. The police, the lot attendant and the "deathscorts" were on duty. It was truly a dismal morning. Death was in the air. A dear sister of ours had just passed away and gone to be with the Lord. We also had a memorial service for a brother of ours that also went to be with the Lord. All this death around you makes you see even more how precious life is and each day that we have. We should never put off what we should do today because we may not have tomorrow. It was very upsetting for all of us present on the streets to see: TWENTY-THREE WOMEN WENT IN. Today was a day hard to tell exactly what was going on. Lots of women went in. Some changed their minds, some turned away, they may have come for a checkup or something else. All I know is it seemed so busy, so I covet your prayers to please pray that lives would be spared and the killing would end soon. It was overwhelming to see all these young ladies hurdled in the death camp like they were cattle. It is so sad and heartwrenching. I want to thank all of you that help out. For example, I thank God for Lucy. She is so helpful to us as she helps deliver diapers, formula and wipes to some of the moms. Thank you to Donna for knitting the booties, it does mean a lot for these moms to have something tangible to hold and think "these are for my baby." One of the moms that changed her mind Tuesday said she watched the abortion video we gave her and definitely will not kill her baby! Praise the Lord. Carmen talked to her on the phone and she plans to come to church. The most important thing we can impart in these young people is the truth about our Lord Jesus Christ. One of the other moms, Paula, needs a small apartment to live in. She is living in an over crowded situation. If you have a mother-in-law apartment or know of any small apartments available at a reasonable price, please help us to help this young pregnant mom. Whatever we do unto the least of these we do unto Him. "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9 For the Least of These, Twenty-five prolifers came out to pray today and try to save lives and souls. The police, the lot attendant (Walter) and Wesleyan "deathscorts" were at the scene. Carmen and Wendy told me that one of the dads was crying his eyes out because he did not want his baby killed. It is awful, a man cannot even protect his child from death. From what we saw: NINETEEN WOMEN WENT IN. I say possibly because the abortionist came in late (10:30) and left early (11:15). I don't think he could have done that many abortions in that short of time. Some may have been check-ups. The problem here is that we don't have anyone for post-abortion time. When we do we get a more accurate count. Please, can anybody reading this report, come out on Tuesdays or Saturdays for post-abortion literature distribution. The time would be anywhere between 9:30am-12:30pm. Whatever you can do? Please pray and think about it. This is a harvest field to minister to Moms with the love of Christ after they have gone through such a horrible event in their lives. The days are short for us to evangelize. We are at a crossroads in America. A civil war against good and evil. You can see it everywhere. On the news its either about the Passion of the Christ or about legalizing gay marriage. Judgement is coming to America. It has already begun. What we learn from history is that we never learn and do the same thing over and over. Pastor Ed had this in his newsletter: Life of An Empire From bondage to spiritual faith. "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them." Romans 1:28-32 Please come out and join us on the streets of Bridgeport ... as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. We plan to be there ... till the killing stops. For the Least of These, “He who is not with Me is against Me and he who is not gathering with Me is scattering abroad" Matthew 12:30 NINE BABIES WERE SAVED IN THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 2004. PTL! About 30 prolifers came out to the streets today to pray for their little neighbors that were about to be brutally killed. I can't help but compare complaints people have about “The Passion of the Christ” movie being too gory with the pictures shown of aborted babies being gory. Both pictures are not pleasant, we hate seeing our Lord tortured to death. We hate seeing babies tortured to death. But both have to be shown so people will know the TRUTH and act upon what they see. When we see Jesus and what He did for us, how can we not love Him? and obey Him? and adore Him? When we see the little babies that are ripped apart limb by limb, how can we not love them, how can we not want to rescue them? how can we disobey God's commands to "love our neighbors as ourselves." Today was a very busy day at the killing center. TWENTY-FIVE CAME AT KILLING TIME. Today the cops confirmed that a minor went into the abortuary and made sure it was reported to DCF. Three cop cars were in front of the mill. Remember, in all states there is a legal age for sexual activity. In Connecticut it is 17 years old. If a girl under 17 goes into an abortion mill, the center is a mandated reporter and must tell DCF. DCF investigates to see if there is any unlawful activity going on such as satutory rape, child molesting, etc. Life Dynamics, Inc. has a whole kit and seminar about this available. If you need the information, you can get it from Mark Crutcher. "Believe His prophets so ye shall prosper." 2 Chron. 20:20 All I can say is "Woe to you who call evil good and good evil"! The eyes of the Lord go to and fro across the earth, searching for those that will serve and obey Him. Look at the signs of our times. Look what is happening. 1.) Flip and Rusty start their prophetic Walk Across America as a living epistle for our Lord, warning of the judgment of God coming upon this nation that sheds innocent blood. 2.) Our nation is in an uproar over the Super Bowl Halftime and the Shock Jock Howard Stern. Clear TV went before Congress and the FCC to tighten the law on immorality in the media. People are finally noticing something is wrong. 3.) Homosexuals are being illegally married in San Francisco as people all over the nation fight to keep marriage between one man and one woman. 4.) Mel Gibson produces a movie that no studio in Hollywood would touch. This movie makes it plain as day to our culture who Jesus is and what He did for us. People all over flock to see it. "When they turn to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away." 2 Cori. 3:16 I'm sure more signs can be listed but the point I am trying to make is that we need to wake up and fight the the enemy. Judgement is coming to America. We need to turn our nation back to God. We do not want to cause the Lord to tarry. He said He will return when we make Satan our footstool. That means we are not supposed to hang around and wait for the rapture to come so we don't have to fight any battles. That is a cop out and wishful thinking on the part of most Christians. Stop hiding in your churches and come out to the streets. We reach out to the lost and needy - who find themselves where they should not be. Tuesdays and Saturdays 7am and on. "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except by Me." John 14:6 For the Least of These, Over 20 lifesavers came out this brisk morning. The police and the lot attendant were on the scene of the crimes. From what we saw: ELEVEN MOMS BROUGHT THEIR BABIES IN. Please pray for Mira's family. They are the one's that changed their minds. It was a son and mother and the son's girlfriend. The mother and son seemed more convinced then the mom. She was very quiet. This young couple are only 16 years old. They took a video, booties, literature and our phone numbers. The abortuary put green slates in the fence near where we talk to the patients and show them photos. It seems to be more effective and the photos show up better against this solid background. We constantly see that God uses all things for good for those that love Him and try to fulfill His purposes. "Millions of born again Christians are turning deaf ears and blind eyes to the plight of these children. Either we do not truly believe they are human; we do not truly believe abortion is murder; or both. We need to get Christians outside all the killing centers in the metro area. This is not too hard for God, but it is apparently too hard for the lukewarm American church. Please pray that somebody wakes up: if not you, then your pastor or the person sitting next to you in church." Chris A. Coatney Please join us on Saturdays and Tuesdays (7:15am and on) as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. We plan to be there ... until the killing stops! For the Least of These, At least 35 saints came out to the streets today. PTL! The prayers were answered. No clergy showed up except Pastor Dave, who stopped by. We need more clergy to stand up on the streets for rightousness. The parking lot attendant, Chris the "deathscort" and the police were on the scene of the crimes. "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them." Eph.5:11 The turnaway was a young lady with another woman who drove her there. The driver was a maniac screaming and swearing as they went in the mill. When they left the passenger, who we assume was the client, was crying her eyes out and holding a paper. Maybe she was too far along in her pregnancy and referred somewhere else. I don't know for sure. When they left out of the parking lot the driver was again yelling and screeching her tires. Only God knows. Please pray the Lord gets a hold of this mom before it is too late! The changed mind was a young lady from Peru. She came to breakfast with us. She seems depressed and confused about her problems and situation. The baby's dad wants nothing to do with her or his baby. She is 17 weeks pregnant. We counseled her at breakfast and prayed with her. Please keep her in your prayers also. Again I thank God for Carmen and her gift to speak Spanish. (Please pray that Carmen can find a job that will not take her away from the ministry. We really need her.) God can and does use all ages to save lives. From little Daniel (2 yrs. old) to my Mom (78 yrs. old), the gang's all here to pray and stand up for Jesus. "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world -- the cravings of sinful man -- the lust of the eyes -- and the boasting of what he has and does -- comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever." 1 John 2:15-17 Here is a parable I received from one of the prolife reports (Face Life) to encourage the weary: There were a group of frogs playing. Three of the frogs fell deep into a hole. The first frog jumped and jumped again and again in an attempt to escape and survive. The other frogs above ground watched him and yelled out to him, "Give it up! Lay down and die." The second frog decided to attempt to escape this certain death of the pit and he began to leap and struggle as well. He too met with those same yells to lay down and die! " You aren't going to make it anyway!" As he jumped he became weaker and weaker and more discouraged. He also laid down to die. The third frog decided to make his escape. As he tried and tried they yelled and yelled. "Give it up! You are stupid for trying!", etc. Every time he seemed to get a bit closer and closer until, finally, although exhausted he had succeeded to make it to ground level. They asked him, "Why did you keep trying???" Why didn't you just give up? The thing is, he was unable to understand the question. You see he was deaf. He thought those words of discouragement were words of encouragement. He thought they were cheering him on. The next time you see prolifers maybe you can cheer them on. Or maybe if you are that prolifer hearing those discouraging words, simply play "DEAF" Hope to see you all out on the streets every Tuesday and Saturday, as we reach out to the lost and need who find themselves where they should not be! We plan to be there ... until the killing stops. For the Least of These, Babies were sentenced to die at 3787 Main Street today and only 12 prolifers came out to pray on this cold morning. Most left for work, leaving a "faithful few" for most of the morning. I don't know why so many are MIA or AWOL? We are all tired, but if we don't persevere, we won't have the victory. I haven't seen any clergy around for a while. What statement does that make in our community? If Pastors don't care, why should their people? As the shepherd leads, so the sheep will follow. It was even hard for me to get out of bed this morning. But I prayed for the Lord to give me the strength to endure it for Him. Our service is a living sacrifice for God. We do need reinforcements, the old soldiers are weary. God can use some new saints out on the streets. I thank God for Wendy and Brenda who have just started to consistently come out. They hear the call of our Savior to "rescue the innocent from slaughter." From what we saw today: TWELVE WOMEN CAME AT ABORTION TIME. We think one of the women who changed her mind Saturday, came back today. We did not have anyone there today after 10am. We still need women for post abortion literature distribution and we need someone to video for the ministry. We all need to repent and ask God's forgiveness for the blood that is on our hands. It is upon us, our city, our state, our nation, and all its inhabitants, especially the Church. "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. " 2 Chronicles 7:14 We have failed to love our neighbor as ourselves. Their shed innocent blood pollutes the very ground of our city and state. "So you shall not pollute the land where you are; for blood defiles the land, and no atonement can be made for the land, for the blood that is shed on it, except by the blood of him who shed it." Numbers 35:33 As Wendy said to me today, all this is going on because it is hidden. If we could actually see them ripping the babies apart we would run in and stop them. If someone came in your house and tried to take your baby and rip it in pieces -- you would fight for your baby's life. But because it is unseen, it goes on. Jesus is the light of the world, and he tells us to expose the evil that is done in darkness. "Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, The LORD mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, He is the King of glory. Selah" Psalm 24:7-10 We pray Lord Jesus that you would end completely the shedding of innocent blood in our community and in our nation. It is not by power or by might but by your spirit. We know You have already doing miraculous things as multitudes of lives have been saved and the killing rate has come drastically down. "The LORD said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.” Psalm 110:1 Matthew 22:44, Mark 12:36, Luke 20:43, Acts 2:35, Hebrews 1:13 (six scripture references)! "But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God, from that time waiting till His enemies are made His footstool." Heb.10:12,13 "... I will build My Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18 "But you have an anointing of the Holy One, and you know all things. I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you know it." 1 John 2:20-21 Please join us Saturday morning 7:15am as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. We will be there ... until the killing stops! Join us please.
For the Least of These, We had a very productive day on the streets Saturday Feb. 14, 2004. We were at two locations. First we went to the baby killing center on 3787 Main Street to stand in the gap for our little brothers and sisters that were sentenced to die there. I thank God for Carmen, Millie and Sylvia for their willingness to use their gifts for the glory of God! Two Spanish speaking women were turned away from the death camp. Carmen took one couple to get breakfast and then to Hopeline for pregnancy resources from Sylvia. Millie spoke to two other Hispanic women in great length. I flagged them down before they entered the mill. In spite of efforts, by Chris the deathscort, to coerce them into the parking lot, they went off to St. Vincent's family life care center instead. The prayers of the saints were effective and the signs held to expose the lie of abortion manifested into lives saved! Thirty prayer warriors came out of their warm comfy homes to become the "Church Without Walls." "If you faint in the day of adversity, Your strength is small. Deliver those who are drawn toward death, And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, “Surely we did not know this,” Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? From what we saw: FOURTEEN WOMEN CAME AT KILLING TIME. Twenty-one Christians came out to Bridgeport Hospital later in the morning to expose the killing of children that goes on there. Abortion (baby killing) is not health care. Doctors and hospitals are supposed to preserve life and health. Something is wrong here. We had three police cars present. Everything went decently and in order. Lieutenant Sapiro was the overseeing officer. It was a little windy. My 78 year old mother almost got blown away holding one of the large signs. My 2 year old nephew Daniel was there with my sister Nancy showing everyone that "Adoption is Better than Abortion." Ken brought his little girls too, to show how precious little lives are. We gave out literature and got to speak to some hospital workers, visitors and passers by. Many cars slowed down to read the signs. It was a fruitful day for the glory of God. Thank you everyone that goes on there. Abortion (baby killing) is not health care. Doctors and hospitals are supposed to preserve life and health. Something is wrong here. We had three police cars present. Everything went decently and in order. Lieutenant Sapiro was the overseeing officer. It was a little windy. My 78 year old mother almost got blown away holding one of the large signs. My 2 year old nephew Daniel was there with my sister Nancy showing everyone that "Adoption is Better than Abortion." Ken brought his little girls too, to show how precious little lives are. We gave out literature and got to speak to some hospital workers, visitors and passers by. Many cars slowed down to read the signs. It was a fruitful day for the glory of God. Thank you everyone for sacrificing your Saturday mornings to do the Lord's work. When we are faithful in small things, the Lord will entrust us to greater works. When we stand before Him on the day of Judgment, all that matters is that we used our talents and our time wisely. "His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.' Matthew 25:23 Please join us Tuesday and Saturday at the very gates of hell, where little boys and girls are sacrificed to the god of convenience and selfishness (Satan). We will be there as His hands, His feet, His mouthpiece -- to reach out to the lost and needy -- who find themselves where they should not be! We will be there ... till the killing stops! For the Least of These,
SATURDAY FEB. 7, 2004 From what we know: Carmen, Danny, and I were attending the OSA Leaders Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina as 35 saints in Bridgeport prayed and witnessed on behalf of the lost and needy. We were at the abortuary on Hebron St.in Charlotte. One baby was saved and a couple of turnaways. We saw about ten moms go in at killing time there. It was a time of encouragement and fellowship with the saints across America. It was also very serious as we went before the Lord on behalf of Flip and Rusty who are about to start their prophetic trip across America March 1st. Many prayers and exhortations were heard. Because we have not obeyed God in America the enemies are taking over. We need to warn our nation before it is too late. "They did not destroy the peoples, Concerning whom the LORD had commanded them, But they mingled with the Gentiles And learned their works; They served their idols, Which became a snare to them. They even sacrificed their sons And their daughters to demons, And shed innocent blood, The blood of their sons and daughters, Whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan; And the land was polluted with blood. Thus they were defiled by their own works, And played the harlot by their own deeds. Therefore the wrath of the LORD was kindled against His people, So that He abhorred His own inheritance. And He gave them into the hand of the Gentiles, And those who hated them ruled over them. ' Psalm 106:34-41 Over 15 prolifers came out in last moment notice. It looks like the killing days will be Tuesdays and Saturdays for the time being. From what we saw: SEVENTEEN WOMEN WENT IN AT KILLING TIME. Bridgeport Police were present both days. The new doorman Walter was there. It was a heartbreaking day as one young lady changed her mind. She was sure she did not want to abort. She went back to get her medical card but it appears that her boyfriend coerced her to kill their baby. We were all so sad. It was so close. The baby almost lived. What have we come to? Animals treat their young better than humans do. Just in Connecticut today a two month old baby died because his 20 year old dad shook him to death as they waited in their parked car at Walmart's for the 19 year old mom to get out of work. As we continue to kill thousands of babies daily in America, can we even wonder why there is no respect for human life? We need to pray for the fathers in our country to love their children. "Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD ... He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” Malachi 4:5b-6. Little Daniel even came out to help save lives. He was adopted not aborted. His little life is a living testimony of why moms should choose adoption over abortion. We are so glad his mom chose life. Now he gets to live and make others happy too. Saturday we will be going to Bridgeport Hospital from 11am - 12 noon with the signs of life and death. We have been told of incidents that have occurred there from late term abortions. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU CAN JOIN US! When we leave the mill around 9:30am Saturday morning we will go to White's for a break and then out again to 267 Grand Street for 11am. For the Least of These, “You shall not afflict any widow or fatherless child. If you afflict them in any way, and they cry at all to Me, I will surely hear their cry; and My wrath will become hot, and I will kill you with the sword; your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless." Ex. 22:22-23 It is always a joy to have a saved baby come and visit us. Today little Kevin came with his grandma. Carmen and Lucy were showing him off to some of the moms that were outside smoking near the killing center door. This is one of the babies we help with diapers (size 5) and supplies. Seven prolifers came out last minute today. We are all part of the "church without walls." You see we want to be salt and light to a lost and dying world. We are of no value unless the salt comes out of the shaker and the bushel basket is lifted from the light. If satan can keep the salt in the shaker (keep Christians in their church buildings) and the bushel over their light (Jesus), he is accomplishing his plan to silence us so we become worthless. We did not know they were open today until about 8:15am and Carmen and I arrived about 9am. Bridgeport police came and the new doorman Walter was there. Pray for him. He says he is a Christian. It is amazing how many guards that work at the death camp claim to be Christians. It just goes to show what they are learning in their churches. We need more great preachers like John Wesley and Charles Finney who said: "Before I can preach love, mercy and grace ... I must preach sin, law, and judgement. Preach 90% law and 10% grace." (JW) "How to preach so as to convert nobody. One way to do that, preach about sin but never mention any of the sins of the congregation. People are not brought to conviction by generalizing ... " (CF) As soon as we got there, we saw a couple that changed their mind last week go in. We prayed they would come out and they did. Come to find out the girl's cousin was in there for an abortion and the couple was trying to persuade her not to kill her baby. We gave them a ride to school on our way home. The mom in this car changed her mind and was getting info from Carmen. From what we know today: TEN CAME TO KILL. The stats we have for the month of January, 2004 are as follows. This is a high number of saves. 101 Babies killed. "Keep yourself far from a false matter; do not kill the innocent and righteous. For I will not justify the wicked."Exodus 23:7 We are grateful for all the babies that were saved. We give our Lord Jesus all the glory. It is only through Him. We repent and mourn for the little ones that were killed. No one wants to die alone. I hope they know we stood watch for them and even though they were condemned to death and abandoned by their parents, we love them and look forward to seeing them someday in Heaven. At the hour of their death we prayed for them and probably showed them the only kindness they ever knew on Earth. "If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned. And if at another time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be built and planted, and it does evil in My sight and does not obey Me, then I will reconsider the good I had intended to do for it." Jeremiah 18:7-10 Please come Saturday morning 7:15am sharp, as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. Carmen and I will be away at the OSA leaders meeting so let us know if you will be there and keep cover. For the Least of These, "Abortion is unpatriotic because it kills little Americans." Fr Francis McCloskey "Indeed, they do more than endure. They spread the message of a merciful God in the midst of the worst evil that the heart of man can produce." Tom White About twenty prolifers came out during the course of this frigid morning. Five CHS students came before school to help save their little brethren. The wind chill was -10 degrees. We WERE literally the "chosen frozen". I could not even feel my hand and foot warmers. Most came and stayed a short time. A few were there from 7:15 am to 9:45 am. Others came for post abortion at 10:15 - 12 noon. (We need more people for this time slot.) Fr. Smith was there to represent the clergy. Signs were displayed of life and death. We must expose the wicked deeds of darkness (Eph. 5:11) and hope that people who do see the grisly photos will be so moved with compassion that they want the killing to stop. Today was busier than usual because the mill was closed on Wednesday and is supposed to be closed tomorrow. They did two days appointments in one day. The abortionist (MAB) came around 10:30 am. From what we know and saw: The injustice these preborn children are experiencing must not be forgotten! "Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the LORD, The Creator of the ends of the earth, Neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:28-31 One of the young ladies going in from the sidewalk changed her mind after we counseled her. We gave her an abortion video to take home and watch and literature for help and information. We were trying to call her boyfriend over away from the clinic. She went to get him and he would not leave, instead he pulled her in. We prayed for them for about half an hour and they did finally come out. Please pray for this beautiful young couple. Carmen gave these teenage students a ride home. We also gave her baby booties to hold onto until her baby's arrival. (Thank you Donna for all the booties you knit! It helps the moms relate better to their child with something tangible they can see and feel.) Little Daniel got to sit in a police car for the first time today. He liked it and did not want to get out. Who knows we may have a future law enforcement officer in our midst. Please join us on Wednesdays and Saturdays 7:15 am and on, as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. God can use you at any age, we had Daniel here at 2 years old and Fr Smith at 83! All Jesus wants is a willing heart, pure and holy then with Him all things are possible. For the Least of These, ROE MEMORIAL SERVICE on the Streets of Bridgeport, CT The Roe Memorial Service started with a black hearse escorted by a Bridgeport Police car. The police handled both events in a spirit of excellence. About seventy-five prolifers were present including at least ten clergy that I know (Thomas, Miller, Markey,Hawkins, Vazquez, McIntyre, Bergeron, Driver,Ahrens, Nugent). As the hearse traveled slowly down Main Street towards the killing center, mounted police stood at watch, and a bagpiper played "Going Home." Then "Amazing Grace" was played as Kelly, Cori, Colbi and Kelsea served as pallbearers to carry the casket for the procession. Pastor James Miller from Gospel Light Church did the opening prayer (invocation). He was followed by Fr. Greg Markey of St. Mary's Church, Norwalk, who did a New Testament reading. Pastor Michael Hawkins followed with an Old Testament reading and then Mrs. Carmen Perez Dickson, principal of Roosevelt School in Bridgeport, led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. A high point in the service was when Amy Wolff sang the national anthem. The last stanza was really moving and you could hear each word loud and clear especially "In God is our Trust"! Anne Darcangelo gave a heart warming testimony on adoption. She told how she and her brother are both so grateful that their birth mothers loved them enough to chose life, and their adoptive parents loved enough to adopt them. My sister, Nancy, and brother-in-law, Tom, came forward with little Daniel Artur Eldredge. They had a sign that read "I'm Adopted NOT Aborted." They told of their adventures going to Russia for the son that our Lord had picked just for them. Amy and Abby Wolff then lead the group in praise and worship with "Amazing Grace." My granddaughter, Colbi Rowland, followed with a beautiful song of repentance, "You Are My King." My other granddaughter, Cori Rowland gave a survivor's testimony with Carmen's daughter, Kelly Vazquez. They both challenged their generation to get involved and fight this battle. Amy then lead a group of youth in the song "Where Have All The Children Gone?"
Rusty Thomas preached a truthful message on the state of our nation and the job of the Church at this hour. Carmen and I gave the statistics of the past fourteen years of street ministry including 1200 babies saved and 351 professions of faith. We asked for people to please come out on Wednesday and Saturday mornings, so the killing would end soon. Red and white carnations were passed out to the guests and they said their farewells at "the casket of the unknown baby." The world does not acknowledge these precious little ones, but we, as Christians, remembered all the innocent children (45 million just in the USA) that did not choose to die. We look forward to meeting and knowing them all someday in Heaven. During this event -- the Summit abortion center did remain open. Carmen and Carol stood watch to counsel the women. The abortionist (MAB) arrived later than usual (10:30 am) probably to avoid the crowd. From what we know: SIXTEEN WOMEN CAME. We had an awesome five days with Rusty. So much was accomplished, so many seeds were sown, Jesus and His Word were lifted high. We look forward to the fruit that will come from this week's events. We give our Lord and King, Jesus Christ, all the honor, all the praise and all the glory for what transpired. It's all about Him. For the Least of These, ECCLESIASTICAL COURT
"And Mordecai told them to answer Esther: “Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king's palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this ?”Esther 4:13-14 The Ecclesiastical Court was awesome! The spirit of the Lord was upon us. About 100 people came out to the Federal Court in Bridgeport. Fourteen pastors stood up front and a few were in the audience. Pastors Miller, Vazquez, Chalput, Nugent, Muratori, Hawkins, Marshall, Hoyt, Greco, Flashman, Gast, and Fathers McCloskey and Smith "Stood Up for God" and sounded the alarm to our community and our nation.These are the seven decrees that were cited as an abomination to God and His Law.
The Bridgeport Police did an awesome job. The mounted police on horses were present. Even reporters kneeled when we all went down to pray. The anointing was present on Rusty and the service. The seven pastors that gave the charges were great! The children participated by ripping up the documents to be burned. This was definitely an Ebenezer stone of remembrance for all who participated. All the fasting, praying and preparation paid off. “Is this not the fast that I have chosen: To loose the bonds of wickedness, To undo the heavy burdens, To let the oppressed go free, And that you break every yoke?" Isaiah 58:6 As Rusty taught Wednesday night at the kick-off rally, we are in a sorry state in America. Why? "Because of the sins of her prophets, And the iniquities of her priests, Who shed in her midst The blood of the just." Lamentations 4:13 So what shall do we do? "Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, But such as keep the law contend with them." Proverbs 28:4 Please join us tomorrow for our Roe Memorial at 3787 Main St. We will have a time of repentance and mourning for all the precious babies killed by abortion. There will be special speakers and music, invite a friend. It starts 8am sharp to 9:30am. Come early to park on Golden Rod. I need some men to bring shovels to make room on the sidewalk for the platform and podium. Pray that the Lord will move in a supernatural way as we do this as a living sacrifice unto Him. For the Least of These, Stats Only: Please help us to help moms keep their babies, we need food gift cards, diapers, baby food, baby cereal, formula Enfamil Prosobee dry mix, blue can. Thank you. LORD, continue to show us, lead us, use us, so the killing will end soon. For the Least of These, "The sin of our times is the sin that believes in nothing, cares for nothing, seeks to know nothing, interferes with nothing, enjoys nothing, hates nothing, finds purpose in nothing, and remains alive because there is nothing for which it will die."
It was a sad day in Bridgeport as thirty prolifers came out to pray and evangelize the lost. "How beautiful are the feet of him who brings the Gospel." Isaiah 52:7 Chris, the escort was there. Police were on the scene. It was cold, but not as bad as last week. The parking lot was full. We saw: The abortionist (MAB) came by 10am to do his grizzly business. One Spanish couple that Carmen spoke to was taken home by the Kendalls after they changed their minds. I spoke to a black mom and daughter in their car and gave them info, they did not go in. Another black girl came out with her friend and said she changed her mind and took literature for help. A black girl and a white girl left and said she changed her mind and another black mom and daughter that went in and came out said they changed their minds. One woman said the sign with the baby's head called "Choice" helped her to change her mind. We know the signs are gross, but we need to show the truth because if we don't, who will? As we read through the Bible together we see in Matthew 11 that Jesus was talking about John the Baptist. The people expected a prophet to come dressed in expensive clothes like those who live in palaces. Not like John dressed for the wilderness. Jesus said no person was greater than John the Baptist. Just think the people thought he was a maniac but none fulfilled his God-given purpose better than he did. We have a modern day John the Baptist coming to Bridgeport next week. His name is Rusty Thomas. He is a great man of God with a prophetic mantle on him. He was born and grew up in Bridgeport. He is the assistant director to Flip Benham and OSA National. When he preaches and prays the demons tremble and the ground shakes. We are looking forward to what God is going to do in Bridgeport next week. Please join us in the events wee changed her mind and took literature for help. A black girl and a white girl left and said she changed her mind and another black mom and daughter that went in and came out said they changed their minds. One woman said the sign with the baby's head called "Choice" helped her to change her mind. We know the signs are gross, but we need to show the truth because if we don't, who will? As we read through the Bible together we see in Matthew 11 that Jesus was talking about John the Baptist. The people expected a prophet to come dressed in expensive clothes like those who live in palaces. Not like John dressed for the wilderness. Jesus said no person was greater than John the Baptist. Just think the people thought he was a maniac but none fulfilled his God-given purpose better than he did. We have a modern day John the Baptist coming to Bridgeport next week. His name is Rusty Thomas. He is a great man of God with a prophetic mantle on him. He was born and grew up in Bridgeport. He is the assistant director to Flip Benham and OSA National. When he preaches and prays the demons tremble and the ground shakes. We are looking forward to what God is going to do in Bridgeport next week. Please join us in the events we have planned for you to be a part of. "Remember Roe" that notorious day back on Jan. 22, 1973 when baby killing was legalized nation wide through the Supreme Court. Our very own attorney general, Dick Blumenthal, helped pen the document that has been used to kill 45 million children, when he was a legal clerk for Chief Justice Harry Blackmun. Woe. The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. E. Burke Tomorrow's CT Post should have the ad we put in STAND UP FOR GOD. Make sure you look in the main news section. Wednesday night is the rally, Thursday is the Ecclesiastical Court and Saturday the Roe Memorial. See details below. Please join us as we take a public stand for Jesus and His righteousness. Ephes. 5:11 "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." We need someone to help video the Ecclesiastical Court on Thursday. Everything seems to be pretty much set. We will be fasting Monday - Wednesday for these events. Please join in as you are led, and pray for a mighty move of God in our community. "The Church of Jesus Christ is at a crossroads in America. She will either take up the cross of her Lord and storm the gates of hell victoriously or retreat in disgrace and allow our culture to go to hell in a hand basket." Rev. Philip (Flip) Benham, OSA National Director For the Least of These, Wed. 7:15 am - Summit Center, 3787 Main St. Come save babies and souls. Wed. 7:00 pm - Kick-Off Rally Gospel Light Church, 222 Charles St. Bpt. Come worship together and hear a timely message from Rusty Thomas "You Were Called Into His Kingdom For Such A Time As This." Thurs. 11:30 am - Ecclesiastical Court to be held in front of the Federal Courthouse on the corner of Lafayette and State Streets, Bridgeport. The clergy will hold the Supreme Court in Contempt of God's Court. God's Laws are higher than man's laws. Please come and invite some friends. We have permits for these events. Sat. 7:45 am - Roe Memorial Service 3787 Main Street, Bridgeport. Praise and worship, testimonies, special guests. We will have a funeral service as the clergy lead us to remember, mourn and repent for all the babies killed right here in our community and in our nation. Dress warm in layers (like you would for skiing). Don't miss this special time. Please invite your family, friends, and your church. Agendas, flyers, and directions are available. Any questions please email me [ MarilynProlife@aol.com ]. We cannot do this alone, we need all of you to help get the word out and participate. If you are in another state, we covet your prayers. Fr Francis will be coming from Albany, NY with a caravan. Rusty is coming from Waco, Texas. We thank the Lord for all the men of God taking time out to participate. You will serve the Kingdom that you see. About 15 prolifers came out in the frigid cold sub-zero wind chill weather. Few stay the whole time with us, you are welcome to come no matter how long you can stay. If you get too cold, you can go in your car and pray with the heat on. Pastor Miller was there and represented the clergy of this area. The police and doorman were on the scene. No escorts (it was probably too cold). From what we saw: FIFTEEN WOMEN CAME AT KILLING TIME. We have a young dad that needs a job. He has an associate's degree in business. If you know of anything please let us know. This couple changed their mind last week and are keeping their baby. PTL! "My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?" Psalm 42:2 "Hungry and thirsty, Their soul fainted in them." Psalm 107:5 Woe to those who are completely full. Abundance takes away your hunger for God. Those that do hunger have a real need and want righteousness to prevail. When you hunger after the things of God it shows your spirit is alive and not dead. "Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You." Psalm 73:25 Some don't hunger for God because they are so full of themselves that they never feel empty. They are ignorant of God and establish their own standard. They are content without Him. Grace is never missed during healthy good times, most would rather sleep because they are spiritually drowsy and unconscious. Even in Luke 14 when Jesus invited everyone to the wedding feast, many had excuses. Why? They were not hungry. "Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober." 1 Thes. 5:6 It is sometimes painful to hunger for Christ, especially when those all around you are more interested in entertainment and possessions. Like the Laodecean Church they don't desire Christ but they want the crown. Carnal Christianity is conditional. God is not playing games. To those of you that hunger, just the fact that you want to do what is right is a blessing to God and He honors that. Be encouraged - you that hunger and thirst after righteousness. Man desires what he loves. We love Jesus! "With my soul I have desired You in the night, Yes, by my spirit within me I will seek You early; For when Your judgments are in the earth, The inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness." Isaiah 26:9 I encourage you all to come out for the next week's "Roe Remembrance" events. You all got a flyer with the locations and times listed. This is one time of the year that "Christians" receive the abortion message. Use this opportunity to open your heart and the hearts of others to what God is saying to us, His Church. All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke We will be at the killing center this Saturday and Wednesday 7:15am. Come reach out to the lost and needy ... who find themselves where they should not be! We will continue our mission ... until the killing stops. For the Least of These, Less than 20 prolifers came out to the streets today. It was so cold, it was hard to use the camera or write, but we managed. I encourage all of you that plan to come and pray and rescue the innocent to dress in layers as if you were going skiing. The police were present and another new doorman. There was an incident with the clinic counselor who did not like Carmen calling out to her. She complained to the police and was pointing her finger in Carmen's face. It seems to me that her job to counsel women to kill their children is really getting to her. Please pray for her salvation. WE THANK GOD THAT FIVE BABIES WERE SAVED! From what we know: TWENTY WOMEN CAME AT KILLING TIME. I just watched "The Patriot" movie again. That movie has such lessons in it. One thing that struck me was what men had to go through to get our freedom. I compare it to nowadays, and the men today are so comfortable, few are willing to fight. Mel Gibson refused to join the battle so the war came to his home. If we don't go to battle, the battle will come to us. Our country is on a slippery slope and has gone from a Christian nation to a godless nation. If we are not willing to stand and fight for what is right, we will lose. God has called us to be salt and light. Salt fights decay and light exposes evil. Below is an example of what happens when the Church does not do its job. Jeremiah 5:30-31: "A horrible and shocking thing has happened in the land: The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority, and My people love it this way. But what will you do in the end?" 6:13-19 “From the least to the greatest, all are greedy for gain; prophets and priests alike, all practice deceit. They dress the wound of My people as though it were not serious. ‘Peace, peace,' they say, when there is no peace. Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when I punish them,” says the LORD. Hear, O earth: I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not listened to My words and have rejected My law. This is what the LORD says:"Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.' I appointed watchmen over you and said, ‘Listen to the sound of the trumpet!' But you said, ‘We will not listen.' Therefore hear, O nations; observe, O witnesses, what will happen to them. Hear, O earth: I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not listened to My words and have rejected My law. 7:1-5 "This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD: “Stand at the gate of the LORD'S house and there proclaim this message: "Hear the word of the LORD, all you people of Judah who come through these gates to worship the LORD. This is what the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Reform your ways and your actions, and I will let you live in this place. Do not trust in deceptive words and say, “This is the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD!” If you really change your ways and your actions and deal with each other justly, if you do not oppress the alien, the fatherless or the widow and do not shed innocent blood in this place, and if you do not follow other gods to your own harm, then I will let you live in this place, in the land I gave your forefathers for ever and ever." We are currently getting signatures from clergy for the Stand Up For God statement to put in the newspaper. Ask your pastor to sign it. If you need a copy let me know. Please participate in the events listed below as we publicly proclaim six Supreme Court decisions and the Judge Roy Moore decision unlawful and unconstitutional. Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas, assistant director of OSA National, will be coming to Connecticut to help with these events. For the Least of These, Kick-Off Rally – Date: January 21, 2004, Wednesday Ecclesiastical Court - Date: Jan. 22, 2004, Thursday Roe Vs. Wade Memorial - Date: Jan. 24, 2004, Saturday
Thirty prolifers came out early Saturday to pray and witness for Jesus. Later on in the morning Bishop Lori lead a prayer march to the killing center with a large group. From what we saw: Nineteen moms went in at killing time. I am not exactly sure on the count because we got conflicting reports after we left. We know at least three and maybe five changed their minds. There was a new door boy today. The police were present. Nancy and Tom came again with little Daniel. He is the star on the sidewalk these days. He is such a blessing to our family and our ministry. We know the Lord will use him in a mighty way. Carmen was showing him to one of the moms and said "His mom could have aborted him, but she gave him life, now he has a mom and dad loving and caring for him." As we move into the New Year 2004 we have two big events coming up. I need to ask your help. We cannot do this alone. Right now we need a funeral home to sponsor a hearse for the Roe Memorial and we need an Honor Guard. If you know someone in any of these capacities please ask them and let us know. We also need some male students to hold up the gravestones at the Ecclesiastical Court and to carry the coffin at the Roe Memorial. We will be running an ad in the CT Post the week before these events called STAND UP FOR GOD. The main thrust of this statement is that we will honor God's laws over man's laws. Meaning the Supreme Court has made many unjust laws. For example, Roe V. Wade: saying it is OK to kill innocent babies. God's laws says it is NOT OK to kill innocent babies. He states three times in Jeremiah alone that this is a thing so horrible I never even thought of it! Throughout the bible God's Word speaks against shedding innocent blood and the bloodguilt that comes on a people thaGod's word speaks against shedding innocent blood and the bloodguilt that comes on a people that allows this. Another example of unjust law is the legalization of sodomy. God's word says sodomy is sin, homosexuality is an abomination to God. The Supreme Court is in contempt of God's court to say it is OK. We will make seven charges against seven federal court decisions. Take a stand for what is right and true. God will honor our efforts and our faith. "Don't let others spoil your faith and joy with their philosophies, their wrong and shallow answers built on men's thoughts and ideas, instead of on what Christ said." Colossians 2:8 This ad is expensive, if you want to help sponsor it please send a check to OSA-CT, 632 Merwin Ave. Milford, CT 06460. We are asking pastors to sign the statement. Why would any true man of God not take a public stand for His Lord and His King? Ask your pastors.We will be sending it in next week. "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world -- the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does -- comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of the God lives forever." 1 John 2:25-17 Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas will be joining us for five days. Mark your calendars and tell your friends: January 21, 2004 - Wednesday. Rally at Gospel Light Church, 222 Charles Street, Bpt. 7pm. This is to prepare us for the Ecclesiastical Court. Rusty will teach on "You Were Brought into the Kingdom for Such a Time as This." Pastors will receive their charges, invite your churches to come. January 22, 2004 - Thursday. Ecclesiastical Court. 11:30am-1pm. Federal Courthouse on the corner of State Street and Lafayette in Bridgeport. This is a prophetic and historical event. Don't miss it. God is calling us to take a public stand against tyranny of our courts. January 24, 2004 - Saturday. Roe Memorial Service. 8am-9:30am. We had to change the time again because Pastor Marshall moved from across the street. We won't be able to have part of this ceremony inside his church. We will have the whole thing outside like last year. Please pray for good weather for both events. We will repent and mourn for all the babies killed. Please join us at 3787 Main Street. I hope to see you all out on the streets this WEDNESDAY. Yes, we are back to Wednesdays now that the holidays are over. We will be there to reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. We will be there ... until the killing stops! For the Least of These, Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year! Today 20 prolifers came out to the streets. Fr. Smith represented the local clergy and we had a rabbi from North Carolina blowing his shofar as a warning of judgment to come. Above is a photo of one of the families we brought gifts to. Today we saw: EIGHT MOMS WENT IN AT KILLING TIME. A mother of a young lady that went in to kill her baby came to the killing center and went in and got her daughter out. She told us to pray when she went in. They were both so relieved when they ran out of that dreadful place! We were even blessed today to have my brand new nephew join us, Daniel Artur Eldredge. He came out to the streets with his mom, in his stroller, to help save lives. My sister Nancy and brother-in-law Tom just got back Saturday night from their adoption process in Russia. They are now proud parents of a beautiful two year old boy (see photo). Looking back on 2003, we give God all the glory for what He has done in the past year of ministry! 101 Babies were saved from death (totaling 1196 in fourteen years). There are now one hundred and one young Connecticut citizens alive because you were bold and courageous and came out to the streets to save lives for Jesus! 7 people confessed Jesus as Lord and Savior (totaling 351 in 14 years) Tens of thousands of gospel literature has been passed out at seven local high schools, at the abortion mill, at Yale, Milford Hospital, porno protests, Gay Pride in New Haven, porno protests in Milford, and more. We were able to do a home bible study for eight months in one of the mom's home. We visited moms in the hospital after they had their babies. We sent out and delivered multiple packages including literature, videos, audios, Bibles, diapers, wipes, food cards, etc. You helped families pay bills, buy food, get furniture and electrical help. You helped find jobs, training programs, housing, and insurance benefits for the needy. All because you worked together with us to make this happen. We could not do this alone. We thank you for helping us help others. We also thank the AFA Law Center and Mike DePrimo for always being there for us. God always provides what we need. We were able to hold some momentous events in 2003 and attended some, too. We brought many young ladies and moms to the Hopeline Purity Conference. We had two short term mission trips last summer. Our own Kelly and Cori received youth awards at Connecticut Right to Life Conference. Looking back I would say we had a very busy and fruitful year. We thank Our Father, because we know it is all because of Him. We are excited that the Summit abortion center went from six days of business down to two days. They are only open two days a week now. We are hoping and praying the killing will end soon in Bridgeport. Hope to see you all this Saturday, 7:15 am, as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. Bishop Lori will be leading a procession to the Summit from the Catholic Center at 9:30am. Come and take a stand for life. For the Least of These, REMINDER- Jan. 22 is just weeks away. This is the horrible day that child killing was legalized in our nation 31 years ago. Since this time, 45 million innocent children have been slaughtered. Don't sit back and let this continue. Get your churches activated. We need pastors to sign the STAND UP FOR GOD statement and return it to us. Give one to your pastor. We want to take out a large ad in the CT Post right before the Ecclesiastical Court and Roe Memorial. Please help sponsor the ad with a donation to OSA-CT, 632 Merwin Ave. Milford, Ct 06460. Thank you. About 30 lifesavers came out to pray today. The police and doorman were present, there were no escorts. EIGHT WOMEN WENT IN AT KILLING TIME. This Christmas season lets us think about how awesome it is that the God of the universe has chosen us to be a part of the gospel proclamations out on the streets of our community. Our God, who's power is beyond our ability to fathom chose us to defend His most precious creation. Although we may not know why we were chosen, we should cherish it as an opportunity to serve our Lord and Savior who gave His life so we could live. "Rejoice greatly, O my people! Shout with joy! For look -- your King is coming! He is the Righteous One, the Victor! Yet He is lowly, riding on a donkey's colt! I will disarm all peoples of the earth, including my people in Israel, and He shall bring peace among the nations. His realm shall stretch from sea to sea, from the river to the ends of the earth." Zechariah 9:9-10 Please join us this Tuesday and Saturday as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. We will be here ... till the killing stops. We're here for LIFE. For the Least of These, ARCHIVES