It was during one of our evening rallies at the National Event in Orlando that we learned of the impending death of one great man of God – Stephen Mashburn.  We all prayed for him, recalling the martyr Stephen’s impending death in Acts 8:55: “But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly unto heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God.”    

The New Testament always refers to the Son as being seated at the Father’s right hand.  Signifying that the work in redeeming mankind to Himself has been done – It is finished.  But we note in this particular passage that Jesus is standing on the right hand of God.

What is the significance?  When it is our turn to leave this world, no matter how horrible the circumstance or difficult the battle, our Lord will be standing at the right hand of the Father to receive us into His heavenly home.  We will see that He indeed has prepared a place for us.  He will give us abundant grace and mercy to withstand the pain, however treacherous, and bear the grief of this world’s hatred, to die without bitterness and be lifted up into life victorious.

Stephen Mashburn is my friend.  He always stood strong for Jesus and His precious preborn image bearers.  He could readily distinguish between good and evil in a city that was and is filled with both.  Stephen Mashburn is one of the faithful saints that brought abortion to an end in the city of Wichita. 

My favorite picture of he and I together was at the Central Abortion Mill in Wichita, Kansas in the summer of 1991, when we and 72 other pastors were arrested laying our lives down for Christ and His children.  Steve had a miraculous conversion to Christ and, though he was a quadriplegic most of his adult life, he became a fiery preacher of the Gospel of Christ.   

And so my good friend, good night for now – I will see you in the morning! ~ Flip (Here’s the video via youtube)