Skip and Brenda Spurlock have been great friends of mine for about twenty years. What wonderful friends of this ministry they have been. They are even better friends of Jesus and His precious preborn children. Most of you probably don’t know that Skip and Brenda are the ones who keep up our mailing list in Dallas and keep the latest news flowing into your homes. We first met and got to know each other during our court case in Dallas, Texas, for exposing abortionists to the Gospel of Christ at their offices, churches, and their neighborhoods in 1993. The Rutherford Institute defended us. We were a very high profile court case for some months in Dallas.
We won that case thanks to Charles Bundrin and the wonderful attorneys at Rutherford. They were up against the formidable Wendell Turley, one of Dallas’ most feared and wealthy attorneys. Wendell hated us with a passion. Unfortunately for him he did not recognize that our real lawyer was none other than the Holy Spirit Himself. Skip, Brenda, and I have been friends ever since. We have also been in a lot more trouble since that time, but only because we are following hard after Christ.
I wanted you to see Skip and Brenda and their wonderful family at their 50th wedding anniversary. Thousands of children, more than they will ever know on this side of heaven, are alive today because of their ministry.