Homeland Security: Anti Abortion Activists Are Possible Domestic Terrorists
A Homeland Security Unit in Charlotte’s Mecklenburg Police Department is now targeting anti abortion activists as possible domestic terrorists by labeling first amendment protected protests as stalking.
Rev. Flip Benham, the National Director of Operation Save America, was found guilty of stalking after speaking out against abortions at three “abortion mills.” in the Charlotte area.
A press release by the group was published today:
Charlotte, North Carolina: In an effort to silence the First Amendment Rights of Christians carrying the message of life to three abortion mills in the city of Charlotte, the “Homeland Security” unit of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department has united with the abortion industry to get the job done.
Rev. Flip Benham, the National Director of Operation Save America, will appear at the Charlotte School of Law in Charlotte to appeal a “guilty’ verdict for “stalking.” The charge of “stalking” is simply the latest of many blatant attempts by the abortion industry and the city of Charlotte to remove from the streets gentle Christians who offer mom’s a real choice at abortion mills. There have been lawsuits, injunctions, temporary restraining orders, and every other imaginable strategy, to silence the Gospel of Christ.
This new North Carolina “stalking” statute is so egregious because it can be used by virtually anyone to silence the First Amendment rights of another by simply saying that he or she “feels” threatened.
Regardless of your views on abortion, the idea that Homeland Security agents are now involved in policing political speech is another chilling example of how deep the police state in America has become.