Below is an article (and introduction) written by a young black man, Ryan Bomberger, who was conceived as a product of rape by his black father raping his white mother.  God will not allow America (Democrat, Republican, and everything in between) to ignore the key issue that threatens her very existence – abortion!  This upcoming election has nothing to do with, “jobs, Jobs, JOBS.”  It has everything to do with how we care for the “…least of these my brethren.”  God will not allow us to sweep abortion under the rug and make this election about the economy.  It’s not about the economy stupid!

God is the One who made this nation great, and God will be the One to destroy this nation if we do not repent of the killing of His precious preborn children.  Now he is using Todd Akin’s gaff to scare the “hell” out of the Republican Party.  God has brought the dreaded issue – abortion – to the fore once again.  It is the issue that simply will not go away. 

I wonder why?

“Abortion will come to an end in America when the Church of Jesus Christ makes up her mind it will come to an end – and not one second sooner!”    ~ Flip


Regardless of how each of us was conceived, most (if not all in the ________) believe, we are first and foremost children of God. I’m not black, white, rich, poor, or defined by the circumstances from my conception but have an unchangeable identity that is first rooted in the Divine.  Funny how pro-aborts will recognize the humanity of the unborn child when referring to her/him as the “rapist’s child”.  What…not a blob of tissue, or simply some fertilized egg?  Nope.  A “rapist’s baby“.  Even truth slips from their deceptive lips from time to time (as far as the ‘baby’ part of the oft-spoken reference is concerned).  Here is my article, from yesterday morning, on LifeNews about the more-than-Akin-controversy:



As Someone Born After Rape, I Say Todd Akin Shouldn’t Step Aside

by Ryan Bomberger | Washington, DC | | 8/22/12 1:10 PM

‘Tis the season to be wearing tread marks. Congressman Todd Akins has crawled out from under the bus, brushed himself off and is standing firm.

A few ill-chosen words expressing a more-common-than-acknowledged misunderstanding of a woman’s biological response to rape have caused him and those harmed by such a violent act, without pause, to be thrown under the bus.

And, quite frankly, I’m glad such a pro-family, pro-life stalwart, despite a few bumps and lots of scrapes, is not quitting under pressure from hypocritical pro-abortion radicals and spineless Republicans.

Feigned outrage has a familiar sound: indignation, rhetorical distancing and repudiation. It’s come from nearly every corner. But where was this righteous indignation when Joe Biden lied in Flint, Michigan, using rape as a fear appeal, claiming it would increase if the American Jobs Act were not passed?

What about Letterman joking about a NYC visit by Palin and her 14 year old daughter ending in the statutory rape of Willow by MLB celebrity Alex Rodriguez? Where was the condemnation of Whoopi Goldberg who, on The View, defended film director Roman Polanski’s 1977 drugging and rape of a 13 year old as not “rape rape”?

ESPN’s “Gridlock” radio show hosts went unscathed as they laughed along with convicted rapist Mike Tyson’s racist, violent and misogynistic “Wombshifter” interview where he joked about Palin being hypothetically raped by Dennis Rodman (and other black men), “pushing her guts up in the back of her head.”

Or perhaps, it’s just funny when liberal comedians joke about rape: Rainn Wilson (Dwight from NBC’s “The Office”), Sarah Silverman (who also recently joked about getting a “quickie aborsh”, a real knee-slapper), or most recently Daniel Tosh. Last month, Tosh began telling rape jokes to a not-so-thrilled crowd.

He responded to a female heckler telling her how funny it would be if “she were raped by 5 guys right now.” There’s just something so hilarious about rape that these celebrities invoked no outrage from the “War on Women” crowd.

Or perhaps, Politico, the online news source that (laughingly) claims to bring balance to political news didn’t infuriate the same anti-Akin mob by inexplicably posting Playboy’s “Top 10 Conservative Women We Hate to Love” (warning: extremely graphic and vulgar screenshot of repulsive article). They didn’t fire former CNN/Washington Post/Politico Columnist Anne Schroeder Mullins for using Politico in a repugnant attack against conservative women with the porn giant’s rape fantasy. She left a year later to start a PR firm.  There’s just so much irony in this left-leaning news outlet’s present article entitled, “Akin’s Comments ‘Positively Medieval’?”.

As one born as a result of rape, I feel those who demanded that Congressman Akin step down allow the pro-abortion narrative to remain…that those born of rape aren’t deserving of life and that it’s somehow compassionate to push a woman, so horribly violated, toward abortion.

Despite the media’s predictable liberal advocacy of abortion (in all cases), what’s missing is the intriguing real outcome of the horrific act of rape and pregnancy that may result. Why do 50% of women who’ve been so violated choose to carry to term? Why do nearly 6% place their child (yes, not the “rapists’ child”) for adoption? Why do many choose to parent?

This is something worth better understanding from those who’ve experienced this trauma.  As always, mainstream media treats people groups as monolithic without ever bothering to discover what people actually believe or do. They instinctively and gleefully paint pro-life support of children born of rape as “extreme” thereby attempting to silence any discussion.