Just received this report from Dale Sochia. Another abortion mill in New Orleans has shut down bringing the number of abortion mills remaining in the city to one. When we first arrived New Orleans for our National Event in the Spring of 1995, there were seven free standing abortion mills in and around the city. Today there is only one. The saints in New Orleans did not wait for the election of a new President, nor the stacking of the Supreme Court, nor the House or Senate in Washington, D.C. They simply began storming the gates of hell by allowing the theology of the church house to become biography in the streets and God began winning battles for them.
Brother Bill Shanks, the real “Mayor” of New Orleans, and his powerful little church have been fighting the Gospel battle for the lives of preborn children in the streets of New Orleans since 1988. They have been faithfully pleading the case of the fatherless to win it! God raised up Brother Dale Sochia and King Jesus Ministries to come alongside and help Brother Bill in the battle and now, “LOOK WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE!”
Enjoy! ~ Flip
God on the Move in New Orleans
Dale Sochia, December 7, 2012
Well, God is on the move again (like He never is…). God is always doing above and way beyond anything we could ever imagine! I received a phone call last week Pastor Bill Shanks who shared with me the most incredible news! He said, “Dale, the manager from the Uptown (abortion mill) just came outside and approached me and told me, ‘Better get your red marker out.’”
If you’re not sure what she was talking about – neither was I. But Brother Bill has a sign that lists the names of four “doctors” who have been doing abortions at the Uptown abortion mill that opened shortly after hurricane Katrina. Since that time two of these doctors have quit killing babies and last year, abortionist Adrian Coleman died suddenly at the age of 37. Pastor Bill has put a red line through the names of the three abortionists that are no longer killing babies.
Today (as the manager proceeded to tell Br. Bill), the last remaining Abortionist, Dr. Kiat Varnishung, also has died. That’s right, he DIED! The last two remaining abortionists have passed-on to judgment. (I do hope that this doctor’s heart turned toward God and he repented of killing all of those babies, as well as his other sins, before he died). OK … and now for the incredible news: the manager then went on to tell Pastor Bill that THEY WILL BE CLOSING DOWN THE CLINIC!! Praise God! This is incredible!
This is no ordinary clinic – this clinic is the one located at 3500 St. Charles Avenue and used to be a CHURCH! That’s right, a Church. I posted a few years back a prophetic word that God would turn this house of horror back into a house of holiness! Now, God has done His part by removing the last remaining abortionist (in not so nice of a way). God is not nice, HE IS HOLY and RIGHTEOUS, and HIS JUSTICE is JUST!
In 1995, New Orleans had seven abortion mills in the surrounding area. Today, with the closing of this mill, only one mill remains!!! We are shouting GLORY all the way! It is important to note that this was not done by any legislating, but by the faithful saints of God on their knees in prayer … not just in the churches and homes, but out in the streets in front of these places of death!
Thank you Brother Bill, Brother Dale, the faithful saints, and, especially, THANK YOU JESUS for doing something way beyond what our mind can conceive (closing this mill down)!
I am in the process of putting together a meeting with some folks (along with some money backers) who are looking into purchasing the building and doing just what was prophesied… making it into a house of holiness again! Please pray for this undertaking. Just imagine for a second what that first Church service there would be like.
Contact United Way of the Midlands by dialing 211. They will have some reurcoses for you. Two places that provide reduced cost prescriptions are One World Health Center in South Omaha, and the Charles Drew Center in North Omaha. Another possibility to assist you is to ask your doctor if they have any samples of the medications that you are taking. Sometimes they are able to give you a month’s supply. I hope this helps you.