When we came for the 40th Memorial of Roe v. Wade, the pro-aborts (15-20 at the most) did their best to put on a happy face at the Jackson Women’s Health Organization abortion mill in Jackson, Mississippi. It is Mississippi’s last abortion mill. When it goes, Mississippi will become the first abortion free state in America.
They had balloons surrounding the place with blue signs saying, “This Clinic Stays Open!” It was an infantile comedy as we had church in the streets at this closed abortion mill. For three days we were there, and for three days they were closed, though they had the ubiquitous blue signs scotch taped everywhere. The owner, Diane Derzis, was drunk and her dear friend Duvergne Gains, decked out to the nines with sun glasses and self importance, turned on sprinklers to rain on our church in the streets.
They are so filled with hate and disdain for the gentle Christians who come to this place of death day in and day out to give mother a real choice. One gentle Christian, Roy MacMillan, who has been coming to this mill for more than twenty years and has seen hundreds of children saved, wears a rain suit even when it is a beautiful sunny day to be able to remain on the sidewalk when they turn the sprinklers on to make him leave. ~ Flip
Two Pastors & Son Pepper-Maced On Public Sidewalk During Worship!
By Pat McEewen
The morning after the incredible States of Refuge event in Jackson, Satan finally lost it!
This morning, Wednesday, January 23, 2013, on a public sidewalk in Jackson Mississippi, Pastor Doug Lane, Pastor Cal Zastrow, and Jimmy Zastrow were pepper-maced during 40 Days of Church on sidewalk near Jackson Women Health Abortion Clinic (JWHO). The attacker was a security guard at the clinic. The three victims are now in the emergency room being treated and police have taken a report. We are waiting to see the Jackson Police “protect and serve” ALL persons.
Jackson Womens Health is the last abortion mill in Mississippi. It is now operating illegally since failing to meet health standards set by the state even after a judge gave the clinic months to comply! Although the final paperwork to close the clinic has not been served, killing unborn babies is neither safe nor legal!
They (clinic workers) and supporters are manifesting the anger of the devil himself. He knows his time is short. He hates those who love God, particularly gentle Christians living out their theology in the streets of the city. “The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.” Revelation 12:9,12b
Last week’s front cover of Time Magazine was right! Pro-abortion forces won the Roe v. Wade decision, but they have been losing ever since! Satan is filled with fury and his time is short!
Two days into the 40th year of that infamous decision, January 23, 2013, the knowledge that the battle was being lost drove the security guard into a mindless rage against three gentle Christians who were singing some of the old Christian hymns on a public sidewalk outside the mill. The three stood courageously and endured the cross.
“They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death”. Revelation 12:11.
Mississippi, the eyes of our nation are upon you. You can make history. You can become the first abortion free state in America. Deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow Jesus! Protect the rights of ALL persons!
We heard that Illinois is now “house of murder” free. Is that true?