If you haven’t yet booked your room at the Baymont Inn and Suites (601-206-1616) in Jackson, MS, for our upcoming States of Refuge campaign (November 2-6, 2013), you may want to do so soon.  Just ask for the OSA block ($56.50) per night.  Below is a report from Miss Melody Miller of the new developments God is orchestrating to perhaps make Mississippi the first abortion free state in America.  There would be no better way to kick-off this Thanksgiving season than to allow the theology of heaven to become biography at the gates of hell at the last remaining abortion mill in the state of Mississippi.  See you at the gates!     ~ Flip

Last Tuesday, October 8, 2013, Harriet Ashley, Doug Lane, and Cal and Jim Zastrow were subpoenaed to appear in court because of their simple assault case against Roy Lee Benjamin, former security guard at the Jackson Woman’s Health Organization. The case originated last March when they were holding “40 Days of Church” at the abortion clinic, when Benjamin pepper sprayed the crowd gathered and singing hymns.  Cal received the spray in his mouth, Jimmy was sprayed in his eyes, and Harriet and Doug on their faces.  Cal and Jimmy were transported to the emergency room of St. Dominic’s Hospital.  Since the Zastrow’s were on a mission trip to China, Attorney Steve Thornton was called to represent them. Thornton also represented Chet Gallagher last month when his arrest from last February came up for trial.

Benjamin has representing him as his defense attorney, Faye Peterson, Jackson’s former Prosecuting Attorney.  At the courtroom, Peterson requested a continuance for the trial with the excuse given that Benjamin’s mother had died on October 4th.

The continuance has been granted and the case will be heard on Wednesday, November 6, 2013.  This is the same date as was given for the continuance of the trial of Chet Gallagher, who was arrested in February on the sidewalk of the abortion clinic for preaching the gospel.

It is intriguing and very interesting to note that  November 6  just also happens to be the final day of the upcoming Operation Save America outreach planned for November 2-6.  Extend your tickets and come support our brothers and sister in Christ!

Richard and Melody Miller