OSA Final Report
Saturday and Sunday Sept 19th, 20th 2015
“And Elijah came to all the people, and said, “How long will you falter between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” But the people answered him not a word. Then Elijah said to the people, “I alone am left a prophet of the LORD; but Baal’s prophets are four hundred and fifty men” (1 Kings 18:21, 22).
On Saturday morning we split up into three teams. The Word in Warfare Team went back to Planned Parenthood, the Awareness Team went back to the hospital to expose the abortionist, David Eisenberg, and our third team stormed the gates of hell at the Hope Clinic in Granite City, IL.
Preaching to the Pro-aborts at the St. Louis Altar of Moloch
The Word in Warfare team continued their siege against the Planned Parenthood death camp. Apparently, Planned Parenthood recruited supporters from nearby colleges to defend their altar of Moloch from the church of the Living God.
It was a clash like Mount Carmel of old. It was the Baal prophets versus the prophets of the Lord. The powers that be demanded the pro-aborts keep silent and not engage us. This worked to the Lord’s advantage. All they could do was listen to God’s Word as it thundered throughout the neighborhood. Some of them broke down and cried, while others dropped their signs and fled that den of iniquity.
The set up was quite prophetic. The battle between the two seeds was in full manifestation. The pro-aborts were lined up behind the iron fence imprisoned by their demonic ideology. The Church was on the outside of the self-imposed prison storming the gates of hell. The Gospel was proclaimed that has the power to set the captives free.
My lovely bride, Kendra, helped them connect the dots between the plight of massacred children and their eternal souls. She explained, “After the babies are murdered, their little bodies are incinerated. The smoke and their ashes rise as a testimony against us. If you refuse to repent and trust Christ for salvation, the smoke of your torment will rise forever as a testimony of your lawless idolatry you committed here on earth (Revelation 14:11). Surely, we serve a God who answers by fire. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Hebrews 10:31).
Hospital Outreach
Once again, the Awareness Team went back to expose abortionist, David Eisenberg, at Barnes Jewish Hospital. The first day they dealt mostly with poorer people who readily received the message. On this day, they went to a different intersection. It was more an elite crowd that were somewhat hostile to the hard truth being presented. Some of the team tried again to pass out flyers in another garage. This time the security guards caught them, cuffed them, and then thankfully released them.
Our last team made a surprise raid to the Hope Clinic in Granite City, IL. They reported the deathscorts played rough as they tried to minister the Gospel at the death camp.
Pastor Frank Campana ministering the Gospel at the Gates of Hell
During lunch the Truth Truck teams had a divine appointment. A young black couple, Ronbrion and Tiffany, were convicted by the graphic pictures of abortion. Right then and there the Lord recruited them into the battle for the souls of men, the lives of children, and the future or our bloodstained, perverted nation. They came to our rally Saturday night and the saints loaded them up with books and DVDs to help equip them to press on to the high call and prize in Jesus’ name!
At our Saturday night rally, Doc Johnston and Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas addressed the congregation. Johnston ministered a powerful prophetic, dramatic parable that demonstrated God has a plumb line that judges men and nations. Our nation keeps moving the line to the point that if God’s people go along to get along, we will end up siding with the enemies of the Lord, instead of staying faithful to God’s standards.
Thomas preached on the doctrine of suffering in the times of tyranny and persecution. Utilizing the reaction of the early church in the book of Acts, Thomas exhorted the congregation to follow their example. When threatened, the Apostles prayed for more boldness and rejoiced they were counted worthy to suffer for the Lord and His righteous cause in the earth (Acts 4:23-31; 5:40-42).
If any of you desire DVD or CD copies of our rally messages contact Pastor Dale Sochia. For $10.00 dollars you get all the messages for each of the four rally nights. His address is 3900 N Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002.
Sunday, September 20th, 2015
Brother Cal Zastrow Proclaiming Revelation Chapter One at our Concluding Service of Word in Warfare at Planned Parenthood
We concluded the event at Planned Parenthood by reading out loud the book of Revelation. In three and a half days the saints prophetically proclaimed the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. Mission Accomplished! Well done saints!
As we were declaring God’s Word, some neighbors of the death camp called the police. Three cruisers pulled up. We over heard one lady state, “They kept on speaking and I was terrified.” Another woman complained that she felt bullied by our presence. “The wicked flee when no one pursues, But the righteous are bold as a lion” (Proverbs 28:1).
St. Louis is in the can and it is on to Orlando for our next battlefront. We appreciate your love, prayers, and support as we desire to spend and be spent in the cause of Christ and the advancement of His Kingdom. Love ya all in Jesus’ name!
Operation Save America
PO Box 740066
Dallas, TX 75374