Louisiana Flood Relief Effort
“How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him” (Acts 10:38)
John Wesley, perhaps, inspired by this passage of Scripture declared, ” Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.” In our day, we can do no less.
The challenges are great, the battle fierce, the need is deep, God is great and the laborers, as usual, are few. Now more than ever, it is time to spend and be spent in the Holy cause of Christ and His Kingdom.
Here are our 5 ministry projects that OSA has committed to for the next few weeks. First, we have set up a base of operations in Louisiana to help minister to the immediate needs and long term efforts to help those communities that have been devastated by the flood.
Pastors Dale Sochia and Bill Shanks are our local OSA leaders helping to coordinate our efforts. We have Coach Dave Daubenmire from Ohio coming with a team of about 20 to distribute supplies , serve the hard hit communities with the Gospel, and do some clean up work. They are coming in on Thursday and leaving on Monday. We have other teams lined up and we will stagger their time commitment to be as effectual as we can as we move forward to help Louisiana. God willing, I plan to return on Thursday as well.
If you care to help with prayer, donations, supplies, or labor, please contact me ASAP. You can go to www.operationsaveamerica.org to donate or if you care to send a check, make it out to King Jesus Ministries and send it to Pastor Dale Sochia, 3900 Turnbull, Metairie, LA 70002. Thanks!
Brother Chet working on a Sign to Reelect Mark Pody
With your support, we were able to send Chet Gallagher, Assistant Director of OSA, and Johnny Breeken to help reelect Mark Pody as a Congressman in Tennessee. As you may recall, he was the lower magistrate we came along side to help last year as he stood against the Federal Beast and the homosexual agenda. He valiantly defended the God ordained institution of marriage and the rule of law.
He is up for reelection and has been targeted by the powers that be to remove him from his office. He intends to use that office to honor God and stand for righteousness. If you care to help his campaign go here.
Pastor Matt Trewhella
Pastor Matt Trewhella and I will be meeting in Wisconsin September 6-10th. Our purpose is to seek God and hammer out a Christian document. One that will refute and rebuke the spirit of the age that has inspired the burning issues of the day that is savaging our nation.
We are studying ancient creeds, declarations, and Christian documents from the early church till now. We want to come up with the right format and content that will call for reformation in our time. Our goal is to remain true to God, His Word, and His Church, in this time of universal deceit, deception, and debauchery. Once completed, we are praying all good churchmen will sign this document and spread it to others.
OSA Regional Event in New Haven Connecticut, September 21-25, 2016
Sow for yourselves righteousness; Reap in mercy; Break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord, till He comes and rains righteousness on you” (Hosea 10:12).
Our OSA brethren in Connecticut need our help. After a 25 year long battle to end abortion in Bridgeport, victory finally came. The Summit Abortion Mill mercifully shut down permanently. Immediately, the saints moved on to the next battlefront, a Planned Parenthood death camp in New Haven. New territory means new ground to take for the glory of God and the benefit of His little ones made in His image. They are needing hard ground to be broken up till the Lord rains righteousness upon this death camp and it is no more in Jesus’ name! We pray that you will plans to join us as we continue by God’s grace to storm the gates of hell. They will not prevail against the church of the Living God!
Hotel Information
Rooms $69.00 for OSA Group
Hampton Inn
129 White Plains Rd
Milford CT 06460
Sunday Church 10 AM
Calvary Life Family Worship Center
174 East Johnson Rd
Cheshire CT 06410
Here are some of the activities planned: Word in Warfare, High School Outreach, Planned Parenthood Outreach, Genocide Movie, and Lower Magistrate Seminar
For more information contact: Danny and Marilyn Carroll at 203-444-8047 or by email at marilynprolife@aol.com
Right after Connecticut , we are heading to Montgomery, AL to stand in support of Chief Justice Roy Moore. He goes on trial on September 28th, 2016. Once again, another kangaroo court is convening to try and remove him from his office as Chief Justice of Alabama.
Brother Cal Zastrow is our local boots on the ground and helping to lead the charge. If you care to help in someway, please contact Cal and do what you can to rally Alabama to support the best judge in America. Cal’s number is 601-454-4819 or email him at calzastrow@hotmail.com.
As you can see, there is not a lack of battlefronts or ministry opportunities. I know you all cannot participate in all these venues, but I pray you will consider helping in some ways. Thanks so much for your love, prayers, and support. May God continues to use it to glorify Himself and benefit those we minister to in Jesus’ name!