As our Rescue pretrial is scheduled for tomorrow, this press release went out today throughout the state of Kentucky. May God’s word act as a hammer to break the stone of injustice and as a fire to burn up the lies and murder of the Evil One.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., July 10, 2017 /Christian Newswire/ — On Saturday, May 13th, a historical line was crossed that had not been crossed in nearly 15 years in the battle to end the American holocaust called abortion. Eleven gentle Christians led by a worship song, Jesus with Thy Church Abide, sat down on the property of the last remaining death camp in Kentucky to “Rescue those unjustly sentenced to death” (Proverbs 24:11, 12).
See video:
This act of Christian interposition created no small stir. It sent shock waves from the Church House to the White House. In fact, Operation Save America, who led the charge, heard from people from other nations. They wrote to communicate how they were impacted by this small sacrifice given to the Lord on the behalf of His helpless, fatherless, and defenseless children who are being led to slaughter for blood money.
True to God’s Word, Jesus promised His followers would be brought before the “powers that be” as a testimony. On July 11, the eleven rescuers will have a pretrial hearing at the Hall of Justice, 700 West Jefferson Street, Louisville at 9 AM to determine the future course of their case. The venue has indeed changed, but the ministry remains the same.
Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas, National Director of Operation Save America stated,
“Our testimony is clear. Roe vs. Wade is legal fiction and pretend legislation. Courts cannot make law and any human law that violates God’s law is no law at all. The crime of murder is being committed at the EMW Women’s Surgical Center and our justice system is committing another grave injustice by arresting the wrong people.
“Abortion is not a healthcare issue that can be resolved by a legal technicality. It is a crime that must be penalized by law. God demands justice in order to cleanse the state of Kentucky from blood guiltiness. We call upon Gov. Bevin, the legislators, sheriffs, and the police departments in Kentucky to be strong and of a good courage. Kentucky stands on the threshold of becoming the first abortion free-state in America. We plead with the good citizens of Kentucky to rise up, ignore Roe, establish justice, and outlaw all abortions from chemical to surgical in Jesus’ mighty name!”