Jeremiah will not be in Indianapolis in body, but certainly in spirit. He knows what happened to him and the youth of OSA last year in Louisville, KY For Such A Time As This was special. God visited our young and empowered them to take their place in the battle for the souls of men, the lives of children, and the future of our nation.

In this brief video, Jeremiah calls upon young people to Christian up and invites them to participate in this year’s OSA national event in Indianapolis, IN to Lead Justice to Victory. He sees the need to build upon what happened by the Spirit of God last year.

Jeremiah is fighting the battle for his life in Houston. He desires others to rise up and fight the battle to save the lives of the preborn. Will you join with him in this great Kingdom venture to end the American holocaust in Jesus’ name? Make plans to come to Indianapolis from July 14-21st, 2018

Here is our Facebook Event page for more info. Keep pressing on to the high call and prize!