Yesterday was incredible. We conducted a press conference about 2:30 PM. The press room was packed with eager saints and some media. Prior to the press conference, we sang hymns of praise to the Lord and prayed for His intervention in this righteous and just cause to abolish abortion in the Lone Star state.

At the press conference, the Jeremiah’s Wish campaign and mission was articulated through Wesley Thomas, Bradley Pierce, Kendra Thomas and I. A newspaper, the Statesman, in Austin picked up the story and published it soon afterwards.

After the press conference, Christians, families, and abolitionists (A couple hundred strong) proceeded to the Rotunda to continue to life up the name of the Lord as we unashamedly worshipped him in Spirit and in truth. His praise resounded throughout the Capitol. It was glorious.

Marching orders were given and then I shared a brief testimony on how God got a hold of Jeremiah and used him to further the cause to outlaw abortion altogether in the state of Texas and charged the youth to follow his example.

The next adventure was to march up to the Governor’s office to deliver over 70,000 signed petitions. Men carrying box after box dropped them off to the delight of God’s people and perhaps a challenge to the Governor’s office.

We also learned yesterday that the Governor’s staff will meet with us soon to further discuss with us the Gov.’s promise that he made to Jeremiah. Please keep this as a prayer priority.

The last venue brought us to the House while they were in session. To our surprise, Tony Tinderholt, who previously sponsored a bill of abolition in Texas and is currently sponsoring another one, acknowledged the entourage filling the gallery.

This is the same representative that wrote a powerful State Resolution honoring Jeremiah’s courage in the face of extreme difficulty and his selfless devotion on the behalf of the little ones made in God’s image.

Tinderholt spoke briefly of his new bill, the 70,000 petitions delivered to the Governor, and acknowledged Kendra and I as Jeremiah’s parents. It was a little surreal.

Today, God willing, we are going back to the Capitol for Governor Abbott’s State of the State address. We are praying he will find the courage to present his promise to outlaw abortion as a legislative priority this emergency session.

It will take a lot of courage and political will to do this, but the king’s heart is in the Lord’s hand. Please pray saints and keep pressing on to the high calling and prize in Jesus’ name!