All hands on deck announcement:


It looks like the hearing for HB 896, which would abolish abortion is taking place on Monday, April 8th, at the Texas State Capital.

With all dispatch fervently pray, for the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. If you can make it, we need hundreds and hundreds of Christian abolitionists to fill that room.

This is an historic opportunity. In the just cause to abolish abortion, this is the first time a bill a true abolition has made it to a committee that is holding a hearing and this committee needs to hear from us loud and clear.

I fly back from Indianapolis serving on the battlefront there on the 7th. The next morning, our family is heading to Austin. Please pass this message on in your sphere of influence. We need to rally the Body of Christ to come and be a voice for thee voiceless at the State Capital of Texas. Hope to see you there in Jesus’ name!