Lookie Here:
Special shout out to Josh Malone and his lovely bride, Cacey Malone, who did so much to act as a paraclete to come along side our hurting family as we endured the trial of losing our son, Jeremiah Thomas, to a fierce bone cancer.
Josh Malone wrote and performed a hauntingly, beautiful song to express Jeremiah’s faith in the midst of intense suffering and how it touched the world with the Gospel of the Kingdom. It is called Jeremiah Strong. They did this to help our struggling family with the massive debt of medical bills.
Here is the song:
"I don’t deserve Your healing, but Lord You will always deserve my praise. Through death or life, may Your great name be lifted up and everything that is of me fall to the wayside. Oh Lord, strengthen me that I may fight the battle with a courage Satan cannot tamper with. If You take me home or leave me here to fight a little longer, may it be Your breath in my lungs and Your song on my tongue. Lord, I consecrate myself to the full advancement of the Kingdom of God! Lord, I love You and I can’t wait to see You face to face. Amen."Jeremiah Thomas has been in the fight of his life against cancer since March of this year. He has resolved to use this battle to glorify Christ and advance His Kingdom whether he lives or dies. He has been an incredible example and inspiration to thousands of people in the last several months.As you can imagine, fighting this battle is taking resources his family doesn’t have. Your love, prayers, and support are greatly appreciated. If you've enjoyed this song, whoever you are, then please, PLEASE stop what you are doing and donate $5 right now to help his family pay his medical bills (https://www.gofundme.com/ccu35y-help-with-financial-burdens). They are astronomical for one family, but if we as a community come around them this need can be met. You can support them at their Gofundme Page and hear more about Jeremiah's story here: https://www.gofundme.com/ccu35y-help-with-financial-burdensAfter you donate, please like and share this video so that more people hear about Jeremiah and come support his family.This is a song I wrote to him when he was told by his doctors that he has only a couple months to live. He is living like a man who is dying, and we can all learn from his example.LYRICS:When your voice is at its weakestIt can be heard around the worldWhen your body’s sick and dyingYou can be the one who healsWhen your insides won’t stop bleedingYou can still stop the crimson guiltAnd rise up to defend the weakBe strongWhen your legs won’t lift you from your chairYou can walk the narrow roadWhen your flesh and bones are torn apartYou can mend a broken worldWhen your veins are full of poisonYou can still cure the great diseaseYou can still be the remedyHold on, be strongWhen you see the face of deathI know you will rise and live againThe deepest breath you takeWill be your lastWhen this flesh has finally failed youAnd your heartbeats are all goneWhen at last your race is wonYou will be strongYou will be strongWhen you lose your lifeThen you will liveWhen you serve with every breathYour lungs can giveWhen your very chest is burstingWith the power of your loveDo not fear, hold onYou are strongWhen you lose your lifeThen you will liveWhen you build the coming KingdomLike today will be your endWhen your very chest is burstingWith the song that’s on your tongueDo not fear, hold onYou are strongYou are strong
Posted by LoveJoy on Monday, June 18, 2018
Casey wrote this children’s book to reach children with Jeremiah’s inspirational story and how it impacted her own daughter, Charity, to love and serve Jesus just like Jeremiah.
God continues to use the life and death of our son to touch and change others for His glory and the benefit of others. We are a grateful and thankful family.
Thanks Josh, Casey, and Charity for this special gift.