Brothers and sisters:

Today is the last day of fasting and prayer for the OSA national event, ourselves, our families, the church, and our beleaguered nation.

The OSA national event kicks off this coming weekend. We will commence with a 24 hour prayer and worship starting Saturday, July 18th at 8 am and conclude Sunday, July 19, at 8 am. To participate, please sign up and register here and you will access the link to the prayer room:…

As we look at the plight of our nation deep concerns should awaken us all. We can sit here, wring our hands, and just receive more vexation for our battered souls or we can become pro-active. We can seek the Lord to be the solution to what ails us as a people.

OSA is seeking to give The Church, born again believers, the Body of Christ an opportunity to be salt and light in the midst of this perverse and crooked generation. There is a way in the midst of this massive delusion, deception, tyranny, and anarchy to advance the Kingdom of God to help defeat the culture of death savaging our nation.

You can participate in the much needed national Solemn Assembly scheduled for our opening rally, Sunday evening, July 19th, from 7-9 pm. It is there and then we will humble ourselves before God to confess and repent of our personal sins, the family’s sins, the church’s sins, and our national sins.

You can also receive training, instruction, inspiration, and challenging messages to prepare you to be vessels of honor, fit for the Master’s use, and prepared for every needed good work in these uncertain days.

You can access tremendous godly materials that you can spread to your family, friends, neighbors, churches, and magistrates in your local area.

Please do not let fear, worry, indifference or any other excuse keep you from this opportunity to make a difference in our nation. This is all hands on deck time. Our future and hope literally stands in jeopardy. Let’s give God a reason to show mercy to our blood stained, perverted nation that is begging for more judgments. Please sign up today in Jesus’ name!