To those near Missouri, I’d like to invite you to come support a godly statesmen, Mike Moon, and his bill of abolition. There will be a rally at the state capital this coming Wednesday.
Here is the schedule and hope you can join us.
Abolish Abortion MO Abolition Rally
State Capitol: Jefferson City
March 10, 2021 2:00-4:00 pm
Welcome & Prayer: Dr. Wes Scroggins
Song: All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
Speaker: State Senator Mike Moon
Prayer: David Van Bebber: Laying on of hands
Speaker: Joshua Jenkins
Song: Amazing Grace
Speaker: Kevan Myers
Prayer: Paul Cromer
Speaker: Brandon Dodd
Song: In Christ Alone
Speaker: Rev. Rusty Thomas, Director of Operation Save America
Song: The Voice As Strong As Thunder