I’ve never been much of a bible reading plan kind of a guy. I’ve always been more into picking a book or a large section of scripture, and reading it over and over again while trying to get as much out of it as I possibly can before I move on.
A conversation I had with Flip Benham in June of 2021 changed my mind. For those who are new here, Flip was the National Director of Operation Save America just before Rusty Thomas became director. At the time of this conversation, he and I were in Arizona together at an OSA national event. I was getting ready to be installed as one of the new assistant directors, and by the providence of God, he and I happened to be eating breakfast together in a hotel lobby the morning of the last day of the event.
At a certain point in the conversation, I asked Flip if he had any advice he could share with me about how I could best serve Jason as one of his assistant directors. Out of that question Flip and I, along with Chet Galagher, a previous OSA Assistant Director who is a treasure trove of godly wisdom and experience, had a 3 and half hour long discussion. Interestingly, we talked very little about things like strategy, fundraising, organizational structure, or even ministry distinctive.
Instead, we spent the entire three and a half hours talking about spiritual disciplines, and spiritual maturity. In the discussion Flip gave me two simple, and yet profoundly important pieces of advice. First, he told me to read the bible every day, no matter what. And second, he told me to get everyone else around me to read the bible every day.
Upon giving me these two pieces of advice he handed me a stack of OSA Bible reading plans, and went on to explain to me the importance of having a plan when it comes to reading the Bible, not just for my own benefit, but for the benefit of being able to more strategically encouraging other people around me.
That day I became convinced of the usefulness of a Bible reading plan for the first time!
Today I want to give you the same encouragement that Pastor Flip gave me. As we begin to look to 2023 I want to challenge you to make an intentional plan for reading the Bible in the coming year, and I want to challenge you to be intentional about encouraging everyone around you to read the bible every day.
Additionally, I want to put the same tool in your hand today that pastor Flip put in my hand during our conversation in Arizona. Below is Operation Save America’s 2023 Bible reading plan. Our leaders have committed to using this bible reading plan as our map for reading the Bible in the coming year, and we want to invite you to join us!
Download the bible reading plan for free right here, and join us as we journey through the Word together in 2023!
Blessings to you and your family!
In His Service,
Derin Stidd
Assistant National Director
Operation Save America