I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving, and that you are looking forward to a Merry Christmas!
As the year comes to a close we are giving praise to God for all that we’ve accomplished in 2022 and beginning to lay the groundwork for some big plans in 2023!
As many of you know, the first event we host every year is a National Leadership Conference, in which we lay the spiritual foundation for the work we are hoping to accomplish throughout the rest of the year.
During this event we
- Pray together
- Worship Together
- Fellowship Together
- Labor on the Streets Together
- Seek the Lord’s will together
Also during this time, Jason Storms, our National Director, will take some time to share in the vision for the future of OSA, with a special emphasis on his vision and goals for 2023.
Today I got word that we have nailed down a location, and dates for this event!
So I’m excited to have the opportunity to invite you to join us in South Carolina on February 22nd-25th at:
First Baptist Church of Travelers Rest
20 McElhaney Rd.
Travelers Rest, SC
More details including the speaker lineup, ministry schedule, and lodging will come in future emails! Also, please watch the Facebook Event Page for updates.
The event itself is free to attend, but if you would like to chip in a few dollars to help cover event expenses you can do that here.
Thank you for your prayer, and for your support! We truly could not do all that we do without awesome prayer warriors and financial supporters like you!
May the Lord Bless you!
Derin Stidd
Assistant National Director