St. Louis, Missouri; Morehead, Kentucky; and Texas
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God” (Romans 8:14). As some of you may know, Operation Save America is strategizing three […]
Operation Save America unashamedly takes up the cause of preborn children in the name of Jesus Christ. We employ only biblical principles. The Bible is our foundation; the Cross of Christ is our strategy; the repentance of the Church of Jesus Christ is our ultimate goal. As the Church changes its heart toward unborn children, God Himself will hear from heaven, forgive our sin, and bring healing to our land. We believe that Jesus Christ is the only answer to the abortion holocaust. It is upon our active repentance in the streets of our cities that the Gospel is visibly lived out. We become to the church, to our city, and to our nation living parables which rightly represent God’s heart toward His helpless children.
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God” (Romans 8:14). As some of you may know, Operation Save America is strategizing three […]
Some Sober and Needful Thoughts on the Defiance of Clerks in Kentucky Kim Davis and the other clerks in Kentucky who are defying an immoral and unconstitutional Supreme Court ruling […]
Kim Davis is still a Prisoner: Only the Location of the Prison has Changed In a crafty political “football” maneuver, Judge David Bunning caved to the moral outrage springing up […]
July 4, 2015 Declaration of Obedience to Law and Defense of Natural Marriage Whereas, the County Clerks of Texas are tasked with upholding the Constitution and Laws of the State […]
The saints showed up at Judge Bunning’s home and sent out this press release today. Things are getting interesting to say the least. Federal Court Judge to be Held in […]
Town Hall Meeting Tuesday, September 8, 2015 from 6-8 PM Soldier of the Cross Cowboy Fellowship 14788 Hwy 439 Nolanville, TX 76559 To those in the Central Texas area, we […]
UPDATE: County Clerk Kim Davis Jailed Yesterday a federal judge imprisoned Kim Davis. The judge declared that she must uphold the law. We respond by saying: What law? There is […]
God’s Law vs. Man’s Law “These who have turned the world upside down have come here too. Jason has harbored them, and these are all acting contrary to the decrees […]
When our federal government codifies evil into law and promotes lawlessness under the guise of law, is it any wonder why our law enforcement officials are being attacked and gunned […]
Washington Post headline reads, “The gun in his hand, not the gay in his heart.” The title of the article was addressing the recent murder of two journalists gunned down […]
We unashamedly take up the cause of preborn children in the name of Jesus Christ; and we employ only biblical principles.
To contact us or donate by check:
Operation Save America
P.O. Box 120262
Melbourne, FL 32912
Phone: (414) 395-1142
Dear Magistrate or Candidate for Public Office,
Thanks for contacting me concerning your campaign. It gives me the opportunity to inform you that I’m part of a grass roots movement called “Make the Pledge.” I’ve made a commitment before God to only support magistrates or candidates who will abolish abortion.
Abortion is murder. It violates the law of God, our Constitution, and the inalienable right to life enshrined in our Declaration of Independence. Since courts cannot make law, Roe vs. Wade is legal fiction and pretend legislation. Plus, any human law that violates God’s law is no law at all. This has been the understanding of Western civilization for over 1500 years.
From now on, I will only give my money, volunteer my time, and give my support to civil magistrates and candidates that treat abortion for what it is- murder. It must be penalized by law.
I cannot in good conscience support any magistrate or candidate who treats abortion as a healthcare issue that can be resolved by a legal technicality. God demands justice to eradicate blood guiltiness from the land.
I will no longer support incremental prolife steps that undermine the truth that abortion is murder. Each baby is made in the image of God. Pro-life “laws” though, well intended, inadvertently reinforces the lawless decree of Roe vs. Wade.
I will no longer support the cabal between pro-life/pro-family groups and pro-life politicians that do not abolish abortion. It deeply grieves me to see prolife groups raise money and prolife politicians gain votes while the murder of the preborn continues unabated.
Election after election babies die. Fundraiser after fundraiser babies die. SCOTUS appointment after SCOTUS appointment babies die. This prolife hamster wheel, which is bottlenecked by the Supreme Court, must end.
It is important for you to understand that I am no longer your “prolife” base. As your constituent, I will not allow you check me off your prolife box and go on to other issues. If you want my support and financial help, you must also make a pledge. You must commit to no longer work to regulate baby murder but sponsor and sign bills of abolition that end abortion at the state level. It is time to ignore and defy Roe vs Wade, establish justice, abolish all abortion now in Jesus’ name.
Dear Group,
Thanks for contacting me. It gives me the opportunity to inform you that I’m part of a grass roots movement called “Make the Pledge” campaign. I’ve made a commitment before God to only support pro-life/pro-family groups who will work to completely abolish abortion.
Abortion is murder. It violates the law of God, our Constitution, and the inalienable right to life enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. Since courts cannot make law, Roe vs. Wade is legal fiction and pretend legislation. Besides that, any human law that violates God’s law is no law at all. This has been the understanding of Western civilization for over 1500 years.
From now on, I will only give my money, volunteer my time, or support groups that treat abortion for what it is- murder. It must be penalized by law.
I cannot in good conscience support any pro-life/pro-family group that treats abortion as a healthcare issue that can be resolved by a legal technicality. God demands justice to eradicate blood guiltiness from the land.
I will no longer support incremental pro-life steps that undermine the truth that abortion is murder and that each baby is made in the image of God. Though the motive may be well intended, the unintended consequence is these measures reinforce the lawless, corrupt decree of Roe vs. Wade.
It deeply grieves me to see prolife groups raise money and prolife politicians gain votes while the murder of the preborn continues unabated. Election after election babies die. Fundraiser after fundraiser babies die. SCOTUS appointment after SCOTUS appointment babies die. This prolife hamster wheel, which is bottlenecked by the Supreme Court, must end.
It is important for you to understand that I am no longer your “prolife” base of support. If you want my support and financial help, you must also make a pledge. You must commit to no longer work to regulate baby murder but demand civil magistrates do their duty before God. They must work to sponsor and sign bills of abolition that end abortion on the state level. We must all work together to Ignore and defy Roe vs Wade, establish justice and abolish all abortion now, in Jesus’ name.