Blog Archives

Last Charges Serving OSA
OSA Spring Regional Event, May 13th-15th, Birmingham, AL. The three-fold goal is to recruit more good soldiers to enter the fray to end abortion in AL, create a network of believers that will carry the vision and mission forward after…

My Last OSA Newsletter
Lewis Carroll quipped, “The time has come,” the walrus said, “To talk of many things: of shoes and ships - and sealing wax - of cabbages and kings.” Though these topics will not be discussed in this newsletter, a time has certainly come.…

Final Draft for Book Cover
Looks like we are going to go with this book cover. We hope to have the book ready for release at our national event in Arizona this June. Prayers are appreciated. Thanks!

God and Government Conference
Pastor Derin A Stidd called last minute to ask if some brothers could pinch hit and speak at the Cruciform Ministries conference this past weekend. The important topic to be covered was "God and Government."
The title of the message…

Rough Draft of Newest Book Completed
Praise be to God! I just finished the rough draft to my newest book called "Biblical Strategies to Abolish Abortion." Pastor Jeff Durbin has graciously agreed to write the forward.
Attached is a possible version of the book cover.…

Blessed Resurrection Morn Service
My pastor, Jeff Wyers, blessed me with the opportunity to deliver this morning sunrise Resurrection service message. I pray it blesses your soul and encourages your heart.
If you find any merit, please pass it on in your sphere of influence.…