Blog Archives

God's Warning at the South Carolina State Capital

This is the message delivered at the South Carolina State Capital. So good to partner with the brothers and sisters from Apologia church and End Abortion Now. Make sure you plan on joining us in AZ for our national event hosted by these precious…

Strike a Blow for Freedom Tract

This is the tract we will be handing out in New Orleans at the Fifth District Court. On June 7th, we will stand in support of Pastor Tony Spell, who is being defended by Judge Roy Moore. Our future freedoms are hanging in the balance. Let…

Operation Plexit

This convicting video came out of the work just completed in North Carolina. This is an amen or "oh me" message. If you find any merit, please pass it on in your sphere of influence. Thanks! #PLEXIT #comeoutfromamongthem #Abolish…

Effectual Open Door

Never know what a day will bring in serving the Lord. God opened the door to be interviewed by brother Nick Vujicic, the limbless Evangelist in Dallas yesterday. In God's Providence, today was his first launched recorded show and somehow he…

Second Rally Night Messages

Today, the saints will once again storm the gates of hell knowing they will not prevail against the Church of the living God. This afternoon we will have open session at 2:30 pm to train the saints on the importance of local politics and how…

Kick Off Rally for Spring Regional Event

Here is last night's rally in Birmingham, Alabama at our Spring Regional Event. We were blessed to have Judge Roy Moore, Dr George Grant, and Les Riley address the gathering of the saints. This morning we are taking the Gospel of…