Blog Archives

Last Day of National Event

Hard to believe the last day of our national event has arrived. It includes the last day I’ll lead as national director of Operation Rescue/Operation Save America. We will have the blessing and honor to set in Jason Storms as new director…

Third Day of Livestream National Event

Good morning brethren, On the morn of day three of our OSA national event, the saints are preparing to storm the gates of hell with weapons of warfare that are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.…

Second Day of Livestream National Event

Sorry about the livestream quality concerning last night's opening rally at our OSA national event. We had a few kinks to work out as usual. Prayerfully, it will improve as we move along. We have two teams storming the gates this…

Livestream National Event

God willing, there will be livestream coverage of our OSA national event starting with our opening rally this evening on our Operation Rescue/Operation Save America Facebook page. The evening rallies, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and…

Father's Day Message, June 2021

I want to start this post with a statement, “As goes the father, so goes the family, as goes the family, so goes the Church, and as goes the Church, so goes the nation.” We can look to the failure of our government, church, and culture,…

Newest Book Ready for National Event

Lookie here: Phoenix or bust! Newest book ready to roll out at our national event just in time. Hallelujah! Hope to see you there. Please pray for the Kingdom success of this book. May it glorify our Lord, equip the church to fight the…