Our great brother in Jesus, Cal Zastrow, has fought in the courts and won a strategic Gospel battle to proclaim the Truth in the streets of Montana.  Amazing what God can do through those who simply take Him at His Word and proclaim His Truth in the streets. Here it is!

Enjoy!  ~ Flip

Cal Zastrow and about 15 gentle warriors for our King stormed the gates of hell once again – this time at a golf and country club.  Hallelujah!  Wherever the battle for the lives of baby boys and girls manifests itself, there the Church of Jesus Christ should be.  ~ Flip

No video, but good still shot, and quote from Amy.
Get a load of the wild-eyed street preacher talking about babies getting murdered!
With only a few hours notice, 15 local pro-lifers showed up to rebuke the Planned Parenthood fundraiser at Highlands Golf Course in Billiings.  
There will be no tranquility with child-killing!

Here is a report from our great brother in the Lord, Cal Zastrow.  While working hard in an attempt to get “Personhood” on the ballot in Montana, Cal always finds time to pound on the gates of hell in the magnificent Name of Jesus. ~ Flip

No Tranquility with Child-Killing

March 26, 2012

Cal Zastrow


BILLINGS, MONTANA –  Do the adults of Montana have a “right” to remain undisturbed while children are being murdered in their cities?   The babies sure don’t think so, and neither do I.

Eight pro-lifers showed up to peacefully pray and picket outside of the Northern Rockies Surgery Center  (http://www.northernrockiessurgery.com/AboutUs/) for a couple of hours this morning.   No, babies aren’t murdered at this facility, but one of their anesthesiologists, Dr. David Healow, does murder preborn chlidren at Planned Parenthood.  A handful of patients, and many people driving by, thanked us for being there to expose child-sacrifice.  We proclaimed Psalm 2 and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Some of the clinic workers came out to complain about us hurting their business.   I assured them, “Get rid of the abortionist, and we’ll go away.” 

They called the police on us.  Two patrol cars came quickly.   After Officers West and Hageman went inside to hear their story, they came over to the sidewalk to talk to us.   They were not disrespectful, but they did tell us to not “yell” at patients enterning in before surgery.   While talking in a normal voice, we could be heard in the whole parking lot.  I told the officer that we weren’t, and wouldn’t, yell at anybody.
“Well, don’t have any conversations with any patients.”

The order (bluff) didn’t work, and he knew it when I kindly replied that we would continue talking to people.   One officer drove away while the other sat in his car in the parking lot for another half hour, talking on his cell phone.  

A few more patients entered.  I asked them, “Is Dr. David Healow your anesthesiologist today?”

All denied that he was, but I still informed them, “Please don’t let Dr. Healow touch you.  He is an abortionist who murders babies.  Please invite the surgery center to get rid of the abortionist.”

A few patients agreed that they would speak up.

We welcome others to join us in praying for abortionist Dr. David Healow to quit murdering preborn children.  We also invite others to join us in the next picket, until the abortionist is gone from there.

The phone number for the Northern Rockies Surgery Center is: 406-248-7186.