OSA Report from ground zero at Washington DC on January 6th, 2021:

Ante Pavkovic, Frank Campana, and Assistant Director of OSA, Jason Storms, set up the Lord’s beachhead at this immense gathering. Here is the report.

We went to DC, meeting other OSA brethren there to engage in worship, prayers of repentance, to preach the Word of God, the Gospel, and to explain to the thousands there why our nation is on the precipice of ruin. The reason is SIN.

We preached and explained to the large crowds, with three high-powered speakers right in the middle of where folks were. We explained that our sins of forsaking the God of our fathers, replacing Him with Mammon, the love of money and success as our new god, our ingratitude, our fornicating and porno deviancy, and that we have murdered over 60 million babies, the fact that we have rebelled against the Created Order of one man and woman, and have embraced the abomination and deviant perversion of the Sodomite agenda, calling it good, that we don’t fear the Lord nor truly love Him, are the main reasons why we face conquest by communist fanatics and lunatics.

We preached the Gospel of salvation over and over. We also blasted anointed praise and worship music. The presence of God was there. People gathered around us to listen, and to pray and worship as we offered prayers of repentance for all the above sins, and we worshipped the Lord.

There were times of great grace being upon us. We could see many saints were encouraged by the bold and plain declarations of the Law/Word of God. Many came throughout the day to thank us and tell us their testimonies. Of course, a few didn’t like our preaching. We meet many precious saints, and with some, there will be friendships and we may even see them soon at future OSA events. It was a blessing to meet them and allow them to get in on the action with us and preach on the sound-system. They did great.

It was a great and exhausting time, as we spent ourselves out there. We warned that no man can save the United States. Only God can, IF WE REPENT and do works in keeping with repentance. We challenged them to be just as passionate about abolishing abortion, and to go the mills, offer the women help, and preach there. We told them they must work to end the murder of little babies. God is watching.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the privilege of being able to speak your Word, herald your greatness and warn of the Day of Reckoning. Our hope truly is in Christ and His shed blood.

As a result, the pro-aborts that troll our activities have sought to place Jason Storms, OSA, and myself on the insurrection list. God knows what will come of this insanity. Prayers are welcomed as we continue to serve God in this battle.

OSA’s Leadership Meeting/Winter Regional Event Report:


“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

The Lord prospered our way as saints from all over the country converged in Phoenix, AZ for our OSA regional event. The first night session was an emotional one for me personally. I choked out that the time had come for me to step down as national director of OSA and to make room for the younger lions to take the mantle of leadership.

Come June, at our national event back in Phoenix, AZ, I will step down and Jason Storms will be set in as the new national director of OSA. He has chosen pastor Derin Stidd and Lucas Childress to be his assistants. Please pray for a smooth transition as they must increase, and I must decrease. I pray you all will make the effort to come and participate as OSA makes this transition.

The next day, teams went to the death camps and we held a massive rally at the state capital. This rally for life drew in about 1000 folks demanding the complete abolition of abortion. There was a press conference as Rep. Walt Blackman presented his commitment to end abortion in the state of Arizona. Thankfully, he has about 10 co-sponsors to help move the bill along.

Here is the message the Lord gave me to deliver at the rally.

January 22nd, in the year of our Lord, 1973 is another day that will go down in infamy. On that dreadful day, the Supreme Court stepped outside its lawful jurisdiction and unleashed an iniquitous decree known as Roe vs. Wade. This legal fiction and pretend legislation replaced our national covenant of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness with a covenant of death, which has produced a culture of death currently savaging our nation.

If you wonder why our nation is in such a pitiful, pathetic state, look no further than child sacrifice and the shedding of innocent blood and parading our sin like Sodom. Our national abominations have reached heaven and national calamity has becomes our lot.

In the name of law, Roe, spread lawlessness. In the name of the Constitution, Roe violated the Constitution. In the name of rights, Roe, committed a grave wrong. In the name of justice, Roe, established an injustice.

As Americans, we must remember, the law is not just punitive in nature, the law is a teacher as well. The Bible declares, “The law was our tutor, schoolmaster, teacher to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.” What has Roe taught, which wiped out one third of an entire generation? What impact has Roe on our nation. Roe vs Wade turned as mentioned:

  • Law into lawlessness
  • Women’s healthcare into hellish, pagan practice
  • Mothers, who are called to be nurturers and bind the wounds of life into accomplices to the murder of their own children. I know that is hard to hear for some, but it is true and only the truth can set us free. Without confessing the truth that we have violated “thou shall not murder,” the sin remains and there is no deliverance from this evil.
  • Fathers who are called to protect, provide, and care for women and children into passive, irresponsible males, who sire children and raise none.
  • The church who is called to love their neighbor as themselves, rescue those unjustly sentenced to death, and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves into complacency and complicity with this national evil.
  • The state, who is to defend our God given rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness into tyranny
  • The culture, who abandoned self-government is the key to liberty into anarchy
  • And our children into this (We displayed a graphic aborted baby picture)

As a result, we are here today in a spirit of repentance and to bring forth fruit meet for repentance by backing Arizona’s bill of abolition. Representative Walt Blackman is introducing a bill that will criminalize abortion and penalize it by law. This bill is Arizona’s David’s stone aimed at the forehead of the Goliath of our day, abortion on demand. This bill will not tolerate compromise. It will make no deals with the devil. It will not seek to regulate baby murder, but to end it once and for all in Jesus’ mighty and holy name!

It is time for Arizona and our beleaguered nation to repent and believe the Gospel! The Kingdom of God is at hand. It is time to establish God’s demand for justice that our land might be cleansed from blood guiltiness! All those in agreement say amen, awomen, will not be necessary. God bless you all and keep pressing on saints to the high call and prize in Jesus’ name!

On Saturday, we went to the death camps and 2 babies and families that we know of were spared the horrors of abortion. Praise God! Afterwards Love Life from North Carolina and the Apologia pastors ministered at our last 2 sessions. God is bringing together significant ministry groups to build a network to increase the effectiveness of this movement to ignore Roe, establish justice, and abolish all abortion in Jesus’ name!

OSA’s National Event

 The dates are June 23rd-26th, 2021. The location is Phoenix, AZ The theme is Further Up and Further In.

If you or someone you know has ever participated in OSA and served the Lord through this ministry, it is vital everyone try make it to this significant gathering. As mentioned, there will be a change of leadership in OSA.

It is a bitter/sweet time for me and my family. We have served in this ministry for 33 years. 27 of those years in a position of leadership. 20 years serving as an Assistant to brother Flip Benham and 7 years as national director. Hope to see you there.




























Special shout out to Sal Piccolo for putting this brief video presentation together, Biblical manhood and abortion is a man’s issue. If you find any merit, please pass it on in your sphere of influence. Thanks!

Click here to view


To those who contacted OSA to find out if our sessions this weekend would be live streamed, the answer is a resounding yes.
Special shout out to Daniel Navejas and the Ekklesia of Oklahoma for facilitating this aspect of our leadership meeting/winter regional event.
Here is the schedule and speaker line up. The times will be on mountain time I believe and posted on our Operation Rescue/Operation Save America page.
OSA Leadership Meeting/Winter Regional Event, Jan. 21st-24th, 2021
Opening session, Thursday evening at 6:30 pm, January 21st: Rusty Thomas
Friday morning, January 22nd, Roe vs. Wade 48th Year Anniversary Rally
from 10 am-noon and lobby for sponsors and co-sponsors for bill of abolition. Include petition team.
Friday afternoon session, 2:30 PM: Justin Reeder from Love Life
Friday evening session, 6:30 PM: Rusty Thomas
Saturday Morning, January 23rd, Death Camp ministries from 8-11
Saturday Afternoon Session, 2:30: Jason Storms
Saturday Evening Session, 6:30 PM: Apologia Pastors, Jeff, Luke, and Zack giving us a report on AZ, End Abortion Now, and an invite to come back in June for our national event.
Sunday Service with Apologia.
Ante Pavkovic, Frank Campana, and Assistant Director of OSA, Jason Storms, set up the Lord’s beachhead at this immense gathering. Here is the report.
We went to DC, meeting other OSA brethren there to engage in worship, prayers of repentance, to preach the Word of God, the Gospel, and to explain to the thousands there why our nation is on the precipice of ruin. The reason is SIN.
We preached and explained to the large crowds, with three high-powered speakers right in the middle of where folks were. We explained that our sins of forsaking the God of our fathers, replacing Him with Mammon, the love of money and success as our new god, our ingratitude, our fornicating and porno deviancy, and that we have murdered over 60 million babies, the fact that we have rebelled against the Created Order of one man and woman, and have embraced the abomination and deviant perversion of the Sodomite agenda, calling it good, that we don’t fear the Lord nor truly love Him, are the main reasons why we face conquest by communist fanatics and lunatics.
We preached the Gospel of salvation over and over. We also blasted anointed praise and worship music. The presence of God was there. People gathered around us to listen, and to pray and worship as we offered prayers of repentance for all the above sins, and we worshipped the Lord.
There were times of great grace being upon us. We could see many saints were encouraged by the bold and plain declarations of the Law/Word of God. Many came throughout the day to thank us and tell us their testimonies. Of course, a few didn’t like our preaching. We meet many precious saints, and with some, there will be friendships and we may even see them soon at future OSA events. It was a blessing to meet them and allow them to get in on the action with us and preach on the sound-system. They did great.
It was a great and exhausting time, as we spent ourselves out there. We warned that no man can save the United States. Only God can, IF WE REPENT and do works in keeping with repentance. We challenged them to be just as passionate about abolishing abortion, and to go the mills, offer the women help, and preach there. We told them they must work to end the murder of little babies. God is watching.
Thank you Lord Jesus for the privilege of being able to speak your Word, herald your greatness and warn of the Day of Reckoning. Our hope truly is in Christ and His shed blood.


Do you wonder why our righteous souls are being vexed? Do you struggle with traitors being rewarded and the wicked prosper under our watch? Do you care that the foes within our own national household continue to advance their Marxist agenda with continual success?
Perhaps, this article could help to connect the dots. If you find any merit, please pass it on in your sphere of influence. The article is called Unrequited Justice.
Most of us are familiar with the notion of unrequited love: someone deeply and passionately loves someone else, but the feeling is not mutual. The love-sick person longs for the other to reciprocate and respond in like manner, but alas, a heart is broken as the love interest withholds affections.
This unrequited love could lead to despair, depression, and ultimately to death, if the rejected person cannot resolve this properly and find healing for his or her broken heart. If you or someone you know is in such a place, thankfully one of the stated reasons why Jesus came to this earth is to mend the brokenhearted (Luke 4:18).
Many have experienced this painful emotional turmoil in their lives. For the purposes of this article, I would like to expand the concept of unrequited love to the important virtue of justice. America once had a keen sense of justice. In fact, it was enshrined in our national pledge, which concludes, “with liberty and justice for all.” The Supreme Court building in Washington, DC prominently displays this historic view of justice with inscriptions like, “Equal Justice under law” and “Justice, the Guardian of Liberty.”
Where did America discover justice as one of the necessary foundation stones to support our liberties? Look no further than our Judeo/Christian heritage. In 1215, the Magna Carta was first presented on a field at Runnymede, England. It was framed by a group of 13th century barons to protect their rights and property against a tyrannical monarch, King John. It penned many concerns. Most of them dealt with practical matters and explicit grievances pertinent to the feudal system under which they lived.
However, there are two significant principles expressed in Magna Carta that resonate to this day, “No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned, disseised, outlawed, banished, or in any way destroyed, nor will We proceed against or prosecute him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers and by the law of the land.” And the second, “To no one will We sell, to no one will We deny or delay, right or justice.” Our Fifth Amendment to the Constitution (“no person shall . . . be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law”) comes directly from the Magna Carta’s guarantee of proceedings based upon the “law of the land.”
The Bible reveals, “The Lord loves justice” (Psalm 37:28). He is just. He will always do what is right (Genesis 18:25). His judgments are true and righteous altogether (Psalms 19:9b). Justice is a major theme that weaves its way through the “warp and woof” of the Old and New Testaments. In fact, the book of Psalms reveals to us that God’s throne of grace is built upon the foundations of righteousness (judgment) and justice (Psalm 89:14).
God expects justice to be administered “for the fatherless and the widow” (Deuteronomy 10:18). Deuteronomy 16:19 commands, “You shall not pervert justice; you shall not show partiality, nor take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous.” In fact, God threatened a curse upon those who persisted in perverting justice (Deuteronomy 27:19).
Solomon, the wisest man that ever lived, received a wonderful gift of God (wisdom) by virtue of this truth; he desired a wise and understanding heart that would discern justice (1 Kings 3:11). The famous example of Solomon settling the dispute between two mothers spread his wisdom abroad.
In this thorny situation, two harlots had sons about the same time in the same household. One of the babies died in the night due to suffocation (the mother laid on him). The guilty mother switched babies in the night and replaced her dead son with the live son of the other mother. When the innocent mother awoke to find the dead baby next to her, she became aware of this despicable act.
Eventually, this misdeed was brought to Solomon’s attention. He examined both women and then rendered his verdict. He declared, “Divide the living child in two, and give half to one, and half to the other.” He knew only the true mother would be willing to let her baby live (1 Kings 3:16-28). The dramatic episode ends with these words, “And all Israel heard of the judgment which the king had rendered; and they feared the king, for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to administer justice” (1 Kings 3:28).
Heads of state traveled for miles bearing gifts just to observe the wisdom and justice of Solomon’s court. One such dignitary, the Queen of Sheba observed:
And when the queen of Sheba had seen all the wisdom of Solomon, the house that he had built, the food on his table, the seating of his servants, the service of his waiters and their apparel, his cupbearers, and his entryway by which he went up to the house of the Lord, there was no more spirit in her (1 Kings 10:4, 5).
Solomon understood, by God’s wisdom, that a nation would be blessed if they laid a foundation stone of justice to support their national life. A people willing to live out the Micah Mandate would secure a future and a hope. Micah 6:8 teaches, “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you? But to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”
It was this admonishment from Micah that our Lord employed to rebuke the Pharisees of his day. They were guilty of straining at gnats and swallowing camels (Matthew 23:24). They carefully watched over their tithes, but neglected weightier matters. What were these weightier matters exposed by Christ? Jesus declared, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone” (Matthew 23:23).
At this juncture, it is important that we define the term justice. What exactly is biblical justice? In the original languages of Hebrew and Greek, the word justice was closely related to the word righteousness. Justice as it relates to our fellow man is a demand to safeguard their rights, especially, the weak, the poor, and the vulnerable of society.
Hubert Humphrey, former United States Senator from Minnesota, stated, “It was once said that the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped.”
This statement is inscribed on the Health and Human Resource building in Washington, DC. Tragically, our national government abandoned this “life ethic” decades ago. Children at the dawn of life and the elderly are unjustly put to death through the evil practices of abortion and euthanasia.
According to KJV Dictionary Definition, justice is:
1. The virtue which consists in giving to everyone what is his due; practical conformity to the laws and to principles of rectitude in the dealings of men with each other; honesty; integrity in commerce or mutual intercourse. Justice is distributive or commutative.
Distributive justice belongs to magistrates or rulers, and consists in distributing to every man that right or equity which the laws and the principles of equity require; or in deciding controversies according to the laws and to principles of equity. Commutative justice consists in fair dealing in trade and mutual intercourse between man and man.
2. Impartiality; equal distribution of right in expressing opinions; fair representation of facts respecting merit or demerit. In criticisms, narrations, history, or discourse, it is a duty to do justice to every man, whether friend or foe.
3. Equity; agreeableness to right; as, he proved the justice of his claim. This should, in strictness, be justness.
4. Vindictive retribution; merited punishment. Sooner or later, justice overtakes the criminal.
5. Right; application of equity. His arm will do him justice.
A wise maxim states, “No justice, no peace.” This rings true biblically. Crimes and injustice broke the “shalom” or the peace of the community. Only justice could restore it. If the injustice was allowed to continue, if the perpetrators were not penalized, the peace of the community would become a faded memory. Violence and perversion always replaces peace and harmony, wherever and whenever injustice became normative.
Unfortunately, this is the current state of our beleaguered nation. Our “city on the hill” has become a cesspool of immorality that codifies into law the bloodlust of men. Injustice runs rampant while Americans stand in awkward amazement as violence, perversion, and tyranny stalks our bloodstained land.
Notice as well, the frequent rampages that leave a wake of carnage in its destructive path. Headline after headline chronicles the bloody massacres as America’s homegrown terrorists commit the unspeakable against our fellow citizens. In typical fashion, the political pundits and media talking heads chant their customary mantras calling for more gun control, money, government programs, and education, ad nauseam.
What is even more disconcerting is the reality that these crazed killers consistently take their own lives after their murderous sprees. It is this aspect of the carnage that inspired this article, Unrequited Justice. By committing suicide, the perpetrators not only take away the life of the innocent, but they also take away any chance for justice to bring closure for the loved ones left devastated by their brutal acts.
During the injustice of slavery, Abraham Lincoln heralded this principle, “Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves; and, under a just God, cannot long retain it.” He also stated, “Nothing stamped with the divine image and likeness was sent into the world to be trodden on.”
Does America deserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as we destroy one third of an entire generation through the sin and crime of abortion? Have we not trodden to the ground babies “stamped with the divine image” and shed their innocent blood, which has polluted and defiled our land? The lessons from our bloodstained land are clear. No justice for the preborn, no justice for us. No mercy for the preborn, no mercy for us.
Considering this condition which has produced the syndrome of unrequited justice, how can justice be led to victory in our day (Matthew 12:20)? In the Old Testament, we read that Israel committed child sacrifice. God called for his people living in that era to:
Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Put away the evil of your doings from before my eyes. Cease to do evil, learn to do good; seek justice, rebuke the oppressor; defend the fatherless, plead for the widow. Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord, Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool (Isaiah 1:16-18).
In the New Testament, one of the corresponding fruits of true repentance was the “readiness to see justice done.” The Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 7 was making a distinction between worldly sorrow, which leads to death and godly sorrow, which leads to repentance and salvation. He states:
Even if I caused you sorrow by my letter, I do not regret it. Though I did regret it-I see that my letter hurt you, but only for a little while-yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us. Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. See what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern, what readiness to see justice done. At every point you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter (2 Corinthians 7:8-11).
If America is ever to secure a future and a hope and end the bloody massacres savaging our nation, the unrequited justice of abortion must end in Jesus’ mighty name!
Rusty Thomas, National Director, Operation Rescue/Operation Save America
To those in the Pennsylvania area, you are invited to come and help a church transition from the pro-life movement to abolition. Hope to see you there.
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'Berean Bible Fellowship Church Presents 1 LIFE LIVES FOR Sanctity of Life Weekend Sat. Jan. 6th-Sun. Jan. 17th featuring Guest Speaker Rev. Rusty Thomas Saturday: 10AM Rusty & Pastor Beau teach about FREE EVENT the biblical approach to abortion and why the gospel is the only way to end it Sunday: 9:30AM Corporate Worship Berean Bible Fellowship Church 1028 Tara Stroudsburg,'

Here is the trailer to the new film, Abolitionist the Movie. Saturate this Gospel of the Kingdom project with much prayer. When it is released, I would encourage you to share it on all your platforms.


Lookie here:
Apologia Church and End Abortion Now working in conjunction with OSA and Love Life just put up this billboard up to promote our Roe vs. Wade rally at the state capital.
Can’t encourage you enough to come to our OSA winter regional event and join with us as we work to help Arizona abolish abortion in their state.
Dates: January 21st-23rd, 2021
Location: The Gathering Place, 5536 N 6th Street, Phoenix, AZ.
Lodging: Best Western Plus
OSA has reserved a block of rooms for 80 per night, which is a good price for that area in Arizona.
Kyle Bronson
Sales Director
Best Western Plus
1563 S. Gilbert Rd
Mesa, AZ. 85204
O- 480-926-3600
C- 503-890-7885
F- 480-926-4892

It was one of the last days of the 2015 Operation Save America event in Montgomery, Alabama.

When Pastor Rod Aguillard anointed my head with oil and laid his hand on me, my knees went weak. The power of God came upon me like it did when I first met the Holy Spirit in 1973. I began to tremble. I surrendered afresh. My heart pounded wildly. I am Yours, Lord.

“It’s time to tell your story,” Pastor Rod said.

I have always told my story. But this time, the Lord was asking for it to be written.

She Looks Like My Little Girl

by James Johnston

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The True Story of Eva Edl and Her Daring Escape from the Communist Death Camps of Yugoslavia in the Wake of World War II

Eva was only six when the Nazis invaded. A coup against Yugoslavia’s king caused a violent civil war to erupt, emasculating Yugoslavia’s defenses even as the powerful Nazi war machine began to drop bombs on them. The nation’s communists gradually suppressed the various sects clamoring for power, and displayed such a courageous resistance against the overwhelming Nazi forces that they won the admiration of the Western democracies.

Eva’s family was relatively insulated from the trauma of the Nazi invasion due to being rurally isolated from the large cities and avenues of advance. Until they took her father. Although he was “impure Aryan” at best, and although he protested the Nazi menace, he was kidnapped to serve as “cannon fodder” for Hitler’s rampage against Europe.

Sick in an infirmary, her father contacted them and left a message. He urged them to flee east. The Red Army was coming, and they would be brutal.

They did not get out in time.

The Soviets and the Nazis had begun the war as allies, but when Hitler invaded Russia and slaughtered millions of civilians, the Russian lust for vengeance ran hot. Armed with the weapons and moral authority of the Grand Alliance, the Red Army invaded from the east, driving out the Nazis.

Terror came in Stalin’s bloody wake.

Hitler’s betrayal fueled a rage and a hatred against Germany that would flood Eastern Europe with the blood of the innocent and the cries of the violated for years.

Eva Edl and her people were called Danube-Swabians; they were Yugoslavian by birth but German by heritage and language. The new communist government first dehumanized her people in the law. Then, empowered by the Grand Alliance, they unleashed a violent, genocidal campaign against Eva and her people.

Eva and her two older siblings were spared much of the wrath of the Soviets by her Oma (Grandmother), who was Hungarian by birth, and thus was able to be relatively safe in the midst of the Soviet trampling of the Danube-Swabians. She managed to keep her grandchildren hidden.

But not for long. The Soviets kidnapped her mother to dig trenches for the war effort. With her protector and hero gone, fear began to torment Eva’s soul. Fear of the consequences of her own sin. Fear of Judgment Day.

Her two older siblings were led by bayonet to a forced labor camp, run by the brutal local communists, the Partisans. Oma and Eva were put on a train bound for a concentration camp. While the free world was celebrating victory over Nazi Germany and nuclear bombs had elevated American power to the pinnacle of the world, Eva and her people were targeted for elimination. Unlike the Nazi concentration camps, the communist concentration camps did not shut down when the war ended. They were just getting started.

There in one of the darkest hellholes of a communist death camp, Eva found Jesus.

Eva was miraculously rescued from the genocide of her people and immigrated to Austria, and ultimately to the United States, where she encountered another genocide behind the doors of death camps also propped up by godless laws and funded by the government. Over a million unborn babies, alive by every standard of medical science, were being killed in American death camps.

Eva felt the call of God to lay down her life to rescue unborn children, just as others laid down their life to rescue her. She became a voice for life and justice and an icon in the rescue movement in the United States, where up to 80,000 Christians were arrested blockading abortion clinic entrances in the 80’s and 90’s. Eva Edl has been arrested 46 times blockading abortion clinics, trying to save babies from death by abortion.

When our posterity dances on the ruins of America’s death camps, when every child is protected by love and by law and legal abortion is as unthinkable to the free world as slavery, it will be because of the heroes like Eva who proved that love never fails.

Left: I’m the little 2 1/2 year old, pictured with my brother Joseph and my sister Anna. These were the happy days before the War, before the Nazis and then the communists came and ravaged my country.

Below: At four years of age, I’m atop the horse with my father Bernard Tiesler holding the reins in our small town of northern Yugoslavia called Prigrevica St. John.

The only photo of starved Danube Swabian

eva 1947, after cared for in place for s
Eva's kindergarten class Austria.jpg
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Above: Eva, her husband John, and their three children, 1990, just six months before John passed away

Eva holds a baby she saved from abortion
Eva and sibs, 10-1990.jpg
Eva worshiping at New Orleans '95.jpg

 Video of the 2017 Kentucky abortion clinic rescue. (For more footage and interviews of those involved in the Kentucky rescue, click here.)

The riveting testimony of Eva Edl, survivor of a communist concentration camp in the wake of World War 2, who immigrated to America and became an icon in the pro-life rescue movement



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RESCUE those being led away to death;

hold back those staggering toward slaughter.

If you say, “But we knew nothing about this,”

does not he who weighs the heart perceive it?

Does not he who guards your life know it?

Will he not repay everyone according to

what they have done?

Proverbs 24:11-12

  • Eva Edl's biography: She Looks Like My Little Girl
    Eva Edl's biography: She Looks Like My Little Girl

    Eva Edl’s biography: She Looks Like My Little Girl


All profit from my biography goes to support a Christian school in Bihar, India, a Buddhism-dominated area of northeast India with the poorest literacy rates in the nation. Click to learn more.

About the author, James Johnston:

Dr. Johnston met Eva Edl at their first Operation Save America event in 2004 in Columbus, Ohio. At that event, they witnessed Eva and some other veteran rescuers block the doors to one of the three abortion clinics. Eva stood up and preached to those that gathered, testifying of what it was like to be dehumanized by the state and targeted for termination.

He has donated all proceeds of the book to Eva’s mission to support the Christian school in India. Dr. Johnston has visited India twice to serve in a slum church in Chennai, and, like Eva, shares a heart for for the salvation of India.

This is Dr. Johnston’s eleventh book, but first biography. He is a family practice physician with ten home-educated children. Dr. Johnston is the former director of Personhood Ohio and worked tirelessly to abolish abortion at the state level. He and his children participate annually in Operation Save America events. His tenth child is named “Eva” after Eva Edl (pictured left). Dr. Johnston is the writer and producer of the faith-based 2019 movie “The Reliant” starring Kevin Sorbo, the Benham Brothers, and Brian Bosworth, which won 22 First Place film festival awards. He has a private medical practice in the Charlotte, North Carolina, area, and is the founder of the Association of Pro-Life Physicians.

You can learn about Dr. Johnston’s faith-building novels at DocJohnstonNovels.com.


Rod Aguillard

Senior Overseer, Network of Related Pastors

Flip Benham

Former director Operation Rescue/Operation Save America

Keith Tucci

Senior Pastor, Pennsylvania

I was profoundly effected in my emotions and in my spirit as I read this book. For me, it could have been entitled “Shock & Awe.”

Through the innocent eyes of a young girl, Eva Edl, I saw the horrendous evil and demonic cruelty of Joseph Stalin and his Red Army.

Eva describes her childhood horrors in Yugoslavia as Stalin’s ruthless armies invaded her homeland. Masses of innocent civilians were murdered and imprisoned along with the wholesale rape of women and girls. In between the chapters of the suffering and violent murder of her people, she describes her heroic efforts to rescue the unborn children in America slated for suffering and slaughter.

Thank you Eva, for opening my eyes to the cruel darkness of our enemy powers confronting America.  I love your great heart!

Eva Zastrow

Missionary to China

“Oma Eva’s testimony challenged me to count the cost, to walk in my Savior’s footsteps and lay down my life for the least.”

“Ever since I heard Eva’s amazing story while locked up with her in the Niagra Armory in Buffalo, New York, I knew her testimony would be an anthem of rescue. Do it again, Jesus! Do it again.”

Pastor Bill Shanks

New Orleans, Louisiana

“A diamond of a story. Prepare to have your preconceived notions on World War II and the pro-life movement shattered.”


Rusty Thomas

Director Operation Rescue/Operation Save America

“If you’re content to go through life working, playing, being entertained, and enjoying your 401K by the pool, do not read this book. If you long to blend in, crave the ordinary, and dream of mediocrity, go watch TV instead. But if you want to tread where few courageous souls have dared to tread, if you want to see mountains moved, the bound liberated, and the lost rescued—this is a MUST READ!”                       

This story is real. No drama has been added. It is not fiction. It is historical. It is fact. Some will find that hard to believe.

The first time I heard Eva’s testimony, it was directly from Eva’s mouth. It was a bitter cold January day in White Plains, New York. About 100 of us had blockaded an abortuary entrance, shivering. We had been outside for hours. The police had arrived but were not arresting us. They were going to let nature punish us.

Someone in the crowd urged Eva to tell her story. She took us back to her childhood, to a different land and culture, ravished by violence and fear. She and her people were targeted for extermination. Unsung heroes rose to the occasion to rescue her from starvation.

We sat riveted. So did the police who were guarding us. Like us, they were deeply moved.

Like you will be when you read her story.

Like the blood of Abel crying from the ground for justice, Eva’s voice cries out to the church and to this generation to open their hearts and be moved by God. Moved to love. Moved to speak up. Moved to rescue.

One of the main reasons for OSA’s winter regional event in Arizona centers around exposing the lie of the land, rather than the law of the land, Roe vs. Wade.
It is there we will present David’s stone, a bill of abolition, to fling it at the Goliath defiling and polluting our land, child sacrifice and the shedding of innocent blood.
We need all hands on deck. With all dispatch, plan on coming to help Arizona vanquish this evil from their state in Jesus’ name!
Go to the website below for more information. Soon Apologia and End Abortion Now will put up a huge billboard at a good location to promote this gathering. Afterwards, teams will lobby the legislators to convince them to sponsor and co-sponsor the bill.
“Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest” (Matthew 9:37, 38).
Good News:
We have secured a host church for our OSA Winter Regional Event. Special shout out to Pastor Paul Johnson for opening up and providing the hospitality to host our gathering.
The Church’s address is 5536 N 6th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85012. It is called The Gathering Place.
Apologia Church and End Abortion Now are still our pastoral covering, but we now have a physical location to meet. Thank God for His provision.
OSA Leadership Meeting/Winter Regional Event, Jan. 21st-24th, 2021
Opening session, Thursday, January 21st, 6:30-9 PM: Rusty Thomas
Friday morning, January 22nd, we will commemorate the infamous Roe vs. Wade 48th Year Anniversary. We will hold a rally at the state capital from 10 am-noon. We will expose Roe vs. Wade as the lie of the land rather than the law of the land. Magistrates with a bill of abolition will be introduced.
Afterwards there will be lobby teams sent to raise up sponsors and co-sponsors for the bill of abolition. A packet of information will be given to each magistrate that will demonstrate that they have the Biblical, historical, and Constitutional authority to no longer regulate baby murder, but abolish it in Jesus name! We need laborers, so please plan on coming to help.
Including that morning will be a death camp team and a petition team to help Red State Reform (The political outreach of End Abortion Now) build its network.
Afternoon session, 2:00-4 PM: Love Life
Evening session, 6:30 PM: Rusty Thomas
Saturday Morning, January 23rd, Death Camp ministries from 8-11
Saturday Afternoon Session, 2:00: Jason Storms
Saturday Evening Session, 6:30 PM: Apologia Pastors Jeff DurbinLuke Pierson, and Zack Morgan giving us a report on AZ, End Abortion Now, Red State Reform and an invite to come back in June for our national event.
Sunday Service with Apologia.
Here is the link to reserve rooms on-line.
If there are any problems, call Kyle Bronson on his cell phone to make sure you get the OSA rate.
Kyle Bronson
Sales Director
Best Western Plus
1563 S. Gilbert Rd
Mesa, AZ. 85204
O- 480-926-3600
C- 503-890-7885
F- 480-926-4892
Young lions are coming together at this gathering with the purpose of building a solid network to increase the effectiveness of this national movement. It is important that you join us as there will be a significant announcement given at this appointed time. Hope to see you there in Jesus’ name!