God's Servants at the "Summit Women's Center" Twenty-five Christians came out to the streets to save babies and souls. Fr. deMayo was there and represented the local clergy. The Bridgeport Police and clinic lot attendant were on the scene of the crimes. We see in 2 Chronicles that "Jehoshaphat was a good king, following the ways of his father Asa. He did what was pleasing in the Lord's sight. During his reign however he failed to remove all the pagan shrines and the people never full committed their hearts to following the God of their ancestors." There will be no abortions in Bridgeport till Tuesday. Please join us as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. We need a Christian man to disciple one of the Dads and help him with a budget. We also need a 4 bedroom apartment for one of the moms (the valley preferred). Please help in these areas. On Tuesday morning around 9am a young girl and her boyfriend, (who early went into the abortion mill to kill their baby) came out of the mill, deciding not to kill their baby. Of course that was a PTL moment itself. Little Daniel who was sitting in his stroller reached out his little hand to this young mom who then reached out her hand to hold his (the fact that Daniel wanted to hold someone's hand that morning was rare as he was hitting anyone that would go near him). Daniel and this young girl just stared into each others' eyes, holding on to each other. The mom's eyes started to fill up with tears. I really believe that what she felt when she had just witnessed this, spared her precious child. On Daniel's stroller is a sign that says "I was adopted, not aborted!". I truly believe God used Daniel that day to touch that mom's heart. THANK YOU LORD!!!!
Brenda Rutherford
Friday, June 25, 2004 Twenty lifesavers came out to pray and plead with Moms not to kill their children. Bridgeport Police were there (Ribas) and the lot attendant. It is a blessing to have children saving children. With school out, this is an opportunity to teach your kids to lay their lives down so others may live. Instead of "sleeping in" or "hanging out" summer is a perfect time for short term missions as families come out to the streets to proclaim the Gospel to a lost and dying generation. There are ministry opportunities right in your own backyard. This week Tuesday seems to be the only killing day because of the July 4 th weekend. Bring the kids out and plan to go to the OSA National Event or the "Oh! Saratoga" Regional event. Flip and Rusty will be at both. You won't want to miss these awesome times of learning, serving and fellowship. As we read Acts 14:22-23, we have the example of Paul and Barnabus, they helped believers to grow in love for God and each other. They encouraged them in the faith in spite of all the persecution. reminding them that they must enter into the Kingdom of God through many tribulations. Keep up the good fight of faith as we stand for Jesus and His truth. Marilyn Carroll <)))>< Tuesday, June 22, 2004 Twenty-five lifesavers came out to the streets to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and save lives for Him. The Bridgeport Police and the lot attendant were at the scene of the crimes. No deathscorts (on vacation). Nancy & Tom's adopted son, Daniel, is in training to be a police officer and stand against evil. When moms change their minds we promise to help them with the needs that originally prompt them to think they want an abortion. This is why it is so important for us to follow through with our promises. Carmen and I cannot physically minister to all these moms. We need your help and your resources. If you are willing to befriend a mom and her children please let us know. If you can deliver items to them, or bring them to church, please tell us. If you can purchase diapers sizes 1, 2, 4, 5 and wipes plus food gift cards, there are many families in need. We also need a high chair right now. Being pro-life isn't just persuading moms not to kill their children, it is following through with the needs they have. Hope to see you all THIS FRIDAY, TOMORROW, we believe the killing day was changed from Saturday. "He is so good, His faithful love endures forever!" 2 Chronicles 5:13b Let’s learn to be like Stephen from our daily OSA reading today. Stephen gave his life for the gospel. He strived in excellence with small assignments that prepared him for greater ones. He had a real understanding of God's leading for practical compassion towards others. Stephen had church responsibilities and distributed food for the needy. In Acts 7 the religious leaders did not like Stephen's answers to their questions so they stoned him. "'You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you. Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who foretold the coming of the Just One, of whom you now have become the betrayers and murderers, who have received the law by the direction of angels and have not kept it.' When they heard these things they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed at him with their teeth. But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right in heart and ears! 'You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you. Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who foretold the coming of the Just One, of whom you now have become the betrayers and murderers, who have received the law by the direction of angels and have not kept it.' When they heard these things they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed at him with their teeth. But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God, and said, 'Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!' Then they cried out with a loud voice, stopped their ears, and ran at him with one accord; and they cast him out of the city and stoned him. And the witnesses laid down their clothes at the feet of a young man named Saul. And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God and saying, 'Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.' Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, 'Lord, do not charge them with this sin.' And when he had said this, he fell asleep." Marilyn Carroll <)))>< Thirty prolifers came out to the streets to intercede for babies being drawn to slaughter. Bridgeport Police and lot attendant were present, no escorts, no clergy. From what we know: "Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed—in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: 'Death is swallowed up in victory.' 'O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?' The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 I want to wish a Happy Father's Day to those who love their children and gave them life. This is my first Father's Day without my Dad. It is such a loss in my life. I miss my Daddy so much but I thank God I had a good father that loved me and took good care of me and laid down his life for my benefit. Ronald Reagan said on the 10th anniversary of Roe v. Wade: "In their enlightened belief, nothing stamped with the Divine image and likeness was sent into this world to be stamped and trodden on, ... we cannot survive as a free nation when some men decide that others are not fit to live and should be abandoned to abortion or infanticide. There is no cause more important for protecting that freedom than affirming the transcendent right to life of all human beings, the right without which no other rights have meaning." Upon leaving the clinic, Carmen and I attended the funeral for Christian Bell, Sgt. Olivia Bell Brantley's 18 year old, first born son. Bishop White gave a message to all the young people there. Today is the day of salvation, do not wait for tomorrow. It may never come. Many youth received salvation! "Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, And let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth; Walk in the ways of your heart, And in the sight of your eyes; But know that for all these God will bring you into judgment. Therefore remove sorrow from your heart, And put away evil from your flesh, for childhood and youth are vanity. Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, Before the difficult days come, And the years draw near when you say, 'I have no pleasure in them': While the sun and the light, The moon and the stars, Are not darkened, And the clouds do not return after the rain; In the day when the keepers of the house tremble, And the strong men bow down; When the grinders cease because they are few, And those that look through the windows grow dim; When the doors are shut in the streets, And the sound of grinding is low; When one rises up at the sound of a bird, And all the daughters of music are brought low. Also they are afraid of height, And of terrors in the way; when the almond tree blossoms, the grasshopper is a burden, and desire fails. For man goes to his eternal home, and the mourners go about the streets. Remember your Creator before the silver cord is loosed, or the golden bowl is broken, or the pitcher shattered at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the well. Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it." Ecclesiastes 11:9 - Ecclesiastes 12:7 Hope to see you all on Tuesday morning as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be! For the Lease of These, Marilyn Carroll Tuesday, June 15, 2004 Thirty prolifers came out to the streets to pray and intercede for little girls and little boys sentenced to death. From what we know and saw: Pastor Miller, Fr. Smith and Fr. deMayo were there to represent the local clergy! Praise God for these faithful men that care enough for their tiny neighbors to take the time out of their busy schedules to come out to the streets to save lives and souls. Bridgeport Police were on duty (Ribas), there is a lot attendant for the mill, no escorts. We have been informed that Summit gives out RU486 abortion pills. A woman told us they said to come back in two weeks because she was under 8 weeks pregnant. As we start the book of Acts with our OSA Daily Bible Reading we learn about the early Christian Church. "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." Acts 1:8 Please join us every Tuesday and Saturday as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. We plan to be there until the killing stops. For the Least of These, Saturday, June 12, 2004 "You may as well know this too, Timothy, that in the last days it is going to be very difficult to be a Christian. For people will love only themselves and their money; they will be proud and boastful, sneering at God, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful to them and thoroughly bad. They will be hardheaded and never give in to others; they will be constant liars and troublemakers and think nothing of immorality. They will be rough and cruel, and sneer at those who do good. They will betray their friends; they will be hotheaded, puffed up with pride, and prefer good times to worshipping God. They will go to church, yes, but they won't believe anything they hear. Don't be taken in by people like that." 2 Timothy 3:1-5 (LB) Who will speak out for the little ones that can't speak for themselves? Over 25 prolifers came out to the streets this day to pray and intercede for babies sentenced to die. Fr. deMayo was the only clergy present. It continues to amaze me how the local clergy ignores child killing in their community. What a shame this is to the Church of Jesus Christ. The Bridgeport Police were present (Mandolfo). No "deathscorts." From what we saw: SIXTEEN WOMEN WENT IN AT KILLING TIME. Carmen and Brenda got to speak with the Mom that changed her mind. She had tears in her eyes. She said she already has a little girl at home. She took all the information. Please pray for her. The reality is that abortion never liberates women. It physically and emotionally enslaves them and brutally kills their children. Come out to the streets Tuesdays and Saturdays 7:30am as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. We plant to be there every killing day until the killing stops! We need people to hold signs, pass literature, pray, sing praise and worship. Please join in this missionary outreach. You don't have to cross water to be a missionary; you can be one locally in your own community and state. For the Least of These, Twenty-five prolifers came out to pray and witness for life. Pastor Miller, Fr. deMayo and Fr. Smith were there to represent the local clergy. Officer Ribas was there from the Bridgeport Police, no "deathscorts" present. ELEVEN WOMEN WENT IN AT KILLING TIME. As we read our daily OSA Bible schedule today (2 Kings 23) we learn about Josiah, even though he was young he did what was right in the Lord's sight. He removed the Baal worship and did away with pagan priests. Too bad we did not have a leader in America willing to obey God and take down all the high places where little children are sacrificed to the god of self and convenience. Josiah smashed them to bits. Josiah knew his great grandfather Hezekiah and was like him in many ways. He wanted to lead the people back to God. We see God's ongoing guidance to those who seek to be obedient. "Never before had there been a king like Josiah, who turned to the LORD with all his heart and soul and strength, obeying all the laws of Moses. And there has never been a king like him since." 2 Kings 23:25
For the Least of These, Because of the death of my father, I am behind on the street reports. I want to thank everyone who prayed and gave. I thank Fr. de Mayo who came and prayed with my Dad before he died. God is so faithful to be with us in our time of need. I thank Dave Lackey (OR Alabama) for getting a plane ticket for Rev. Philip (Flip) Benham to come to Ct to do my dad's funeral services and comfort the family. He did an awesome job in our home, at the funeral parlor, at the church and at the cemetery. I also thank Stephen Bennett who did the heavenly music in the church. I thank everyone who sent emails, cards, flowers, plants, fruit basket and checks. It really does help to have the love of others when you are going through something so painful. From what we know: Tuesday, June 1, 2004 - Saturday, June 5, 2004 - Thirty prolifers came out Saturday, June 5. We had a police officer and one "deathscort" present. Fr. de Mayo represented the clergy in the greater Bridgeport community. Below is a note to a sidewalk counselor (Patte) from a mom who changed her mind: PLEASE PRAY FOR DAN LA FRENIERE, HAS HEART FAILURE. HE IS A SERVANT FOR THE LORD IN FORT WORTH TEXAS. For the Least of These, Tuesday, May 25, 2004 and Wednesday, May 26, 2004 On Tuesday 20 prolifers came out to the streets to save lives and souls. Fr Smith represented the clergy. Wendee and Brenda sidewalk counseled. Tony M. was the officer on duty for the Bridgeport Police. From what we know:
"For your unfailing love is high as the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. Be exalted Oh God, above the highest heavens. May your glory shine over all the earth." Psalm 57:10 & 11 The killing center was open today to our surprise. We did not find out till late and six of us dropped everything and rushed out there to try to save lives and souls. We need people in the area to check in the mornings around 7:30 a.m., especially Fridays, to see if they are open. Let me know if you are willing to do this. Thank you Stan, Brenda, Lucy, Mom, Nancy and Daniel for coming out so quickly on short notice. We did get to talk to quite a few young ladies, three turned away, please pray for them that they don't come back. We gave out lots of literature to those passing by. Lots of people gave us the thumbs up as they went by and beeped their horns, except one lady who stopped and said she had an abortion and was glad. What a shame, that mothers kill their own children and are glad after, with no regret. I feel sorry for them when they stand before almighty God on Judgment Day; once to die and then the judgment.
The abortionist (MAB) approached; speeding into the driveway and almost ran over our photographer, Brenda. He didn't even stop his vehicle to move the cones in his parking spot; he just ran them right over. What can you expect from a man who kills defenseless tiny babies?
Please join us Tuesday as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. We need people to pray, read scripture, sing psalms, hold a sign, distribute literature and counsel. I am sure you can do one of these. For the Least of These, About 25 prolifers came out to pray during 7am-11am Tuesday at 3787 Main St. Pastor Miller, Fr deMayo and Fr Smith represented the local clergy in the community. We prayed and interceded for God's precious little ones sentenced to die. Brenda was on video/camera for us and there were no escorts. Tony M. was the Bridgeport police officer at the scene. The latest lot attendant found another job! PTL! Our prayers were answered. His wife came to tell us he got a different job. We talked to her on a couple of occasions and she did not like him working at a death camp either. If you really believe this is murder and you want to end it, you will have to inconvenience yourselves. If you really want to reach the lost with the gospel, you may have to stand out in the cold and in the heat. You may be hungry or thirsty. You will have to let your own desires go sometimes and dedicate yourselves to serving God. The most important thing is being available where you are needed. This goes for me too! My flesh hates it when I can't do my own thing. While Wendee and I were counseling the couple on the corner, many women went in the front without Godly counsel. We cannot do this alone. The Lord has given us this opportunity, now we must all work together to further His kingdom. Jesus is coming back when Satan is our footstool. Let's get busy doing the work of the Lord out on the streets. For the Least of These,
What I heard today was an awesome day of ministry at the mill. I had to go to my uncle's funeral so I was unable to attend. I got reports from Stan, Carmen and Wendee. Manny was there for the police and Chris was the only "deathscort". Twenty-one prolifers came out to pray, counsel and hold signs on this beautiful sunny May day. From what we know: Below is a report from Wendee : Today we were out at the mill as usual trying to help women to choose life for their children. Carmen and I saw a girl coming up the side walk and we noticed that this was the same girl that we talked to Tuesday. We approached her and tried to find out why she came back. She said she was going to get an abortion and she could not handle all her kids. We pleaded with her again not to go in and reiterated that we would help her to handle this or she could give the baby up for adoption. But she went in the mill anyway. We were so upset that this was happening, Carmen, Brenda and I prayed for her. We started crying and couldn't even finish the prayer we were all so upset. About two minutes later one of the other prayer warriors brought a man over to us and told us that his girlfriend was in the abortion clinic and that he didn't want her to abort their baby. At that moment I asked what his girlfriend's name was and he said the same name as the girl we had been talking to. So we knew this was the answer to our prayer. God was working. We told him about us talking with her and how she doesn't really want to do this but she needed to know from him that he would help her. He said he would. So he went in to talk her into coming out. A little while later he came out and said she was not going to change her mind. We asked him to go in again and he did. At this time my older son Josh, who was watching my younger children, called me and said the baby was crying and I had to come home. I was so torn because I really believed God was going to help this girl change her mind and keep her baby. But I wanted to be there when she came out. He said she was going through with the abortion; there was nothing he could do. I told him all the things that happened this day was no coincidence; that God had a plan for this baby. Even the fact that we went home and came back right when he came out of the mill was no coincidence. So he said he'd give it one more try. This man had such a sweet spirit. So Brenda and I told him we would pray for him again. I told Brenda that God was going to bring this girl out of there. I knew it; I just wanted to be there so I could offer her help. "His preaching will bring fathers and children together again, to be of one mind and heart, for they will know that if they do not repent, I will come and utterly destroy their land." Malachi 4:6 Carmen told me about three other moms that changed their minds: One was 17 years old, Afro-American. Carmen and Wendee prayed with her, she does not want her mom to know. Another Afro-American girl, late 20's, her boyfriend was rushing her into the car, took the info for Hopeline Pregnancy Resource Center . The third was 16 years old, light, a student from Notre Dame, with her boyfriend. He is 17 and was more receptive to the information. She was crying on his shoulder. Another that does not want her mom to know. PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE GIRLS. Hope to see you all out the streets Tuesday at 3787 Main St . After 7am and throughout the morning we will be counseling, praying and holding signs to help persuade moms not to kill their children. If you don't live in driving distance to Bridgeport , look in your phonebook and go to the killing center near you. For the Least of These,
About 20 prolifers came out during the course of the morning. Throughout the morning a group was praying and there were usually two counselors (Carmen, Marilyn & Wendee) at work with a videographer/photographer (Brenda) on the scene for us. Some were holding signs of life and death. We told her we would help anyway we could. We even told her we would adopt her baby. We called Pastor Miller on the cell phone and he talked to her. She wants to go to church and needs food. Wendee and I got to witness to Kristi about the gospel and her need for the Savior. We gave her a Gospel of John, diapers and wipes for her baby at home, and literature for resources and information. From what we know:
For all our local people, the killing appointments are for Saturday this week. Please join us to pray or hold a sign as we try to rescue the innocent from slaughter (Prov. 24:10-12). Everyone wants to follow Jesus, till they find out where He's going. When we neglect or Bible reading and fail its principles, the enemy deceive us, adding enough truth to deception to get us off tract. When lambs are born, they don't know the shepherds voice but quickly learn to recognize and trust it. When other shepherds call, they only hear their master. When God speaks it should be natural for us to respond. "My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me." John 10:27 We are the body of Christ, we are His hands, His feet, His mouthpiece on the earth. Come this Saturday and reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. God bless you and keep you and thank you for all you do.... For the Least of These, We thank God for the prayers of the faithful saints. Babies were saved today and hearts were turned toward Jesus! Thirty prolifers thought more of others than themselves and got up early this morning and sacrificed their time and comfort for others. On this day before Mother's Day at least seven Moms are mothers of live babies instead of dead ones. Happy Mother's Day, what better gift is there than that? From what we know and saw: We also thank our Lord for Fr. deMayo who has been faithfully coming out to pray and reach out to the moms. He was the only clergy present today. The Calvary Youth group and their youth leader Kevin were among those praying this morning. They are a mighty testimony to their peers going into the death camp. The Bridgeport Police were on duty (Jose & Manny). God bless all of you that give in any way so babies and moms can have life. "Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9 For the Least of These, THE STREETS, BRIDGEPORT, CT - National Day of Prayer About 15 people gathered early this morning at Live Oaks School flagpole in Milford , CT for the National Day of Prayer. This is the fifth year the event was held here. The gathering was led by one of the school teachers, Janice Elyett. Those attending were ask to pray unashamedly and without reservation to our Lord and King, Jesus Christ. Jan started the prayer and was followed by Danny Carroll, the only man present (sad to say). The eldest attendee was Fran Zotti (79), who also prayed (without ceasing ) and the youngest was my nephew, little Daniel Eldredge (2). He is being trained in the way he should go. A few other saints spoke out in petitions and thankfulness to God. I saw one student present, which is another sad commentary of the spiritual awareness in our public schools. Some teachers, cafeteria workers, parents and neighbors were in the group. We all prayed for our city, our nation and our world. We prayed for the President and all those in authority. We prayed for the war in Iraq. We prayed for a spiritual awakening in America , before it is too late. We prayed against the grave sins of abortion, homosexuality and pornography. We believe by faith that the Lord did hear our prayers. He only needs a remnant to represent Him. We humbled ourselves and prayed and asked forgiveness for our wicked ways. We come expecting and believing by faith that God will do mighty things! In His Service, Marilyn Carroll "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful and pray for us too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ ..." Colossians 4:23 THE STREETS, BRIDGEPORT, CT - JERICHO MARCH Over 75 of Jesus' followers came out to the streets today to take part in our Jericho March. It was a huge success. The presence of the Lord was felt by all that were there. Pastor Miller, Pastor Greco, Pastor Martin and Fr deMayo were there to represent the clergy. The three police officers did a fine job for us (V. Rodrigues, Cintron). They escorted us around the block seven times. We had loads of children and babies there. It was a family event! Vinny brought the most beautiful banners from his church, Wendee got the helium tank and blew up the balloons and we had youth and flags from Calvary and other churches. Pastor Miller brought his wooden cross that lead off the march. We had the 10 Commandment tablets from Pastor Ed. We thank you all that made this event possible. We are believing God to do mighty things!'' While we were on the march John Reyes called from Dallas for a Spanish interpreter. I got Carmen on the phone with him and she was able to talk to two Hispanic parents going in to the mill there to kill their baby. They decided not to go in and we need to pray for them that they don't go back and that God will help the saints there to help them with their needs. After the march Pastor Ed told the audience that Pastor Miller and himself were available for prayer. Many were prayed for and had hands laid upon them for spiritual and physical needs. We believe God's word and stand on His promises. "I set before you life or death, blessing or curse. Choose life, then you and your descendants may live ..." Deuteronomy 30:19 We thank God for all of you that give to this ministry. We cannot do this alone. May our Lord richly bless you. I hope to see you all on Tuesday as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. We plan to be there .... until the killing stops! For the Least of These,
BRIDGEPORT, CT - God is Going Back to School - BASSICK High "I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:3-6 Twenty evangelists came out today to minister and witness to the students at Bassick High School about the truth. We had sign holders and literature distributors on the scene. Fr deMayo was there to represent the clergy of our community. We gave out a case (100) Passion Bibles and Bob had some Gideon Bibles that he passed out too. We gave out thousands of pieces of literature about the gospel, abortion, abstinence, STD's, etc. Nancy brought little 2-year old Daniel and he held his sign that said "adopted not aborted". We were able to give info to teachers and other passers by. A couple of adults did not like the signs but other than that the morning went great. We thank God for those that were willing to get up early and be out on the streets at 7am for a lost and needy generation. We explained to the kids that lots of their classmates come to the abortion clinic to kill their babies. They could not believe the horrible photos of abortion. Lots of them never imagined what abortion really was. One young man took my phone number because his girlfriend is pregnant. Please pray for these kids, that they would read their Bibles and the literature and take it to heart. Please join us on the streets again Friday where they kill little baby boys and little baby girls on 3787 Main St . We will be there till the killing stops. Saturday, 7:30am is our Jericho March with Pastor Ed Martin from Rescue America. Take a public stand in our community and join us in a silent prayer walk around the death camp as we believe God to end child sacrifice in our area. If Christians don't stand for this injustice, then who will? "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke For the Least of These, Twenty-two prolifers came out to intercede for the little boys and little girls that were sentenced to death. The police and the guard were on site. No deathscorts. From what we saw: TWENTY MOMS CAME TO KILL TODAY. The one that changed her mind took a video, a baby model, literature and booties for her baby. Please keep these moms in prayer. Fr deMayo was there to represent the clergy in our community. We need diapers size 2 and 6, wipes and a playpen for one of the moms. This is a photo of parents going into the mill. What a place to bring your kid to! Born and unborn. I want to remind you all that we are going to Bassick High Schoo l , Clinton St. Bpt. at 7am tomorrow (Wed. 4/28) to reach out to the students with gospel literature and Passion Bibles. Please join us. Friday is the clinic, they will be killing babies at 3787 Main Street . Come and save lives and souls. Saturday will be our Jericho March 7:30am with Pastor Ed Martin from Rescue Amercia. Come and stand for the children. Below is Pastor Ed's explanation of why we do a Jericho March and what the symbolism is. Please come. The walled city of Jericho was a stronghold that stood in the way of the Nation of Israel to possess the land. God commanded Joshua to walk around the city and truly believe that the walls would come down. Abortion is a stronghold in our cities, the blood of the innocent children pour out of this stronghold and flow down the streets of all our major cities, stopping at the doors of God's churches to cry for mercy and vengeance. In order to bring down the walls of the stronghold of abortion, we march around the mill seven times, symbolically, to bring down the stronghold of abortion. The last time around the mill we shout the victory and truly believe God will work a miracle and bring this evil to an end in our city. In Ocala , we have witnessed miracle after miracle when we are faithful to do the Jericho March. For the Least of These, Twenty prolifers came out today in obedience to our Lord's command in Proverbs 24:10-12 "If you faint in the day of adversity, Your strength is small. Deliver those who are drawn toward death, And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, "Surely we did not know this," Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? Moms and children, like Brenda and Brody above, come out to save Moms and children like the mom and son that came to visit us today. When she came here to abort, she was only 14 years old. Thank God they were persuaded not to kill their child and look at the beautiful boy that is now a citizen of Connecticut . His mom is doing well and getting honors in high school. She has the love and support of her parents, and thanks to you all that help with diapers and other needs. Here the mom is fifteen and the boy is one. One hundred years from now, It will not matter what kind of car you drove, What kind of house you lived in, How much money was in your bank account, or what your clothes looked like. But the world may be a little better because you were important in the life of child. Today we showed the guard and one of the dads, if you don't kill your baby, look what you will have. How many beautiful children have been killed here and throughout the nation and world in the name of abortion. Animals treat their babies better than humans do. Shame on us! TEN WOMEN CAME AT KILLING TIME. Ultrasounds save lives! Today and last Friday, couples that changed their minds, showed us ultrasounds that helped persuade them to save their children from death. Wesleyan deathscorts were here today. Both sides had videos going. Carmen mistook one of the males for a female. What is happening? Sometimes you can't even tell girls from guys nowadays! A lesbian couple drove by a few times and then parked down the street and walked purposely to come and harass us. Another lady stopped her car to tell us she does not like our signs, We don't like them either. God sees it all and we all have to face the judgment. Thank God for the Bridgeport Police, they don't put up with any nonsense from troublemakers. I often wonder why homosexuals care so much about the rights of women to kill their children when they cannot even conceive children. I just think its because they all serve the same master, and it's not Jesus. Please pray for Pastor Miller who is on a missionary trip in Central America with Pastor Pedro and a Gospel Light team. Please remember to pray each day for six days before the Jericho March on Saturday, May 1. Pastor Miller planned to have a team on site for this. We need layette items for new babies due soon and diapers size 6 and wipes. Thank you to all that help. The Lord sees your generosity and will bless you. I hope to see you all out on the streets this Friday and next Tuesday as we reach out to moms who find themselves where they should not be. Join with us in prayer that child sacrifice will stop soon in Bridgeport and our nation. John the Baptist and St. Stephen were martyred for presenting an unpopular message. Jesus stood up to receive Stephen (Acts 7:56 ) for his martyrdom. This is the only time recorded that Jesus stood up to receive someone. Tribulation and persecution are the food that helps Christians to grow and mature. For the Least of These, The abortuary at 3787 Main Street was surprisingly open today. It looks like Saturday is closed and next week Tuesday and Friday again . There were only four prolifers out. Nobody knew, we were notified this morning.There were no police, no deathscorts and no clergy. Just Carmen, 2 Stans and me. The abortionist arrived at 10:30 (MAB) in his red Porsche. From what we know: Eighteen came at killing time. Francis Shaeffer"Truth demands confrontation. And now we must ask where we as evangelicals, have been in the battle for truth and morality in our culture. Have we as evangelicals been on the front lines contending for the faith and confronting the moral breakdown over the last forty years? Have we even been aware that there is a battle going on? " This is a picture of a saved baby. We are in the 15th year of this ministry. Over 1250 babies have been spared. Over 350 have confessed Jesus as Lord and Savior. I thank all of you who have continued to fight the fight and are still standing strong. We cannot do this alone and we are in it for the long haul. (check out the WAA and OSA-CT archives on operationsaveamerica.org). In Judges today we learn from Jephthah that a person's background does not prevent him from working powerfully for our Lord. We must be people of our word, trustworthy and willing to take responsibility. Obedience is better than sacrifice. We need to be faithful in following God even if we don't see instant results, because it may be the beginning of an important job that God has for us. We continue to pray for our brave leaders Flip and Rusty and their crew as they continue to Walk Across America. Pray for Liz Thomas who is driving their now with her new baby and 7 of their children. Two are with Rusty. Congratulations to Flip! Today is his birthday! Plus he has a new granddaughter born a couple of weeks ago to Jason and Tori. I believe Allie Grace arrived on 3/26 weighing in at 9lbs. 4 oz. and 21" long. I'm sure she will be good friends with Rusty's new daughter Torah Grace who was born 3/21(Lori Benham's birthday) weighing in at 8 lbs. 15 oz. 21 1/2" long. Please stay prayerful that child killing will end soon in our community. Monday is our day of fasting. Hope to see you all on Tuesday as we reach out to those who find themselves where they should not be. We still need people for post abortion literature distribution 11am-12:30. Diapers needed sizes 1,2,6 and wipes and a potty chair.Thanks for all you do! For the Least of These, Today was rainy and damp. All the drops reminded me of the tears God must shed over the state of the planet Earth. How sad that He made all things so beautiful and made us to fellowship with Him, and look at the mess. I pray our Lord forgive us, have mercy on us and help us to bring righteousness back to our world. From what we saw today: ELEVEN CAME AT KILLING TIME. Please pray for all the moms that left. Pray that they will never return and keep the precious life that God has given them. Pray that they will follow the one true God, King Jesus. Our society worships false gods because of short term benefits, good feelings and easy rules. It is always harder to do the right thing. But the benefits are everlasting not temporary. But as we read in Judges 7 today God sorted through the people. He does not need a huge army, just the true believers. He weeds out true and false converts. After Gideon's army won the battle, he was blessed to live with his family for forty years of peace. Gideon learned that as he was faithful to God he was given more responsibility. God can and does use us in spite of our limitations and failures. Even after great spiritual progress we can fall into sin so we must be consistent in following God. God told Gideon " I will be with you." I hope to see you all out on the streets Saturday, as we try to persuade moms not to kill their children. How sad. Please fast and pray that our Lord will do mighty things through us. For the Least of These, THREE BABIES SAVED! Mother Theresa says, "It's a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish." Over 30 saints came out on this busy Holy Saturday to save lives and souls for Jesus. Police, one "deathscort" and the lot attendant were at the killing location. Today was an awesome day as we got to minister to many lost souls. One young lady 18 years old came out and changed her mind. She was crying and telling us how her mom died when she was 13 and the horrors she has lived through since then. This young black girl had a sweet spirit and was easy to minister to and pray with. Millie ran across the street to the drugstore to get her a huge Easter basket for her son. You would have thought we gave her a million dollars, she was so excited! I took her home and gave her some food and diapers out of my vehicle and a grocery store gift card. She is going to keep in touch with us and wants to go to church. We gave her booties to hold onto for her new baby growing in her womb. She needs a home to live in. This is the most prominent need right now, we have another girl that needs a home too, because her living situation is very crowded. Please let us know if you can help with this or have any info or resources on places available in Bridgeport. The second mom that changed her mind was 32 years old and Hispanic. After counseling with Carmen, Millie, Wendee and Lucy she was convinced she did not want to kill her child. Lucy and her sister Maria took her to breakfast and they know people to follow up with her in her church. PTL! another life snatched from the abortionist's knife! The third save was because a friend of a mom going in was brave enough to come out and go across the street to call the young woman's mom. The mom came and talked to her daughter to not kill their baby. Three babies saved on this Holy Saturday! what a better way to show our Lord and Savior Jesus how much we love Him. As we lay our lives down so others may live. God bless all of you who prayed today for this ministry, on the scene or at home. The prayers of the righteous availeth much. They are a sweet savor to our God and King. Three tiny children will be alive and well in their mommy's wombs this Easter because God's people came out to rescue the innocent from slaughter. Thank you Jesus! There is no better Easter Blessing than the lives of these three children spared. We thank Lady of Victory Church who collected hams, turkeys, food, diapers, toiletries and Easter candy for 20 needy families and 35 children. May our Lord bless them and Valerie Cosenza for their kindness. This is one of the saved babies blessed by your giving of time and substance. We wish you all a Happy Resurrection Sunday, may the peace of God live in you for all eternity. Check out our national website at www.operationsaveamerica.org You can read about Flip & Rusty's Walk Across America, Declaration of Tolerance in Milford , Ct and Street Reports from all over the nation. May our Lord and Savior richly bless you, I hope to see you all each Tuesday and Saturday at 3787 Main St where we reach out to the lost and needy -- who find themselves where they should not be! We plan to be there -- till the killing stops! For the Least of These, Over 20 saints came out to the streets today to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ that gives life! Police, "deathscorts" and the clinic lot attendant were on the scene. Pastor Miller represented the clergy and led us in prayer. From what we know and saw: EIGHT CAME TO ABORT. LORD, how long will the wicked, How long will the wicked triumph? They utter speech, and speak insolent things; All the workers of iniquity boast in themselves. They break in pieces Your people, O LORD, And afflict Your heritage. They slay the widow and the stranger, And murder the fatherless. "For their feet run to evil, And they make haste to shed blood." Proverbs 1:16 Please join us each Tuesday and Saturday as we reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be! We plan to be there ... till the killing stops! (Yes we will be there this Holy Saturday). For the Least of These, Today was a bitter sweet day on 3787 Main Street . The bitter part is: The sweet part is: This was the first mom at the door this morning. We got to talk to her for quite a while as she waited. She was the first to go in around 8 am and she came out around 9am . She had an ultra-sound and is having twins. She instantly connected with Carmen as soon as she heard her speak in Spanish. We all prayed for her and hugged and kissed her. We gave her food and Easter baskets for the two children she already has and Carmen gave her a ride home. Please pray for this mom, she is only 18 and has two kids born and two in utero. The father of the children is with her, thank God! I just talked to Flip, he is at the southern tip of Nevada and going North to Utah . He was telling me about the horse, Judgment. When we met this horse in February, he looked pretty run down. Now he has been revived with this new excursion he is on. When Flip is walking him on the roadway they go by many barns and farms. Every horse and animals run out to greet them. These horses probably wish they could do what Judgment is doing! At least 32 saints came out this rainy morning between the ages of 2 and 80. They came to pray and intercede for God's little ones sentenced to die. Pastor Dave and Pastor Ron were here to represent the clergy. The police, five "deathscorts" and the clinic "guard" were all there on the scene of the crimes. Police had to speak to a driver speeding in the lot and a ticket was given to a car illegally parked in the No Parking zone in front of the bakery. My two year old nephew, Daniel, came out to save lives too! Nancy wheels him around with a sign that says "I'm Adopted Not Aborted". We treated him to breakfast afterwards Pastor Ed Martin will be joining us from Florida to teach us and lead a Jericho March May 1, Saturday, at the mill. He is a Pastor of the streets and of unborn children. He is the pastor that writes the blue Rescue America newsletter we give out monthly. Put the date on your calendar. Bring flags and banners for the Jericho March. We will be having prayer six days prior around that block area, if you are interested let us know. I think Pastor Miller will be doing something with all of that. We thank God for Wendee and Brenda, our newest servants for the Lord. Wendee is an excellent sidewalk counselor and Brenda is training on video. I hope to see you all out on the streets every Tuesday and Saturday ... we will be there ... till the killing stops! We reach out to the lost and needy who find themselves where they should not be. For the Least of These, ARCHIVES