Abortionist Scott Spagnola-Hye lives in a gated community called “The Plantation at Leesburg.” This “plantation” home-owner rangs among those who owned and abused salves on their plantations just prior to the Civil War. Abortionists kill more black Americans than violent crimes, heart disease and aids. Everyday in America more black babies are killed by abortion than the KKK killed in its entire existence. Today this plantation owner wears a lab coat and a stethoscope around his neck. He still lives at the top of the food chain and he continues to believe that he has the power over life and death.
Hye was reminded today, July 20, 2011, that Jesus is the source of all the power in the universe and that one day he will stand before Him at the judgment seat. Operation Save America’s Neighborhood Alert Team leafleted his neighbors homes with flyers imploring them to adopt the abortionist in prayer while the Truth Team held signs on highway 27 outside the complex.
Imagine what it will be like for Scott Hye on judgment day if he doesn’t repent, and trust in Christ as his Lord. When he is called before the Lord there will a sea of people accusing him of murder! It’s a terrifying thought! Please keep abortionist Scott Spagnola-Hye in prayer. He needed and still needs to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and this week, we were honored to bring it to him.