Our God is an awesome God. ~ Flip

OSA-CT Street Report

August 2011 Stats for Bridgeport:
99 Babies were killed by surgical abortion (not counting medical and chemical abortions)
8 babies were spared
5 salvations (PTL! thank you Jesus! )

“The thief cometh not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10

This is a little boy, Jeremiah, saved at Planned Parenthood in New Haven. He has been given up for adoption to a Christian family! The most loving thing a mother can do when she feels she cannot handle another child is to give her baby to a loving family, instead of killing her baby in the womb at an abortion mill. I thank God that Jasmine did the right thing. Keep her in your prayers and all her other children. Evelyn, her mother, came to church with her three grandchildren.

Please pray for all the children that have been saved. Since 1990, 2162 babies have been saved that we know of and 396 salvations! God is so good to us to allow us to co-labor with him in His work. It is an honor and a privilege!


This is TJ. His mom was 14 years old when we met her at the Summit on Middle Street in 1992. We helped her make the decision to choose life for her son. We recently paid his expenses to get him to his college in Niagra, New York after he received a basketball scholarship. His grandmother raised him to be a fine young man. We are so proud of him. We sent him a study bible and he said he would read it everyday. Pray that God puts mature Christian friends in the dorm for him.


Here’s an updated picture of the twin girls, Megan and Morgan, born August 3rd with their sisters. Five beautiful girls, what a blessing!


We have an ideal situation in front of the abortion mill to pass out gospel literature and lead people to the Lord. Danny gives out hundreds of tracts weekly at this location and Wendee has done the same across the street . God is comical, he put a bus stop and a methadone clinic right near us. It is a harvest ground.


This is Brian, he is five years old, he is a saved baby. His mom brought him to come visit us on Saturday.

Every child is such a precious gift from God!

Please pray for the man in the picture above. He has been harassing us for a while driving by and beeping his horn and yelling out obscenities. This Friday he over did it and was arrested. The court date is Sept 22, please pray that justice will be done.

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23


HELP: We need a crib for Sharelle’s baby girl that was born in April, if you can help with this please let me know. Plus we would like to help Patricia find a rent to stay with her four grandchildren. Patricia is TJ’s grandma pictured above. She currently lives in Norwalk at a relatives house and they all sleep in one bedroom. If you know of any reasonable rents let us know ASAP.

Come join us every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday mornings from 8 AM- 10 AM as we reach out to moms that find themselves where they should not be. We will be there until the killing stops. The gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church. We are the Church. Jesus is our head and we are His body. We are His hands, his feet, his mouthpiece on the earth until he comes back. Just show up and see what God will do.

For the Least of These,
Marilyn Carroll
Carmen Vazquez