The saints in Connecticut continue the battle for the lives of preborn children and their mothers and fathers in the strong Name of Jesus.  Here are some small victories in the eyes of man but great victories in the eyes of Almighty God.



Marilyn, Carmen, and all the saints in Connecticut who have been faithfully living their faith out in the streets of Connecticut these past twenty-five years have some absolutely incredible stories of what God does when we simply show up at the gates of hell.  The abortion battle is being won in the streets every day.  Only those who are there and see the victories know it!



Sixteen gentle warriors from Connecticut made it to Rochester, New York, to lend their brothers and sisters a hand in bringing the Gospel of Christ to the streets of this once great city.  Rochester has been the home of several great Gospel revivals in years past and we pray that our visit there will be an encouragement to allow Almighty God to do it again.  We have heard from our leadership team in Rochester that the abortion mills were, as far as they could detect, shut down for our entire seven day visit.  Here’s the CT Newsletter! ~ Flip

Enjoy this very special newsletter from our good friends in Connecticut.

For those of you who do not know, Momma Zotti – Marilyn Carroll’s mom, just graduated from the Church Militant here on earth to the Church Triumphant in heaven in the early morning hours of June 1, 2013.  She was a great warrior for King Jesus and His precious preborn children.  Attached are some wonderful memories of her life by her son Mark and her grandson Anthony (with obituary).

I will simply say that whenever any of us were around Momma Zotti, she made us feel like we were the most important people in all the world.  Her life always pointed to Jesus.  She was gifted by God to do just that.  She was an encourager for all of us to run hard the race marked out before us.  She is now safe at home forever and a jubilant part of that Great Cloud of Witnesses.

Thank you Momma Zotti for a life well lived for Christ.

Good night for now – we will see you in the morning!


Faye and flip

As always, when the theology of heaven become biography in the streets God does exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or imagine. 

Enjoy this report in Jesus wonderful Name!  ~ Flip

We are looking forward to being with all the saints in Connecticut for the big wedding that will be taking place up there.  Kelley Vasquez and Isaac Yoder are going to be married March 9, 2013.  What a time this is going to be.  What a great God we serve!  What a wonderful idea marriage is for the blessing, protection, and procreation of mankind.  Aren’t you glad God is the designer of marriage and not man?

Me too!  Here’s the latest from CT!  ~ Flip

“Our country is in danger, but not to be despaired of.  Our enemies are numerous and powerful; but we have many friends determined to be free.  And heaven and earth will aid the resolution.  On you depend the fortunes of America.  You are to decide the important question, on which rest the happiness and liberty of millions yet unborn. Act worthy of yourselves.”   –Joseph Warren, Boston Massacre Oration, 1775

“If revival is being withheld from us it is because some idol remains still enthroned; because we still insist in placing our reliance in human schemes; because we still refuse to face the unchangeable truth that, ‘It is not by might, but by My Spirit.’” – Jonathan Goforth (February 10, 1859 – October 8, 1936, (Missionary to China)

Here’s the newsletter!  ~ Flip


Invitation to OSA National Event, July 24th -31st, Rochester,NY 

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:  Jerry Crawford and I are delighted to extend an invitation to you and yours to join us in contending for the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and for Life in Rochester, NY this July 24-31st. For forty years the American Church has wandered in the wilderness, seeing a rise of Godlessness and 55 million children destroyed as a result of the United States forsaking our Biblical heritage and foundations.  Yet the promise of Isaiah 60: 1-3 rings true.  “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.”

Could it be that OSA Rochester, NY will mark our passing through the Jordan and into the promised land of renewed hope, renewed righteousness and restoration?  Come and be a part of what God will do!  Rochester has been the site of historic revival during the C. G. Finney’s ministry in the mid 1800’s.  Rochester was a vital station on the Underground Railroad and the home of former slave, freedman, abolitionist leader, and Christian, Fredrick Douglass.  It’s time for the church to arise and contend again! It’s our turn now!

Mike Warren and Jerry Crawford, Rescue Rochester


Not only did they get a new bakery but they had two babies saved in January.  Here is their January report of what God does when His saints allow the theology of heaven to become biography in the streets of their cities.


This is a classic example of being very effective representing King Jesus in the streets of one’s city and storming the gates of hell (local abortion mills) giving abortion minded moms a real choice.  So many babies have been saved as a result of the work of these two very courageous moms.  Here is the devil’s back-handed attempt to intimidate them off of “his” streets.  It will never happen!

By the way, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof…”  Psalm 24:1.  The streets of our cities belong to God – not the devil!  Though he may counterclaim them in all of his malevolent usurpations – the devil’s tiny little gates cannot prevail against the mighty Church of Jesus Christ.  Marilyn Carroll and Michelle Wolven brilliantly represent this truth as they allow the theology of the church house to become biography in the streets of their cities.

You see, I know these two ladies as do most of you.  They are not like the politicians of our day.  They have found a cause and a Savior for which they are willing to suffer – they do it every day outside the abortion mills.  So many mothers in crisis pregnancy situations have given their hearts to Christ and chosen life for their babies.  So many clinic workers and security guards have given their hearts to Christ and found other employment.  God has used them powerfully as they have sacrificed to give moms a real choice at the abortion mill door. 

Yep!  You can expect the devil to hate every word they speak and the God they so lovingly serve.    

Enjoy this report from the very pit of hell from a group called “Voice for Choice.”    ~ Flip