This report just in from Rusty Thomas. Rusty has confirmed that the Planned Parenthood abortion mill on Columbus Avenue in Waco, Texas, has closed its doors for good. The moving trucks have moved all of the awful instruments of destruction off of the premises. This abortion mill has been the site of several Operation Rescue regional events and a continual Christian presence offered up by the saints in Waco. It is a day of rejoicing! The Thomas nation has been storming this manifestation of the gates of hell since 1994, and are now seeing the great working of Almighty God come to fruition. Abortion is no more in Waco, Texas – All praise be to King Jesus!
How does this happen? How is it that in 1991 there were well over 2,000 freestanding abortion mills in America, and today there are less than 700? The heart and mind of our nation is changing over the issue of abortion (child-killing). The Truth is exposing and overcoming this lie from the depths of hell. The theology from heaven is becoming biography in the streets through the lives of simple little Christians who carry graphic signs of aborted children and stand in the gap (at the gates of Hell – the local abortion mill) in the powerful Name of Jesus.
We are God’s answer to the abortion holocaust that is savaging our land. Well done saints in Waco. Though the city has often despised you, and the church has often told you that there is a better way to “Git er Done,” you “Got er done” in the strong Name of Jesus! ~ Flip
Dear Champion of the Lord and the Preborn,
He that is mighty has done a mighty thing. It is official! The local Planned Parenthood death camp in Waco, Texas has shut its doors. Last year they had four facilities spreading their lies and murder. Today, three are down and one to go. They have moved out of the facility that actually killed the babies and have downsized their operation to the Kate Ross Apt facility.
We do not know for sure if they will continue to slay the innocent at Kate Ross or just be a referral center. As soon as we discern their operations, we will make it known. For now, let us shout it from the rooftops, “Our God reigns. The gates of hell cannot prevail against the church of the living God!”