Last year we held our National Event inOrlando,Florida.  We faced huge obstacles, not the least of which was motel after motel telling us – No!  God brought us to a motel in the “hood.”  Exactly the right spot.  Close to all the abortion mills.  Close to Pastor Victor Morgan and our wonderful host church.  Close to the Orange County Jail where Casey Anthony was incarcerated and released.  Close to the Orange County Court House where the civil trial of abortionist James Pendergraft took place.  He was found guilty and given a 36 million dollar fine.  Talk about visualizing abortionists on trial – we were actually able to witness it.  We were right where God wanted us.  To God be the Glory!

The OSA Orlando event was a rock that, when thrown into the city ofOrlando, sent out Gospel shock waves that traveled far and wide.  Many of the folks working in the hotel gave their hearts to Christ.  Since last July, many who came to the Lord are now settled in home churches.  Pastor Victor Morgan, our host Pastor, is emerging as one of the preeminent leaders in the fight against abortion.  Abortionist James Pendergraft is under more criminal investigation and is in grave danger of losing his medical license permanently.  Abortionist Scott Hye (we visited him in his neighborhood last year) has announced that he will cease child-killing when his contract expires June 5.  John Barros, the faithful sidewalk counselor who confronted Scott with the claims of Christ day after day, continues to witness to him to get right with Jesus.

When the theology of heaven becomes biography in the streets all hell breaks loose and all heaven comes down.  God is just looking for an excuse to show up.  Will you give Him one in Charlotte, July 21-28?

See you at the gates,
