Hello there,
I am a resident of Jackson Hole Wyoming. Although I do not live in the town of Jackson, I live in the area of Jackson Hole. I am happy that you have chosen to stand up for the aborted babies and make a stance.
I wanted to try to stop and visit with you all a bit however, on my only trip through town during your visit to JH I was short of time. I do want to tell you that I think you are wrong when you say that Dr. Blue is the only abortionist in Wyoming. My daughter-in-law worked at an OB/GYN in Jackson and they also perform “the procedure” up to a certain amount of weeks into the pregnancy. My guess is that if this other OB/GYN does this then there may be others in JH as well as many throughout the state of Wyoming. Especially in larger cities such as Casper and Cheyenne. I don’t know how you would find out about those…but it’s food for thought.
Thank you for speaking truth in our community.
Flip’s Response:
Dear Karen,
Thank you so very much for your encouragement. It is all the more precious when it comes from a heart that hungers after truth. We will never end all abortion in the state of Wyoming any more than we will end all sin in the world. Jesus came to save the whole world, but not everyone in the world is saved.
We have no doubt that there are others who do abortions (back alley) in Wyoming. Sin will always be with us wherever we are on this earth. If there are women who get pregnant, there will be those more than willing to be the devil’s “useful idiots” and kill their children for their own profit. This is the reality of living in a sin sick world where the “world, the flesh, and the devil” are having their way in rebellion against Almighty God.
God’s answer to this dilemma (sin) is Jesus. He is the only One who can Save us from sin. Jesus lived a life in perfect obedience to His Father. He was, is, and forever will be sinless. Yet He paid the ultimate price for sin (the wages of sin is death), not for Himself but for us. “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13. He bore my sin and yours on that old rugged cross that you and I might live for Him and tell the whole world that there is an answer for sin – Jesus!
“God made Him who knew no sin to become sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21.
Brent Blue is the only advertising, practicing, owner of a free standing abortion mill in the state of Wyoming. He is very public and proud about murdering the most defenseless among us. Brent has no concern over God’s precious preborn children who have “no voice” (unless we give them one) and “no choice” as to whether they live or die. No one else in Wyoming does what Brent does.
It is the exposing of Brent Blue’s greed and sin that has so upset the fine folks in Jackson Hole. Why? Because it exposes the sin of Jackson Hole. Never mind that Brent is actually killing children, just don’t tell us about it and get that sign out of our face. Unfortunately, this response has been called by God’s “church” in Jackson, “Compassion, Civility, and Love.” God calls it hate! “Do not hate your brother in your heart. Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in his guilt.” Leviticus 19:17.
It is therefore up to us then, who know the truth about the value of life and the preborn child, to be a voice for those who have no voice and are being led away to the slaughter (Proverbs 24: 11-12). It is up to us to expose the sin of Brent Blue and of the city of Jackson, because the church won’t. If we love our neighbor we must confront him in his sin that he might repent and turn to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. It is love that brought us to Jackson, Wyoming. It is love for Brent Blue, love for the babies he murders, love for the moms and dads he rips off, and love for you that we come to your city.
Since God’s “church” in Jackson will not “make itself of no reputation” and stand in the gap for Brent, these preborn children, or their mothers and fathers – we must!
When Brent Blue stops killing children, Wyoming has the opportunity to become the first abortion free state in America. That does not mean that there will be no abortions done in Wyoming. Mothers and fathers in sin can always find some pathetic doctor or nurse to kill their child if that is their desire. But Wyoming will be, as far as it is up to her – abortion free!
God bless you Karen,