By now, most of you are aware of what our family is facing. We deeply appreciate the outpouring of love and prayers for Jeremiah. They are deeply appreciated.

Just so you know our stand as a family. We have dedicated all of our children to the Lord. We have set them apart to love, serve, and obey God. All of them belong to God and obviously He is within His divine right to take them as He so decrees. We are just stewards of their lives for a time.

In laying that foundation, be it known to the Devil, he will not steal the life of my son. This is war and we are going to fight it with all the faith, love, and hope God has blessed us with.

We know God’s calling and anointing is upon our son. The Lord has deposited much in our young righteous warrior of the King. And though I may not possess the full mind of Christ in this situation, it is highly unlikely that God would pour into my son so much and now allow him to die.

If I am wrong in my assessment, so be it. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD!!!