Here is an update on our son. With God all things are possible! Thanks for all your prayers, love, and support. Here is Jeremiah’s prayer and response. Gotta love this kid!

Just gonna let you guys know that I’m going through the spinal surgery around 7-8 o’clock! I’m ready to take this thing on and take this thing out in the mighty name of Jesus! I’m so thankful for everyone’s prayers and support! It means the world to me and my family! God bless you all! Let’s do this the thing!

“Definitely the underdog here,” was how Jeremiah’s oncologist described his cancer. “Got to fight harder.” Preliminary pathology suggests that it is Osteoblastic Osteosarcoma, a cancer resistant to radiation.

Yesterday’s MRI revealed two tumors on Jeremiah’s spine, between zones T6 and T7. Picture a pair of hands pressing together, crushing his nerve endings. These tumors are in addition to the one in his chest.

Without surgery, the tumors will cause Jeremiah to be permanently paralyzed from the waist down. With surgery, there is a still risk of paralysis because of the location of the tumors. Finally, following a successful surgery there is no guarantee that Jeremiah will regain the mobility he’s lost.

This is not the news we wanted.

The neurosurgeon explained that this type of surgery has a range of outcomes. Some patients regain the former use of their legs. Others do not. The goal of the surgery is to stop further paralysis.

Following the surgery, Jeremiah will then face the monster of cancer. He still has the tumor in his chest and two spots on his lungs. We are still waiting on the full biopsy results.

We are crushed. But God is good. And it is to Him, the Lord of Lords, that Jeremiah is turning.

As Rusty explained to the oncologist, “With God all things are possible.”

“Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible’ (Matthew 19:26).