Today Jeremiah walked today with a walker and took a shower. He is a new man.
Tomorrow, we should get the results of the biopsy. And though we are completely relying on the Great Physicians for the miracle we need, there are practical steps that need to be taken.
At first, we were looking to go to St. Jude in Memphis. Since then, so many wonderful people have offered advice ranging from traditional to non-traditional means to treat his ailment. It could be a little overwhelming, but we appreciate the concern, prayers, and support.
Today, I think we made an initial decision of direction. There is a place in Tijuana that specializes in thermos therapy. They first cleanse the system of all the junk, feed his system with serious nutritional foods to boost the immune system. Afterwards, they do a treatment called thermos therapy. Apparently, cancer cannot survive above the temperature of 106 degrees. The treatment goes a little beyond that degree to beat back the cancer and then the renewed immune system wipes it out.
There have been good results from this treatment. So, God willing, we plan on setting up a base of operation in Scottsdale, AR. from there we will transport Jeremiah back and forth from Tijuana for this treatment.
Please keep Jeremiah and our plans in prayer. we make our plans, but God directs our steps. May we see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.