Ben Shapiro just shared this incredible article from daily wire. The movement is growing and the pressure is mounting to end the holocaust in the Lone Star state. May God be pleased to spread It to other states to liberate our nation from blood guiltiness in Jesus’ name.
Pastor  Matt Trewhella stated, “Got Jeremiah’s video of talking with Governor Abbott out more ways today. I think this little video is doing more to introduce – in a solid heartfelt way – interposition/abolition to people at a popular level, then all the stuff we have done over the last 4 years. It is amazing. May Christ be praised!”
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Promises Dying Teen To Outlaw Abortion “Your wish is granted”
Texas Governor Greg Abbott holds a roundtable discussion with victims, family, and friends affected by the Santa Fe, Texas school shooting at the state capital on May 24, 2018 in Austin, Texas.
Drew Anthony Smith / Stringer / Getty Images
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has promised a teen he will grant his dying wish: “Outlaw abortion altogether in the state of Texas.”
Teen cancer patient Jeremiah Thomas had one wish before he died and thanks to the “Make a Wish” foundation, he offered that wish to the pro-life governor of Texas. His request: treat abortion “like an act of murder.”
“For my wish, I wanted to talk to you and discuss a bill of abolition [to end abortion],” said Jeremiah as he cited a poll showing 68% of Texans want the barbaric practice abolished.
“Sir, you would be representing the demands of Texans if you would pass this bill,” Jeremiah continued. “We could end abortion here and now.”
Abbott received Jeremiah’s wish and promised him via video that he will grant him such an incredibly unselfish wish.
“Your wish is on the Republican party platform position,” Governor Abbott said, “and we’re going to be pursuing this…And that is to outlaw abortion altogether in the state of Texas.”
“So, your wish is granted,” he added.
According to  LifeSiteNews, the 16-year-old Jeremiah Thomas was an “all-star, state champion athlete when he was diagnosed with cancer in March 2018.” He has much experience with the pro-life movement considering that his father, Rusty, serves as the director for Operation Save America (formerly known as Operation Rescue).
“Jeremiah was diagnosed with osteoblastic osteosarcoma, a bone cancer that is resistant to radiation therapy,” reports LifeSite. “The boy had two tumors on his spine and one on his chest. The cancer progressed, defeating treatment. Jeremiah has now become paralyzed from the waist down and is in constant pain.”
May God grant Jeremiah his wish.