Please pray for Jeremiah. Yes, we still covet you prayers for his full recovery, but also he has been contacted by the largest “pro-life” university student organization in Italy. They are asking him 5 critical questions on how Italy led by the youth can abolish abortion in their nation.

Pray God grants Jeremiah revelation, prophetic insight, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in presenting the self-evident truth that the naysayers will not be able to resist nor refute in Jesus’ name!

The Gentle Revolution is spreading. It is literally touching and influencing the nations of the earth. If you want to be a part of this movement, please make plans to join Operation Save America to Lead Justice to Victory in Indianapolis, IN from July 14-21st.

There you will be equipped, trained, discipled, mentored, and given important on the job training to fulfill the Great Commission in America by ending the American holocaust in Jesus’ name!

We have this widow of opportunity. God forbid we fail in our duty to plead the case of the fatherless to WIN IT!